Fatal Shot

Chapter 1048: Digital cat awakens!

Never sleep, the Terminator research base.

After the wind fell back to the city that never sleeps, I didn't go directly to the two masters np, but first went to the digital cat, a master player here.

Because the digital cat who also received the agent's mission information sent him a message, let him go to the test site No. 1 of the research base.

What will happen?

The wind fell in the heart with curiosity. After verifying the identity, the alloy smart door in front of the secret test field rose from the bottom.


After the door was opened, the wind fell to the side of the test field and immediately turned the head to the side.


A deafening percussion sound, half a foot long, with a bluish-shaped silver-shaped flying blade, fluttering over the edge of his ear.

Heavy on the memory metal wall of the test field!


Next, the continuous sound continued.

Five identical silver-light blue "flying blades" that are comparable in length to the spurs, shot again and again in the direction of the first and second.

The speed is not even inferior to the bullet!


However, there is a fluctuation in the force around the body.

Then the figure just moved one step to the left, and the direction of the five silver flying-blade shots all shifted slightly, rubbing his body and nailing it to the wall at a slight angle.


After avoiding the six consecutive "flying blades", the palm of the wind fell to the front, and the five fingers opened.

Compared with the six heavy flying blades, the volume is very small, completely inconspicuous, but it is a silvery pointed cone "bullet" that flies toward his heart, and he grabs it directly.


The bullet, also captured in blue, was spinning rapidly in the palm of his hand.

However, it seems to be restricted by an invisible force field, unable to hit the body of the wind, and finally the blue light above is extinguished and falls into his palm.


However, a silver figure with a blue light has already rushed toward him at a high speed.


At this time, the sound of the digital cat sounded.


Already rushed to the t-1000 in front of the wind, the blue light on the silver metal surface faded, and the hands that had been deformed into two silver blades re-formed into the arm shape.

"Have you fixed it?"

The wind fell silently on his own "attack", but he was surprised and looked towards the digital catwalk in the closed training ground.

"Are you really a player?"

"I originally thought that this round of sudden attacks would definitely be able to hit you by surprise. Maybe it will make you the first master very embarrassed."

"However, the result is to make me wonder if this t-1000 is a broken version?"

The digital cat's face was also astonished, looking at the silver bullets with his fingers, and turned into a silvery liquid that blended into the t-1000.

"The attack power of the t-1000 is not very strong, and there are still some gaps compared to the average quasi-boss."

The wind fell brightly with joy, and looked at it quietly standing next to it, with a cold-skinned female appearance of the t-1000.

"Even if this is the case, you have to deal with it too easily?"

The digital cat shook his head, his face was not very nice, with some loss.

Obviously, this result is a little different from what she originally thought.

Although the t-1000 does have some gaps in attack power compared to the average level of the same boss, it is definitely the ability to kill the average player. Even if it is the top player of the full set of legendary equipment, it is difficult to live under the previous attack. Come down.

However, today's winds are certainly not included.

If the wind falls, it is impossible to "kill" this t-1000.

However, if the t-1000 wants to kill him, there is not much chance, unless it is entangled for a long time, it is possible to consume his original power.

"Can the t-1000 be copied?"

The wind did not continue this topic, but asked the t-1000.

In the last mission, the wind brought the wreck of the t-1000 to the pickup.

Originally thought that the infected area will be found by the military, and then, perhaps, this can be used as an opportunity to enter the "Terminator" plot line.

However, I did not expect to return to the city that never sleeps for a month. It is expected that the Chinese military has never found a door.

This situation is undoubtedly very strange.

However, for digital cats, this is undoubtedly a very hopeful thing.

In fact, on the third day after the wind brought the t-1000 back, she could not help but start to study the "wreck" of the t-1000.

"There is no way to imitate, the material of this liquid metal is too special, and the intermediate use needs to use some extraterrestrial matter that the planet does not have at all."

The digital cat shook his head and wiped out the idea of ​​falling.

"This is actually the case...that is to say t-1000, in fact, is it necessary to wait until the Star Ages to open things?"

The wind fell on the road.

This is no doubt, not a good news.

If the t-1000 can be mass-produced, then the city that never wants to press the world under the simulation robot is definitely not possible in a short time.

"The t-1000 you brought back is not damaged, only the energy is exhausted."

"I have found a way to replenish energy in the t-x liquid energy core that you brought back. And the control program has been modified and rewritten."

"This thing was just completed yesterday."

The digital cat said.

"And just happened, I received this agent's mission information today!"

