Fatal Shot

Chapter 153: Self-destruction


The sky attack fell and completely covered the area where the three off-road vehicles were located.

A lot of energy explosions make the enemy's eyes unable to see the enemy clearly.

This kind of intensity attack can destroy three off-road vehicles in at most half a minute.

Of course, that is the theoretical situation.

In fact, the four players who ran away from the modified off-road vehicles did become riddled with this round of attacks.

However, on the other side, two ordinary-level gray off-road vehicles are a bit "indefinite" under the attack.

Because the bullets fired by the energy motorcycle team's long-range players, as they approached the two off-road vehicles within 20 meters, they slowed down as quickly as they fell into the water.

After hitting the gray off-road vehicle body, the layer was not modified and it was ordinary armor, which completely blocked these powerful bullets.

The energy attacks such as "fireball, wind blade" are directly changing direction when they are close to each other, and hit the ground or the landslide stone.

"It’s really innocent!"

The wind fell in the first off-road vehicle, wearing the body of a common sniper battle suit, and the source of the attacking brows outside the window was slightly wrinkled.

"White Knights, one of the largest guilds in the chaotic Golden Triangle region, with more than 5,000 players, members are characterized by riding energy motorcycles. Poor reputation, often team looting non-guild players!"

The digital cat changed its appearance, and the middle-level agent blinked under the glasses.

The existence of the perceptual force allowed her to see the guild badge of the motorcyclist even though she was across the off-road vehicle.

The information about this guild is because she has already recorded the intelligence of the guild in the entire chaotic Golden Triangle before the start of the action.

"Only five thousand people, such a small fart guild, even dare to arrogant."

The big pineapple looked contemptuous and stood up, carrying a shield to block the opponent's attack.

There are already 100,000 players in the city that never sleeps. The small guild that has bent a thousand people is really normal in the game.

"In the chaotic Golden Triangle area, because there are no regulations, it is difficult to form a large force. The White Knights are already at the forefront."

“The most important thing is that their headquarters is on the town where the destination we need to go.”

The digital cat is faint.

The meaning of the words is self-evident, and their group is disguised as identity and appearance, ready to quietly approach the hidden headquarters of the umbrella company.

As a result, I just came across the federal environment and actually encountered this kind of thing.

For this group of players who are almost all top players, it is impossible to put more than a dozen people on the opposite side.

If you really want to fight, even half of the people will definitely be able to kill them.

But the problem is that this can cause trouble!

"Do it, try to get some points, don't expose yourself too much."

The wind has already decided.

In fact, this decision is inevitable. It is impossible to be beaten and not returned because of hidden identity.

"Mom, really looking for death!"

"The light armor warrior with the knife left me!"


After hearing this, several people who had already prepared for the battle had all rushed out and mixed with each other's melee.

For remote occupations, it is still using skills to counterattack.

"You two, stay in it, we have enough to deal with this battle!"

The wind also mentioned a sniper rifle and got up and drove out from the off-road vehicle, while the two said behind him.

Two "players" sitting behind the digital cat, a woman wearing a full silver armor, and a man wearing a white dress with a slightly longer brown hair.

The silver armor is naturally the eye, and the white one is another npc agent who is scheduled to participate in this mission, codenamed "flying knife"!

Flying knife!

This code has already explained what he is best at.

It is the five-inch-length alloy flying knife that has been squatting among his five fingers that are particularly slender.

However, this person obviously does not like to talk.

After sitting in the car, he was closing his eyes and keeping his eyes closed. Even if the battle was now fighting, he did not open his eyes.

"You are careful!"

The eyes nodded, and they said that they wanted to rush to play.

Npc can not be resurrected like a player.

Although in this level of fighting, it is almost impossible to be injured with her strength, but in case of the accident, the wind is still not ready to let her play.

After disguising as a player, the captain of this team is a wind, not a gaze.

After all, it is impossible for the two eyes to understand the habits of the players and will reveal flaws.


After the wind fell on the stand, the sniper rifle in the hand quickly lifted up, facing the explosion of energy skills everywhere, and was seriously affected.

His eyes were suddenly turned into a golden color like a snake!


A sniper bullet rushed out of the muzzle and reversed directly in the bullets and energy skills that rushed over the sky. Over a distance of tens of meters, it hit the chest of a doctor player who was injecting a booster.


The impact force on the bullet directly throws the body of the doctor player who is half-squatting on the ground a small distance away from the ground.

When it fell to the ground, it gave out a white light of death.

