Fatal Shot

Chapter 1057: White Knight's plan

"You have kept it for so long, even a suspicious person has not found it?"

In the tobacco town, among the residents of the White Knights Legion Guild, a man who relied on a domineering black heavy-duty off-road motorcycle smoked, angrily shouted.

"Hey, are you lazy, perfunctory!"

"President, we swear that we have definitely checked it carefully, according to the appearance and professional characteristics of the other party drawn by Xiaoqi with the ability of shorthand."

"But. I really didn't find those people!"

On the three-dimensional screen projected by the communicator in front of him, the two players who were at the entrance to the town were grievances.

"Oh, seriously, fart."

"I blame you for this group of wastes, and I have obviously told you that I will never be able to make a mistake. The tm will be cut off by a group of outsiders."

"If you don't talk about it, even the people sent to pursue it will still be killed by others. It's really a face lost!"

The dog brother did not speak at all, and even screamed directly.

"A dog, why bother to be so angry, the more this time, the more calm you should be!"

Next to him, a middle-aged player with a handsome appearance looks.

"Calm calm, how can I calm down!"

"This time, the boss specifically told me that there will be a big thing happening, let us borrow the task to touch the np's military camp. As a result, they are actually messed up by their group of jerk!"

After the dog brother heard this, his face became more and more irritated, and he took a heavy cigarette in his hand.

"The consequences of the boss's anger, you are all clear, if you are punished, you should not think too much!"

Then, throwing the cigarette butts on the ground and stepping on the ground, shouting at the communicator.

"Dog brothers, the mission has not yet reached the deadline, they may not have acted, so there is no trace."

"You can rest assured that although they have got the quest items in their hands, they must have high-grade tobacco to complete the task."

"We have already kept the entrance, and we have sent people to guard the exchanges and shops, and sent people to say hello. There are several high-level tobacco production points. We also have people staring. They want to get high-grade tobacco. It’s impossible to get around us and be sure to find this group of people!”

The player in the communicator seems to think of the consequences of the "boss" anger, and his face is somewhat white.

"Hey, then go find it, grind what!"

The dog brother shouted.

"Yes Yes!"

The player inside replied in a panic.


The dog brother slammed again.

"A dog, the task of completing the task, not only the high-grade tobacco, if you can get the top tobacco, you can also complete the task."

“And, the top tobacco is only one-tenth the amount of high-grade tobacco, and it is enough to meet the demand.”

The middle-aged player like the military division has another sentence.

"You don't want to say, they will go to the top monster zone of **?"

"How is it possible? Don't forget, according to intelligence, they only have two cars, how many people can there be?"

"The top tobacco is only ** or the quasi-** of the 50th level or above can be burst out, and the ai of the ** is too high, and if the situation is not right, it will run away. Even if our guild needs to be prepared enough, then How can they get the chance to get the top tobacco?"

The dog brother is suspicious.

"Of course it is possible!"

The middle-aged player like the military division shook his head.

"Don't forget, the poisonous snakes, in the case of a superior number of people, and in the case of a preemptive attack, were destroyed by some of them."

"You know what their equipment and strength are, even the elite players of the Grand Council, but that's it."

"This will be destroyed by the group, the strength of the other party can be imagined. There are definitely masters of the original force, and there may be more than one."

"These people have to be right, maybe they are capable!"

After listening to this, the dog brother riding on the domineering energy motorcycle revealed some thoughts.

"Notify the attention to the situation, if someone hits the idea of ​​top tobacco, return immediately."

Then, open the communicator and go straight to the command.

"In addition, I would like to inform everyone not to do the task again. All of them are in the guild today and tomorrow. It is really not strong."



A bullet passed over the treetop and hit a bird's nest above it, and it looked like something like a dry branch.



The dry branches broke into two pieces and landed on the ground covered with green tobacco. After a sharp twist for a while, they stopped moving.

On the blood-stained ground, a few pieces of fine energy spar and a black cockroach, about the size of a thumb clod.

"It’s an intermediate-level tobacco, it’s only a small one!"

The big pineapple walked over and picked up the clods. After watching it, I was disappointed.

"In this way, it is simply impossible to complete the five kilograms of high-grade tobacco required by the mission."

"The few pieces in this nest are only intermediate, and together they are not 50g!"