"Well... what do you mean, do you want to bring the t-1000 to this mission?"

The wind fell into the air.

"Yes, the t-1000's combat power is very strong, and it has physical properties that cannot be destroyed. Plus it is a special mechanical unit. In this mission of invading the base, it can definitely help a lot."

"With it, the success rate of our mission has increased by at least 24.6%!"

Digital cats, a rare percentage of the number that used to develop habits.

"Well, if you are right, then take it."

"It just happens to be responsible for protecting you. As for the failure of the mission, the t-1000 is lost. There is no need to worry about this situation... I have a solution."

The wind fell and nodded.

If it was before, he would generally not agree.

Because the simulation robot can't be loaded into the backpack, if the mission fails, it will be lost directly.

However, this time the wind fell, but I am not worried about this.

Because 24k has evolved into a super boss and gained a super new ability!

"Since the liquid metal can't be copied, let's just take the t-x. You haven't made a test article with t-x yet!"

“Speaking of the fact that t-x requires less liquid metal, we may be able to make several t-xs using t-1000 liquid metal.”

Even the wind fell so that the digital cat simply brought the t-x.

"No, in the smart core of t-x, there are a lot of hidden information that has not been cracked, and it has very important research value.

"I can take a t-900 in the past."

The digital cat shook his head.

"t-900, have you passed the assessment?"

The wind fell again and there was some surprise on the face.

"After half a month, the first one passed the assessment, and it seems that it is still the only one. However, the t-900 is still in the trial stage and has not reached the level of mass production."

The digital cat said.

"It is enough. In this way, we are bound to be able to take the lead in the high-end simulation humanoid mechs with the World Group."

"It's a pity that the minimum requirement for the t-900 series also needs 60. At present, the number of people reaching this level in the game is still too small, otherwise it will definitely occupy the majority of advanced players in the market."

The wind fell and I was happy, and I was somewhat sorry.

"Well, wait, the t-900 needs a level of 70, even a master's mech division, it takes 60. You have reached level 60?"

When it comes to this, the wind suddenly wakes up to a problem.

"I was close to the Force two months ago..."

The digital cat is simple and concise.


The wind fell slightly.

As a "captain" and boss, he did not even pay attention to the awakening of the "team members" and "employees".

I have to say that this hand-handling cabinet is too professional.

Of course, mainly, he has been isolated in the laboratory for a long time.

The wind does not ask the kind of force that the digital cat awakens. In the eyes of many players, the type of Force is the same as the talent, which belongs to the privacy of the individual.

Of course, in today's windy eyes, the type of force that can be completely possessed is incomparable to the unique talent.

“I am awakened by a sensory force that can feel objects within a certain range. For the internal structure of mechanical units, the level of perception is more pronounced!”

However, the wind did not ask, but the digital cat was actively speaking.

"Is it a sensory force?"

"Well, this type is good. For you, the possibility of surviving in this mission is greatly increased!"

The wind fell and nodded.

The ability of a digital cat is somewhat similar to the talent of the night.

In fact, it is indeed similar. It is actually a kind of application skill involving the "original force field". The wind falls in this training, which happens to be a special study of this aspect.

Now, he can even feel the bullets fired by a person five hundred meters away, and then evade or block in an instant.

This is actually the previous mission on the Devil's Triangle Island. The pirate leader "Eagle Eye" was able to react to the moment they attacked and seized the bullet.

Of course, with the power of digital cats, you should not be able to perceive such a long distance.

Because this sensory skill is not only related to the use of the Force, but also involves the intensity of mental power.

However, as long as the digital cat wakes up the Force, it is enough!

"Well, there are t-1000 and t-900 protections. If you apply for a logistics-related position, you should have no problem."

"This time the mission is seen from the battle. As long as it passes, the reward is absolutely very high."

The wind fell on the digital catwalk.

The difficulty of this mission is absolutely very large.

For the wind, the difficulty is even bigger than others.

Because, in his agreement with the digital cat, he needs to help the digital cat to complete the task in this team task.

Originally, the digital cat was not good at fighting at all, and the blood volume and defense were not high. It was absolutely necessary to consume a lot of energy to protect her.

But now, you don't need to worry too much.

The digital cat who awakened the Force, can be compared to a master player with a weaker combat power, and the blood volume is greatly increased.

In addition, the combat power is comparable to the command-level t-900 and the quasi-boss-level t-1000 to protect, even if the boss should be able to escape at an organic rate.

In this way, the final problem is solved.

This time the mission, there is no worries!

It’s time to show the results of this period of time.

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