The wind has actually been very handy. He has only a normal-level sniper rifle in his hand, and there is no ordinary f-class bullet in the magazine.

However, his attack power is still too high. Even if he does not use the original force field or the privilege to provide the bonus, it is still a shot of the super-second seconds of the doctor who has a total blood volume of more than 4,000 points.



"Raptors hit!"


"Hey, hey, hey!"

"-729, -768, -823..."

In contrast, the rest of the people's attacks seem to be normal, because they are replaced with a part of the equipment.

Moreover, the warrior player itself can control the damage more easily!

However, the end of this battle is still very fast, even if the strength is suppressed, the agent team is still easy to win.

The fighting consciousness of both sides is completely out of one level.

"Old style, how can this be solved?"

In a shield, after easily smashing his opponent on the ground, he completed the first big pineapple after the awakening of the original force.

Clapfully clap his hands, then sneered and looked at the modified off-road vehicle next to everyone.

Because of the spoiler of the agent player team, the player in this modified off-road vehicle did not die under the attack of the other party.

Although the two rear-end gunners were killed, the front-ranked heavy armor was injured.

Even the fire system controller, because the energy shield was turned on, it was only residual blood, and then the agent and the motorcycle team players in the battle process, it is almost full.


At this time, the deformed door was knocked open from the inside, and the heavy armor who drove the car was drilled out from inside.

"Friends, we are not a group with them. You have seen it, just they are chasing us!"

Looking at the agent who has directly surrounded him, the face under the helmet of the heavy armor is very ugly.

The team of the White Knights who chased them, but the elite players belonging to the White Knights, were killed by this group within half a minute, and they were still dead.

There are only two people left on this side, and it is impossible to qualify for the battle.

"team leader?"

However, the players around him didn't seem to hear him talking, still waiting for the sniper to make a decision.

"Hey, install a **!"

"You know who the people who have just been killed by you are, they are the people of the White Knights of the Three Guilds of the Golden Triangle Map."

"If you kill them, the nails will be chased by the White Knights. Kill us and have to come down to us to bury them."

The temper of the fire system controller came up again and shouted directly.


The heavy armor also almost screamed.

This teammate is a fool who doesn't know how to work.

He originally planned to apologize to the other party, lowered his stance, and accompanied him at most.

The two sides have uncovered the previous events, and they are likely to be able to survive, and more importantly, they can complete their tasks.

Because, he can see it, these people, should be the players in the main camp of the federal camp, the first time to chaos the Golden Triangle, otherwise they will not be prepared for the battle when they see the White Knights.

Who knows this guy, it’s straight out, and it’s impossible for the other party to kill them.

Moreover, watching this group of people heard the white Knights' fearless expression, especially after the cold look of the sniper standing on the roof.

He knew that the other party did not put the "White Knights" in the eye.

Also, have made the final decision for them!


The heavy armor screamed and rushed straight toward the "angel". The goal was clear. It was obviously a decision to hold the doctor hostage.

However, this decision is of course wrong.


The big pineapple directly rushed toward him, and the shield collided with the shield and directly slammed him back in the opposite direction.


The body hit the door of the modified off-road vehicle, and there was a damage value of more than 5,000 on the head.



On the other hand, the shield was used by the fire control officer who had resisted the damage before, and had not been able to make any action, and had already been slammed by a sniper bullet.

The sniper 009 youth faintly put away the sniper rifle and turned to see if there were still people ambushing around.

The battle is more rapid than before.

The heavy armored fighter tried to escape after the hostage failure, but how could it escape?

The Thunder and the little fat man increased the pineapple. Two of the three masters of the original force, directly on the shield, will give him more than 20,000 points of hp to the students.

"I am going, these people, there are really enough things to explode!"

After the killing, the players in the chaotic Golden Triangle area, the trophy of the land, is undoubtedly the fun of the big pineapple and the little fat man.

"Hey? There is a mission chip out of this person!"

The spoils were collected at the fastest speed. However, when the big pineapple cleaned up the explosives of the heavy armor, it unexpectedly discovered a "task chip."

"I am... not so smart!"

With some curiosity, after he read the task chip into his terminal, his eyes widened and his mouth screamed.

"what happened?"

The rest of the people are not as hot as cleaning the battlefield, so they are waiting to be more waiting. After hearing the words of the big pineapple, they all look at him with some doubts.

"The task in this chip, the destination turned out to be..."

The big pineapple uses the terminal to project the three-dimensional map provided by the task chip into the air!

"The umbrella company secret base!"

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