Fatal Shot

Chapter 1052: Confused gold triangle

"Da da da!"

"Boom, bang..."

The sound of the guns rang, the smoke of the energy skill explosion rolled up!

A modified bulletproof off-road vehicle with bullet holes and a damaged tire on one side is a 100-meter-high cliff on one side, and runs between dangerous mountain roads.

Behind the modified off-road vehicle, there are more than a dozen tires that show off-road style energy motorcycle pursuit.

After the two in one, they pulled out a certain distance, and the sound of mutual exchanges sounded.


"Damn, they have to catch up."

In the off-road vehicle, the heavy armored warrior on the driver's seat looks through the rearview mirror and sees the energy motorcycle team that is getting closer and closer, and slams into the mouth.


The scout player sitting on the right side of the car first spit a thick sip outside the car.


Then lifted the submachine gun in his hand and swept a series of bullets toward the back.


The bullets passed through the complicated mountain road and hit the rear chasing team.

However, these off-road motorcycles have a transparent bulletproof baffle in front, and this sweep of the submachine gun does not play a role.

Two of the energy motorcycles, regardless of the dangerous speed, stood out from the team and continuously "drifted" on the curved mountain road, and the distance with them was close at high speed.

"Mom, these people of the White Knights, tm are a group of madmen."

In the co-pilot position, a fire department commander cursed a sentence.

"Of course it is a madman, otherwise how can it be mixed in this area."

"The chaotic Golden Triangle is not a federal camp. There are many relics and specialty materials in the area that have not been reclaimed. It is a story that often creates a rich night."

"But it’s more fascinating, but it’s like killing people like the town of exile. You don’t have to worry about being wanted by the federal government.”


Behind the off-road vehicle, a sniper sneered and the sniper rifle in his hand fired.


A sniper bullet hit the arm of the driver of one of the two energy motorcycles that had been caught up in the rear.


The chasers who were originally "drifting", after being hit by the impact of the bullets, suddenly could not control the energy motorcycle, the traffic vehicle with too high speed, directly broke the railing at the edge of the mountain road and fell off the cliff. .

And falling from a height of 100 meters, naturally there is no reason to live, but after the death of white light.

The motorcycle rider who fell on the cliff suddenly burst into a pile of white light representing the spoils, and there were actually three pieces of equipment.

"For those who dare to mix here, 80% of the crimes are above 100."

"After anyone is exploding, at least two or three pieces of equipment will be lost. Just killing a person can also account for tens of thousands of credits."

"Here, killing people may be more profitable than doing missions and land reclamation. Of course, it is a general task."

A buggy scout was already emptied on the off-road vehicle and reached out to pull a "cylinder" from the tactical vest.

Then directly opened a hole in the chassis of the off-road vehicle and threw the "cylinder" down.


The cylinder that was thrown out of the car, and after a few laps on the ground, a large amount of white smoke emerged, and a large section of the road was covered in a blink of an eye.


Behind him, the other one that had caught up with the energy motorcycle couldn’t catch it. In the case of being affected by the smoke, he couldn’t control it and hit the cliff beside the road.


Among the white smoke, the white light of death is still eye-catching.


However, after a dozen seconds, wait until the rear of the energy motorcycles to rush out of the smoke bomb range.

The remote occupation sitting in the back seat once again attacked the off-road vehicle, and the modified off-road vehicle made a loud noise.

"Mom, if the road is not too complicated, it is impossible to build a large energy model because of unstable driving. I really want to throw a sea of ​​fire and see how they chase!"

The fire control officer continued to curse.

"It's not used, it's already here, as long as we escape back to the federal area, it's safe."

"These grandchildren are too big to dare to cross the border and start under the eyes of a bunch of npc soldiers!"

The scout player sneered easily.

"Hey, the road ahead is broken!"

However, the heavy armor who drove the car suddenly made a big noise, but it made the other three people change their faces.

In the front area, the mountain body collapsed, so that the mountain road that could only allow three or four off-road vehicles to pass was once again shrunk halfway.

The remaining half of the area is being greeted by two cars, the ordinary gray-powered off-road vehicle.

"Damn. What should I do!"

"The two cars in front, let the old man roll away."

The fire controller directly picked up the amp of the off-road vehicle and shouted at the two off-road vehicles that were crossing the landslide area.

The two models of the ordinary off-road vehicles on the opposite side are completely indifferent.

"Hey, do you want to slow down?"

"Reducing the speed of hair reduction, will we slow down the people behind the White Knights? Will it slow down? I don’t believe they dare not let them go!"

The heavy armor yelled in the mouth.


The speed of the fast-moving off-road vehicle did not decrease when the two off-road vehicles in the landslide area collided.

A sniper sniper rang, and in the second off-road vehicle opposite, a black bullet that they could not see clearly, directly in less than zero seconds, penetrated the defense of the modified off-road vehicle energy engine.


The heavy-duty off-road vehicle is still able to drive at a high speed when a tire is broken.

However, it is absolutely impossible to continue driving with the energy engine damaged.

Not only was it impossible to continue driving, the entire off-road vehicle was completely out of control in the next moment, and it slipped out of the mountain road for more than 20 meters, and finally hit the landslide sand stone beside the two gray off-road vehicles in front.

"I am, who did it!"

The energy engines exploded, and the off-road vehicles that had entered the sand and gravel were severely deformed by the high-speed impact, and the doors could not be opened for a while.

Inside, it was unreasonably heard that the fire system was very angry.


Later, more than a dozen mountain cross-country energy motorcycles have rushed to a position about 50 meters away from the landslide point. A group of players with a motorcycle guild badge on the chest jumped from the car and started to speak without saying a word.

The melee profession opens the "charge" approach, while the remote career shoots and releases skills directly.




The various color skills and a large number of bullet attacks are not only to cover the modified off-road vehicle, but also the two gray off-road vehicles.

In the chaotic Golden Triangle, it is very common to be ravaged in battle.

Who told you that your luck is not good, and that killing people here does not break the law, it is even more explosive equipment!

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