Fatal Shot

Chapter 1049: Sniper's future

"Welcome to the arrival, Qinglong Lieutenant!"

After being authenticated, the wind entered the secret door of the hidden location of the special agent department arranged by this mission.

"Ha ha ha, Laozi finally awakened the original force, and this next brother is also a master."

After he entered the door, he just walked to hide all kinds of defensive weapons. Once the non-identified personnel entered, they would be smashed into the channel of slag, and they heard a burst of excitement and wretched voice in their ears. .

"Old wind, you are finally here."

"Hey! Come, you can hit me soon, let you see my power!"

When the wind fell into the door, I was looking at the big pineapple that couldn’t help but look at his eyes, and shouted at him triumphantly.

"Are you awakening the Force?"

The wind fell quite unexpectedly as the big pineapple, whose face almost laughed.

As a special agent, the original force guiding chip on the big pineapple has actually reacted a few months ago.

But his luck was not so good, his progress has been stuck at 99%, and he has never been awakened, which undoubtedly mad at him.

But there is no way, because there are too many people like this in the game. If you wake up the original force, it will not be so close to 200,000 people.

"The demand for the improvement of my original force is simply a pit, and I want to ‘挨揍’, and I’m still stunned by the players.”

"And the most pit is tm, the final completion of the awakening of the hidden, even to be the master of the original force. I know that this is the case, I will let you or the Phoenix give you a meal, I also have the opportunity to fight for the top hundred!"

After the big pineapple is proud, it is a bitter heart.

"This awakening condition...is really awesome, you are a bit unlucky for the big pineapple predecessor..."

A gentle female voice rang.

Those who have already arrived at the meeting place, in addition to the big pineapple, also have the No. 88 heavy armor named "Thunder" and the female doctor 222 codenamed "Angel".

Just now, the big pineapple is testing each other's "defense power" with the 88th heavy armor warrior who has long awakened the Force.

As a result, the system prompts the system suddenly.

"However, the old wind, I am not bragging. My original force attribute is very strong, it is estimated that you will not be able to hit four-digit damage with the eyes of death!"

Subsequently, the big pineapple was once again on the wind.

"you sure?"

The wind fell originally did not understand.

How did this kid behave so confidently today, and also raised such a wonderful request?

However, I think I can understand it when I think about it. This kid wants to show it in front of a new person.

Among the five people who changed jobs last night, the night and the little fat man joined the city that never sleeps. Nowadays, they are very familiar with the big pineapple, especially the little fat man, and the reason why the big pineapple is the same as the "financial fan", the relationship between the two is very good.

However, the heavy armor and the female doctor were the first time the big pineapple saw it.

"Well? It seems that it is not only this way..."

The wind fell carefully and found that the expression of the big pineapple was a bit strange.

Although it seems to be talking to the wind.

However, his eyes were secretly aimed at the female doctor "Angel" who stood quietly after greeting the wind, and there was a little redness behind the ear.

Although this red is not understood by his dark skin, the perception of the wind is now fully discoverable.

This is not like seeing female players like to sneak in on weekdays, and some unscrupulous big pineapples will appear.

"Oh... no, this kid..."

The wind fell silently.

The female doctor player codenamed "Angel" has a very delicate and fair skin. Although it is not as good as a phoenix, the slightly petite figure is another style.

This estimate also explains why he had thought of discussing with the heavy armor before, and finally broke out and awakened the Force.

Well, because the season is up.

"But, are you serious?"

The wind fell on a big pineapple with a confident expression, and the expression was very weird.

He is thinking at this time, he should not, and play with the big pineapple. Just use, three points of strength?

still is……

"Haha, of course. Despite the test, I don't open the shield, and I don't use the original skills of the armor!"

A confident expression of the big pineapple, the eyes continue to aim at the reaction of the angel doctor mm.

"That's good, you are ready, I am coming!"

The wind fell and smiled, and the left hand turned around on the wrist of the right hand to make a warm-up look.

"You are despite..."

The big pineapple screamed, and there was a fluctuation in the force in the body. The feeling of the whole person suddenly became a bit taller.


Two black figures that almost formed an afterimage, crossed the field of "Thunder" and "Angel".

However, one is toward the front and the other is backwards backwards!


Then, when the visual afterimage in the eyes disappeared, the violent impact sound seemed to be introduced into the ears of the two men watching the battle.


The body of the big pineapple is stretched out, showing a "Tai" shape on the back wall, and a large yellow weak point damage value appears on the head.

"This...not scientific...wow..."

The big pineapple stuck to the wall fell to the ground, and Zhang mouth said four words, and spit out a blood.

"-500, -500, -500..."

Because, his head is still popping up, and the value of continuous blood loss that appears to be "injured" in the internal organs.

The confidence of the big pineapple is actually not blind. When he awakens the original force, he is naturally also an "awakening" enhancement of talent.

Nowadays, his s-level talent "reloading" defense is not limited to physical aspects, even energy resistance has reached a very high level.

The most important thing is to add extra defensive ability to his defensive ability, and with this physical defense of his body, he has reached the "a class" legendary armor.

In theory, non-epic-level equipment-level attacks can't break his defense!

The wind is falling, but it is a complete punch. This is tm too unscientific.

"Oh, it’s a little harder, the hand is a little painful!"

The wind fell and smiled and smashed his hand. The black cloak covered by the storm armor was automatically dissipated.

Cracking the solace, able to "crack" can be more than just the physical level of the target, but also the original force field!

The confidence of Big Pineapple is actually not wrong.

With his current attributes, even if the wind falls in the eyes of the **** of death to destroy the solitude, it is estimated that it is impossible to break his defense.

This is also the reason why the Force Awakens, the most powerful for the warrior players.

Warrior players who have mastered the defensive force, can easily resist the attack of long-range players with the alloy armor, and even the legendary sniper rifle is difficult to play.

In fact, the last seven players on the Devil's Triangle Island slammed the sneak attack, but the pirate leader avoided six and even grabbed the seventh bullet.

The wind has noticed this problem.

The Force Field has a certain degree and can directly perceive bullets shot from 500 meters or even kilometers. This is undoubtedly a "nightmare" for snipers.

The wind is a special part of itself, because the first "destruction" can destroy the original force, and now has a further "cracking" solitude, so that it can always maintain the strength of the sniper target "second kill".

However, apart from him, even the top snipers are facing this problem. This version of the Force is really unfriendly to the snipers.

Of course, the awakening of the Force is not useless for the sniper!

Taking the wind as an example, he used his legendary jewelry to display the original force field, which can speed up the initial speed of the sniper bullet to nearly three times.

Although the faster the bullet is subjected to the higher resistance because of the faster speed, the speed attenuation will increase, but when it reaches the range limit, the speed will be twice as fast as the original sniper bullet.

Such a speed, even if it is perceived that the original force wants to completely evade, it is extremely difficult, even the eyes can not guarantee.

Moreover, according to the attribute attack of the physical attack affected by the speed, the lethality of the bullet naturally increases in the same way, with the appropriate b-class bullet, in the case that the opponent does not open the defense force, except for the heavy armor All are able to "smash"!

In addition, although the defensive type of force can block the bullets, no one can open the defense force at any time, which is not enough.

It also means that sniper players are not without the chance to kill the target.

Instead, in a sense, this opportunity has increased.

In particular, there is also a force technique called "hiding."

Therefore, the wind feels that the sniper's future path should be truly returning to the sniper's initial position.

The camouflage figure quietly crouched, seized the opportunity on the battlefield, a shot deadly.

Well, of course he doesn't need to do this, who told him to have "cracking" geek!


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