Fatal Shot

Chapter 1050: 24K solitude attribute

"Cough, cough... old wind, you don't give me face too much."

The big pineapple that got up from the ground after coughing up and feeling blood was very hurt.

The physical injury is nothing, and an agent nano-therapeutic agent can be recovered, but it is psychologically serious.

It’s hard to wake up, confidence bursts, and you have to show it in front of the newcomer mm, and the result is blown away by the wind.

Speaking of it, the last time the wind fell after the Force awakened to find him to test, he was also flying, but then it was a kick!

Moreover, twice because of the effect of the original force attack, the chest is still suffering from "internal injury"!

The heart of the big pineapple was indeed injured, and I decided not to look for the wind again.

Look again, it is the bastard!

"Hey, hey..."

From the shoulders of the wind, a golden little head emerged, and the small eyes of the soybeans screamed twice at the big pineapple.

"Hey, old wind, how do you bring 24k in. Isn't this place not allowed to bring pets?"

The attention of the big pineapple was transferred by 24k, and the complexion was strange.

Entering this secret agent rendezvous point is to be scanned, no matter whether it is a pet or a mechanical unit such as t-1000.

How did 24k come in, they didn't notice the existence of 24k before.

"Not that I brought it in, it came in by itself..."

The wind fell a smile, not explained in detail.

"24k, come to my sister!"

The angel on one side slammed his face, hurriedly took out an energy spar from his backpack and put it in the palm of his hand to "seduce" 24k.

No way, among the female players today, the reputation of 24k is even bigger than the wind.

Although it is a "bug", almost no female players will think it is not cute.


The head of 24k turned around and found that after only one silver crystal, one piece was not very appetizing.

However, afterwards, his paw patted his stomach. It seemed that he was really hungry because he saw the energy spar.

Therefore, one of the two eyes first appeared a golden light, and then a volcanic wave appeared, in front of it, constructed a black hole about the size of the bowl.


24k patted the wings and jumped in.

Then, after about two or three seconds, 24k flew out of the hole, and there was already a sneak crystal in his claws that was not much smaller than himself.

“Hey? Old wind, 24k open wormhole, can you store food?”

I saw the action of 24k, which was done in front of the three people in the house.

Seeing 24k holding the crystal of the secluded crystal, the angel turned his eyes into a heart shape, while the big pineapple asked some curiously.

“It’s not storage, it’s transportation. The wormhole is a connecting space channel, not a miniature space like a backpack in a game.”

A voice has sounded and the digital cat has arrived.

Wearing the eyes of the agent glasses, staring intently at the black hole that has not disappeared before the 24k, the expression is thoughtful.

"Oh, cat mm hasn't seen you for a long time, you have become more beautiful!"

Seeing the digital cat, the big pineapple was suddenly committed, and some of the nozzles slid.

However, the digital cat did not care about him, but looked back at the wind...

The sensory force she possessed, just directly through the wormhole, saw some of the things inside, which shocked her heart.

The reaction of the digital cat makes the wind fall in the eyes, and I have to admit that her observation is very outstanding, and she has seen some clues.

After 24k evolved into a super **, the basic attributes did not actually increase much, but many skills have changed.

However, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the 24k singer gets an attribute like his ecstasy.

Moreover, it is a property "space" that sounds very powerful!

Space, which is one of the most powerful nouns in many film and television works, at least from the feeling of "destruction" solitude must be tall.

Although the wind has fallen to the present, the difference between the solitude and the force is still not very clear.

As for whether the solstice property is also like the original force attribute, it is not certain that it belongs to all of them.

However, the ecstasy after 24k awakening is indeed in no way inferior to his "cracking" ecstasy.

The most representative is the 24k original skill, which became after it was upgraded!

The original "wormhole pseudo" skills, in fact, really differ from the wormholes that are scientifically stated.

Because it can only let the beetle arms and the zerg pass, even 24k can not enter.

However, the current "super wormhole" is different, just like a real wormhole, allowing the transfer of any substance.

Of course, the transmitted things must be completely wrapped by the 24k solitude to be able to transmit. Otherwise, the things coming out from the other side of the wormhole will not be the original form.

This is also the reason why the digital cat did not care about the t-1000 before the wind fell.

Big deal, when in danger, let 24k throw the t-1000 into the Zerg base through the wormhole.

However, this super wormhole is not completely unrestricted.

First, because the transmission of things needs to be completely wrapped by "space solitude", and the farther the transmission distance is, the more geeks are consumed.

Therefore, if the volume of the transmission is too large and the quiescent energy to be consumed exceeds the 24k output "power", then it cannot be transmitted.

Secondly, although the position where the wormhole is opened will automatically appear in the medium with a relatively thin density of air, it is like the legendary "space transmission" failure, and it is generally not the case that the thing is directly stuck in the concrete. Will appear.

However, because the environment above the planet is complex, the distance traveled cannot be too far.

In addition, the most limited use of a Zerg network linked to the Psychic network to "locate", to detect the environment, to avoid being transmitted to the sea or cliff location.

Although the wind fell on it, there was no bug.

However, he himself is also able to link to the Zerg network, so he also satisfies the positioning conditions.

Just now, 24k came in by using his positioning to open the "wormhole", just because the wormhole was behind him, and several people did not see it.

"This wormhole, can you..."

The digital cat asked as the wind fell.

Her words are only halfway through, and the rest of the words are not said.

But the wind fell to understand what she was thinking about, is the 24k "wormhole", can it transmit players?

This question, whether it can or not, has a difference between the two.

If you can transfer players, then its value will be amazing!

Anyone present, just need a head turn, you can think of dozens of benefits with the "transfer" feature.

Don't say anything else, this is the mission. If you can have the "transfer" function, then the difficulty of entering the umbrella company's base is far easier than you think.

Yes, still can't?

Promise, of course, can!

The wind fell back to the city yesterday. In fact, it did not take the aircraft at all. Instead, it directly used the 24k reconnaissance beetle that was left in the room of the city that never sleeps.

In addition, in these days, the level of the Zerg base has quickly reached level 50.

The reason why the upgrade speed has become so fast, of course, is because 24k passed the wormhole in these days, and directly transmitted the "food" to the Zerg base remotely.

In the game, there are more than n monsters than the death desert, and the monster's body is not of any use to the player.

The monster body obtained in this way is far less costly than before, which saves him at least a billion credits.

What is the magical power, 24k this ability, let the wind directly understand what is "super pet"!

The feeling of wind and fall, the 24k "wormhole" may be more advanced than the wormhole made by the real Zerg.

After all, if the invading brain worm had this ability to transmit at random, then in theory, it would not be possible to be sealed in the dead desert.

This point, in fact, may also guess a few points from the name.

This skill is a "super wormhole", not a "wormhole" or a "wormhole"!

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