Fatal Shot

Chapter 1056: Capture power

"The last time we cooperated, we were still on Death Hunter Island. I didn't expect to do this task again this time."

The players in the three departments met for the first time, when they were undercurrent.

The three senior npc agents in the house, after a silence, were first opened by a hunting tiger shrouded in a player's heavy armor.

"The situation has changed a bit during this time. People in our department have been killed more quickly than before."

"This mission is definitely a life of nine deaths. There are more than a thousand people in their headquarters, and they have all kinds of equipment that is not inferior to the federal army."

"We don't know, in the end, there are a few people who can go back alive."

The words of hunting tigers will undoubtedly make the atmosphere in the house even more heavy.

“Hey, the adventurers above are recruited to avoid such losses. But the adventurers who think of the two assessments are all taken by a survey bureau!”

"A certain department should make a big profit from these days."

The sound of the nightingale is cold.

"Two assessments are all about strength. Some people say this, don't you feel a little shameful?"

"Especially, for the first time, an adventurer who has not yet awakened the Force will force the use of the Force in the duel. I will not remember it."

The eyes lie on a square carpet on the ground, the tone is faint.

"Oh, it was just an accident. If she came again, she would not even have a move!"

The words of the eyes undoubtedly reminded the nightingale of the battle on the island of Death Hunter.

Obviously in the previous observations, there was no phoenix that showed too much superhuman strength. Suddenly, the power that made him unprepared broke out and almost beat him.

This thing, as a stain of a lifetime, he is naturally fresh in memory, so he bites his teeth.

"Well, don't bother you, don't forget the business!"

The brow under the tiger's face mask wrinkled.

"As originally planned, we are here first, waiting for the inside of the rebel army to create opportunities, and then invade together."

"But... If this is the case, we will certainly lose the opportunity. The most important thing is that if the rebels are squandered, then we are definitely not just a short answer to the mission failure!"

The expressions of the three people are not very good.

When they can't believe it, it would be perfectly kind for the rebels to disclose the news to them.

If you don't say anything, you can say that if the rebels deliberately announce the attack in advance, and then the federal side attracts the firepower of the umbrella company and the army, the other party can easily enter the base and get what they need.

Then, the people of the Federation will not only lose a lot, but also make a wedding dress for each other.

"Although, the above said that we have used a line that has been hidden for a long time and has never been used, so that he can participate in the other party's action."

"But we still can't, put all the hopes on him. In particular, we don't even know if he has already invested in each other in the long hidden process!"

"So, we have to be prepared."

The eyes open.

"We encountered two teams of local adventure forces on the road to kill each other. After killing them all, they got a pass that could reach the garrison camp outside the hidden umbrella company."

"But this one pass only allows ten people to enter."

The eye uses the agent glasses to project a three-dimensional map, pointing to the marked position on the top.

Before the big pineapple said it was the hidden headquarters of the mission target umbrella company, but after carefully watching the mission introduction, the location of the mission was found to be exactly the military camp above the headquarters.

In fact, this has caused the doubts in the hearts of the people to enter. If the roadside casually encounters a battle, it just provides a solution to their most difficult problems.

Then everyone will worry about whether the system has more difficult arrangements for this task.

"We need three places."

"We also need three places."

After seeing the mark on the map, the hunting tiger and the nightingale are just as bright as the former agent.

"No, the task is for our people to get their hands. Naturally, our people should have a majority. There are only five places on both sides, and the people who perform this task may be more dangerous than those outside. So, I mean. Yes, all choose adventurers."

The eyes shook his head.

"No, if the whole adventurer is formed, then there is no way to contact in an emergency."

Hunting tigers are silently opposed.

"There is a need to arrange a person to be in charge. At the same time, the strength of these adventurer newcomers is still too weak, and a senior agent must be arranged to cope with the strong players who may be encountered in the middle."

In fact, communication is not completely limited.

Between a few npc agents, they have a set of secret codes that have long been negotiated. Through a secret number conversation, even if they are stolen, they may not know what to say.

But this method is a bit cumbersome and cannot deliver complex messages.

Moreover, because the player has not really been professionally trained, if it is open, it is very likely that if you accidentally say a leak, it is better to directly ban communication.

"The adventurer's strength is too weak..."

The eyes look a little weird, but nothing is said.

"Well... hunting tigers, should Wang come with you?"

Instead, change the mouth to ask the tiger hunting road.

"She said that we are negotiating for our own execution. She wants to act alone... You know, I have no right to make decisions for her."

The tiger's face has some helpless expressions.

"Night, your hidden and invasive techniques are the best, and you join this group of people."

Then he turned to look at the nightingale.

This group of people has five of the investigation bureaus, and if the senior agents of the investigation bureau are led, then the other two departments will definitely become free fighters.

Although this mission focused on the three departments to cooperate with each other, the long-standing competitive habits are to let the tigers choose the nightingale.


The nightingale nodded coldly.



After a few minutes, after getting the decision of the npc trio.

The wind fell on a cold-faced nightingale, slightly frowning.

To be honest, the nightingale is not the candidate he wants, because the character of the nightingale is too cold and quite vengeful.

In the previous two intersections, the two sides were not too happy.

Moreover, the nightingale is a person who belongs to the security bureau, that is to say, it is the same person who is ill with the widow and young and frivolous.

In this way, there are three factors in the team that are not stable, and one of them is a high-level npc.

The only good one is about the fighting power of the nightingale. He is clear, although it is stronger than the player who generally awakens the original force, but it is limited.

It's not like the eye or Ada Wang, it has the absolute power to suppress the player, and it is naturally impossible to suppress the current wind.

"Take things, let us go, and accomplish what you are doing!"

The nightingale's eyes swept over the look of a phoenix that was not very good looking, and his face was cold and cold.


The wind is falling directly.


The nightingale turned his head sharply, and the body bloomed into a strong momentum. The house that was not big in itself was like a gust of wind.

The ground dust fluttered and rushed toward the wind with a wave of original force.


However, this force moved to the position of one meter in front of the wind, but it was blocked by an equally fierce original force fluctuation, and both sides dissipated after a shock.


With intermediate agent glasses, all the people present can see the fluctuations that represent the Force.

So, naturally understand what happened!

“Before the action, we need to go to the leveling place outside the town and brush up some ‘high-grade tobacco soil. It would be better if we could get the top tobacco.”

Looking at his eyes and looking at his nightingale, the wind is faint.

If it is said to be acting as a npc, it may not be easy to say what the nightingale wants to gain leadership power.

However, this action is to dress up as a player. Does an npc want to completely command or not, do some of them look too high?

However, because this kind of thing is directly guilty here, it is definitely not very good.

Therefore, after the wind fell in explanation, he turned his head and handed the box out of the tactical vest.

"Sakura sir, this thing is brought by you, I have left it in the box."

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