Fatal Shot

Chapter 1054: Tobacco town

"Fire lizard brushed high-grade tobacco, seeking team, I c+ defense rare shield heavy armor!"

"The first layer of the relics of c-237 is explored. Is there a shortage of doctors in the team? My treatment has reached the level of experts."

"The black spotted ground brushed the intermediate tobacco, nine, one, speed!"

A large black off-road vehicle, with all the way to the dust, swept into a small town at the foot of the mountain.

"Acquisition of high-grade tobacco, 425 credits per gram, the price can be higher if the amount is large."

"Intermediate tobacco to c-class energy stone!"

Players who have kept a variety of careers at the entrance to the town, after watching a buggy, continue to squat and look for people to team up.

"Oh, it’s very lively. In such a remote town, there are so many players."

Inside the black buggy, there was an amazing sound.

"Tobacco Town, the largest armed station in the chaotic Golden Triangle area is the nearest town, because the surrounding monsters can burst out of a high-quality tobacco of a special product, so a large number of rebel and federal camp players are brought together."

Then, a cold voice came out.

"What is tobacco, cigarettes?"

"No, to be precise, it should be considered a drug!"

"Drugs? No, the government here doesn't care!"

"Government? There is no government in the chaotic golden triangle, only the army, but these troops...hehe..."


"Park, check, all get off."

The off-road vehicle stopped at the entrance to the town, because in front of the road, there was a gray off-road vehicle with some bullet holes, and it was wearing a loose military uniform on several of them. His face was weak and his eyes were chaotic. The npc soldiers of the Golden Triangle forces pointed at the guns.

"what's the situation!"

Several players in the buggy were forced to get out of the car, and then the two soldiers went to their side to search for it.

"Sir, we are all law-abiding people!"

A gunman who is being searched, his face is angry, but he dares to scream.

"Less nonsense... cough..."

The npc soldier with a weak face slammed.

When you talk, your eyes suddenly shine, and your hand is closed. A black and black thing like this from the player is stuffed into the pocket of your tactical vest.

"Sir, this soil is what I just brushed..."

"To shut up!"

"The action is for the old man to make a profit, Mom, one by one, the cigarette addiction has been committed, so weak?"

At the entrance to the town, an officer looks like a npc ramp.

After speaking, he swept his eyes to the two players who stood with him, with the taste of inquiry.

"The car color is the same as the target, but it should not be..."

Two players with hidden guild badges on their chests shook their heads.

"Hurry up and drive away, don't block the road."

The npc officer slammed and let the npc soldiers release the car directly.

"Rely, being taken away by a perfect quality intermediate tobacco, three thousand credit points are gone, it’s really a dog day..."

Several ugly players re-entered the gray off-road vehicle and drove into the town, faintly screaming.

"Get off the bus and be checked!"

The npc soldier with a gunless gun put the target on the next **** buggy.

"Sir, we are good people!"

A face that is blacker than the head of the off-road vehicle color sticks out and shouts directly.

"I fucked, scared the old man to jump, thinking that I met a ghost!"

"Less nonsense, whether you are a good citizen, foreign vehicles have to get off the bus to check. Mali, don't provoke Lao Tzu to lose his temper..."

The npc soldier was frightened and then impatient, pressing the muzzle in his hand to the player's head.

"My day..."

The face of the black-faced player is completely black and it will attack.

"Sir, there are ladies in the car. It’s not very good to get off the bus. It’s a bit of trouble. I’m asking for your money today!”

In the co-pilot position, a player with a smirk on his face put down the window, and a silver energy spar was placed between the two fingers.

"Hey, you are still very sensible..."

The soldier’s face showed a greedy expression.

"No, this is the order of our captain. Get off the train quickly, otherwise I will shoot!"

However, after turning around, I saw that the chief was staring at him coldly, and then went back and continued to threaten the gun.

"Sir, let me know. We are really ladies inside, don't believe you."

The player's tone is with the request, but the eyes are very cold and authentic.

The rear window of the black buggy was also opened, revealing four female players who were equally cold and even disgusted.

"We have just arrived here, have not yet brushed the tobacco, but also hope that the Chief will take care of it!"

Then, I didn’t see how the player’s finger moved. The energy spar in the palm of his hand turned into a diamond crystal...


The weak soldiers looked at the diamonds worth 10,000 credits, and the breathing became a little bit rushed.

Although, in this golden triangle of the tobacco-producing region, the players who dare to mix here are richer, but a diamond is generally the oil that he can earn in most of the month.

"No, the number is wrong, and the profession is not right..."

The officer behind him did not move because of the crystal, but waited until the two players with no badges around him, staring at the four female players with a smile.

Only cold face, waving to several soldiers.

"Well, since it is a woman, then I will get rid of the car and check it out. We don't like to disturb the people."

The npc soldier will grab the crystal and grab it, showing a satisfactory face and mouth.

"go in!"


"I am embarrassed, this npc is really greedy enough, even if you want to drill crystals, you can buy it!"

The big pineapple that drove back in the car, silently, the soldiers of the federal government, many times a white crystal of 100 credits can buy.

“Will you give too much, but let the other person doubt?”

Sitting in the last night of the night, my face is somewhat worried.

"No, the thing that was taken away by that person was worth three thousand credits. I am estimating the market!"

The first officer took a light armor and changed his face and shook his head.

"However, the power of this white knight is even higher than we expected."

In the second row of the black buggy, the same looks and equipment Phoenix, some unexpectedly authentic.

Although there is no badge to wear the guild, it is obvious that the npc can be used to set up the sentry to check the players, and only the local snake "White Knights" in this small town.

All of this is naturally due to the battle on the road before.

The fire controller is right, the White Knights are really arrogant.

However, it is a pity that if they encounter someone else, they may have successfully caught it. However, they encountered a group of agents who could change their faces and even camouflage ids.


"No. 1 smoking hall!"

The black buggy drove inside and reached a shop door with a quaint wooden sign hanging on it.

As a town full of "smoke soil", naturally there will be no such entertainment in the town.

The wind fell into a row and six people walked in, and some of them were in the hall, with the smoke guns in their mouths, the npcs and players who swallowed the clouds and swam.

"Hello, ladies. Excuse me, is there an appointment?"

"Yes, Mr. Su has arrived? He helped us!"

"Well, ok, please come with me."

At the front desk, the npc waiter, wearing a rather ancient costume, walked upstairs to the smokehouse.

"Oh, Miss Snow, you are here."

"Please, the quality of the tobacco here is the best in the whole tobacco town. Since you are here, you must taste it."

On the outskirts of a box, a nPC with a white hat and a bow tie had already smiled and greeted him.


However, after the npc waiter went back, he closed the door of the box, but it lowered his voice, and reached out and pressed a wall to open a secret door.

A few people fell into the wind, and he continued to sit and squander.

The intelligence personnel in the secret service department could not go deep into the umbrella company, and only some people could be placed on the tobacco town.

And because the long-distance communication function of the agent equipment is limited, this very old joint method comes in handy!

However, the agent's feeling of adding this task was increased.

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