The light armor of the sk guild was sick, and jumped directly to the tree. He found a bird's nest from the bottom of the branch and took the same disappointment.

In this area where they are now, the ground grows everywhere with a lush green and yellowish green “tobacco”.

The specialty tobacco in the tobacco town is because the animals here have consumed tobacco and are obtained after digestion.

Well, excrement!

"This kind of setting makes me know that if I **** these things in the game, it will not hurt the real body, and I can't accept it."

The widowed person has a strange face.

"It’s been half an hour, but it’s a piece of high-grade tobacco that is less than 100 grams. It’s going to be able to reach the requirements of the mission in the year of the monkey.”

"It is obvious that you can find someone to buy directly in the tobacco town. The task of this game is not a hard brush."

The young and frivolous face of the Tianxia Group is somewhat impatient.

"The information I found from the forum, the explosive rate of high-grade tobacco is almost equal to excellent equipment, so it’s not a way to try it out!"

The sound of Xiaoluo water sounded.

The gaze is to look down on the wind, seems to be waiting for the wind to say something.

"Actually, this task does not strictly require high-grade tobacco. If you can get the top tobacco, then only 500 grams is enough."

However, people who never sleep in the city, the first thing to talk about is the big pineapple.

"Then go to the top of the tobacco, playing this kind of strange thing that can only explode the high-grade tobacco, we have not much time."

The young and frivolous personality is indeed worthy of his name, and it is far less cold on the road than it was before.

"Only the ** or the 50 or above quasi-** will have the opportunity to explode the top tobacco!"

The digital cat shrouded in a layer of light purple women's armor, the voice is faint.


After hearing this, in addition to the five people who have long known the city that never sleeps, the two men and two women on the opposite side are slightly discolored.

Although, they are confident in their own strength.

However, only ten people will challenge one, but the difficulty is too...

"So, continue to play advanced tobacco!"

Phoenix played in the mood, eyes swept across the opposite four, especially in the face of Xiao Luo water wearing sunglasses.

"No, still brush the top tobacco!"

And Xiao Luoshui, under her gaze, her face has returned to calm, said in her mouth.

However, then the head turned to the direction of the wind.

"I think Mr. Feng must have the confidence to deal with a **, right?"

"To deal with **, no one can say 100%!"

Wind down the road.

This **, of course, refers to the quasi-**, in fact, although the information below the level 50 can also explode the top tobacco, but everyone knows that it is impossible for these people to get the real **.

Only able to find a quasi-** shot of level 50 or above.

"Playing ** will fight **, even if we are not able to fight, we should be able to safely retreat. What's more, there is a high-level np in the dark..."

The widows have a low voice.

No one can see the nightingale among the pedestrians, but everyone knows that the nightingale must be with them.

For him, although I saw the confrontation with the nightingale before the wind fell, I still felt that the power of the nightingale was stronger.

After all, for his players at this level, the combat power of advanced np is seen.

At least, he knows that he is still far worse than the nightingale.

"The quasi-** of the 50th level or above, the danger is absolutely very large. Miss Cat, you will fight with me when you will fight."

The night walked with the digital cat and whispered a reminder.

The t-1000 and t-950 did not follow the team, because the mission limit was only 10 "players".

Of course, this is actually not a big problem, because with the "wormhole" wind, it is completely possible for them to appear when they need it.

Moreover, the digital cat did not wear a doctor's costume at all, but directly put on a armor.

This armor was specially designed by Old John. Other attributes are not, that is, double defense and blood volume are very high, rare attributes and set attributes, and provide additional double defenses.

Coupled with her perception of the original force, in a sense, in fact, the survival ability of the digital cat is estimated to be only under a few warrior players.

On the contrary, night is actually the weakest.

Because, of all, only one of her has not awakened the Force.

Yes, of the ten "players" in this team, nine people have awakened the Force.

This is also the case that the widows have four people, although they are somewhat worried, but they still agree to brush up the top tobacco.

"Well, since there is no objection, let's go."

The eyes of the wind, do not know when it has become a hollow, and after recovering from the hollow, directly led the team toward the depths of the jungle.

"Come, go to the destination and have a look."

About ten minutes after they left, there were a group of people with a white Knight's badge on their chests, and they followed the inside.

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