Fatal Shot

Chapter 1063: Military plan!

"It's a sniper!"

Feeling that the sniper bullets flew past the head, the face of the relatively calm night was slightly changed. She was wearing the doctor's equipment at this time, which was definitely the target of the other party's main kill.

"In that direction, look for location to avoid!"

The female agent did not use reconnaissance, just looking back and finding the position of the opponent from the ballistic trajectory left in the air.

After a reminder, I have already hid behind a stone next to it.

The distance between the other side is still three hundred meters away. The people present, even if they want to fight back, have no ability.

In addition to the wind.


In the other side, it is a bullet, and it is placed in the position of the night station that has been evaded in time.


The eye of the **** of death in the wind has also rang.

A bullet with a black ruinous sensation, directly with the bullet that was shot, showed an angle of only a few tenths of a degree and flew back in the opposite direction.


Three hundred and sixty meters away, behind a large tree with a higher field of vision, a white light of death emerged.

The sniper was actually very old. After two consecutive shots, he went directly to the back of the tree.

This is a completely error-free behavior. After all, in theory, even if the enemy sniper is fast, it is impossible to find a position counterattack immediately.

Moreover, even if the luck is not good, the counterattack will immediately come, and he does not need to worry if he hides behind the bunker.

This idea is naturally very good, but he has encountered a person who is not "reasonable".

The reconnaissance beetle, which has been suspended in the sky, has already stared at his every move.

And the tree with a diameter of two people is as crisp as tofu under the "cracking" solitude.

The most important thing is that the wind now covers a range of 500 meters, and the distance between the other party and him is only over 300 meters.

There is no need to use the "death mark" as before. In the eyes of the "golden snake", the figure hidden behind the tree is really eye-catching.


Even, not only this sniper.

The Eye of Death shot a bullet again, and the other party was just a scout who had a head and wanted to observe the situation.

I went to the sniper's footsteps in the same way.


"Awu, Awu! Aguang..."

On the other hand, for the sake of occupation, one of the backwards has a white knight's core badge, the earthen controller, and after hearing the communicator, there are no sounds after two gunshots and continuous suffocation.


The face of the earth controller is ugly, and naturally understands what happened.

Their pedestrians were originally just looking at the situation. Naturally, there could not be too many people.

The sniper and the scout are all only one. After being attacked by the other party, the rest of the people will be allowed to advance and retreat.

"Tiger brother, what should we do? We have to continue!"

A warrior player with an elite badge on his chest asked while leaning his body against a rock.

"Wait a minute, I asked the dog brother!"

The earth controller quickly opened the communicator and projected a three-dimensional picture in front of him.

"what's up!"

In the communicator, the dog brother is holding a cigarette in his hand and sucking it. The apparently anxious face is not good.

"Dog brother, King Kong is violent, just killed, it seems to be the player of the team you asked us to find!"


The dog brother in the picture of the communicator, after hearing this, directly twisted the cigarette **** in the hand.


"You go, go in the direction of the military camp, I am broken!"

The wind greets the rest of the world.

The other person did not continue to come over, which made him somewhat surprised. If this is the case, then there is no need to prepare for the battle.

However, the wind did not intend to leave.

Instead, find a position to set the eye of the **** of death, aiming at a rock.

If you use the "cracking" power, the wind believes that this seemingly hard rock should not stop the intention of killing the earth controller in communication.

However, the wind did not choose to do so.

Because, as soon as the "cracking" secluded bullets consumes ten times the value of the sneak energy, it does not want to be wasted on a normal player.

Second, it is possible to get some information from the other party's call.


"Hey, tm this group of people came out from where they actually got rid of a quasi-boss!"

After listening to the report of the earth controller, the dog's face was even more violent.

"Since the bosses have been killed, they must have hit the tobacco they need for the mission. They need to drag them to the ground and can't let them go to the military camp!"

The middle-aged player like the military division is still calmer.

Although, there is no strict law in the chaotic Golden Triangle, and there is no prohibition between players.

However, it still has to be divided into places.

For example, in the tobacco town, if the player is playing, he still has to be held accountable.

The military camps that control the npc forces in this area are more strictly banned from fighting. If the wind falls and they run into the military's field of vision, they can't stop it.

This task is not a legendary or even an epic task, and the rewards are very general.

Originally, for the people of the White Knights, it was nothing to be robbed.

However, this is not the case today, because it involves a large event that they have laid out a lot, a big move that the "boss" attaches great importance to.

"Why is it that Laozi has made a mistake here? If people outside the military camp can't stop them... Hey, Laozi just wants to kill."

The look of the dog brother is full of temper, which is a rare suffocation in a person of peacetime.

"Since they can kill even the boss, then the people who are scheduled in advance may not be able to stop them. In particular, those npcs limit the number of people we approach!"

The middle-aged military player said.

"Mom, these dog-day npcs don't give them filial piety on weekdays. At the crucial time, they are still in the card, not a little fart!"

The dog brother was even more angry when he heard this.

"No, it may not be useless!"

The middle-aged military division’s eyes suddenly brightened.

"Well? What do you mean!"

"We immediately informed the Mike Captain that he would find a way to bring some npc soldiers out of the military camp and meet the team's players on the road."

"Then, delay their time and wait until our followers arrive."

The eyes of the middle-aged military division flashed continuously.

"Does he promise?"

The dog brother frowned.

"As long as the value of the tobacco is enough, there is no such thing as no response."

"We didn't let him help kill this team player, just let him delay the time. Anyway, the npc soldiers on weekdays also have reason to kill regardless of the players."

"At that time, we also happened to save us a lot after we died, and then we carried out the task."

Middle-aged military players, a confident confidence in the chest.

"Okay, just do it, I will send a message to Mike right away!"

The dog brother licked his mouth and his face showed a brutal expression.

"That dog brother, we still need to chase after us?"

In the face of the raging dog brother, the soil control officer has not dared to interject, only then asked.

"Catch, of course. You don't chase after the tm, but the other party will suspect that there is fraud."

"And not only to chase, but also to use all means to chase me. Even if they can not beat them, you give me the time to delay, but also to fight for some time!"

The dog brother is cold.

Several high-level members of the White Knights have negotiated a series of decisions at the highest speed.

They naturally wouldn't have thought of it, just above their heads, but a dozen meters away, a bug-sized worm has already seen these in their eyes.

So far away, even if the wind uses the Force, it is impossible to hear their conversation.

However, the wind can still have a "killer" skill!

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