Fatal Shot

Chapter 1064: Mysterious "boss"

In the jungle, a fierce battle is going on.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

"Boom, bang, bang!"

The bullet left a spot of smoke in the air, and the explosion of the energy group lit up a piece of land.

The branches are broken, the plants are flying, and the soil is splashing!



The energy shield of a running controller has just dissipated, and the head is directly hit by a football-sized energy fireball. The flame of energy bursts into the white light of death.



A light armored warrior is preparing to sneak up from the side to the enemy, but is slammed into the head by a sniper bullet directly across the hidden trunk.

With the death, next to the bodies of the two men, there was a pile of spoils shining with white light.

In the chaotic Golden Triangle, the price of death will not be small.

"Where is this group of people coming from, the strength is so strong. Two more dead..."

A light armor with a white Knight's core badge on the chest, hiding his body behind a mound of dirt, his face blackened.

"Alin, where have you been, move faster... depends!"

The light armor warrior is in the command channel of the communicator, but half of it becomes a buzz.

Because, in his vision, he saw a series of white light flashing, that is, he arranged the location of the assault squad that sneaked from the side at this time.

However, to see the intensity of the white light, it is definitely a fish to be fished.

"What to do! Grass brother, are we going to take it?"

Next to a scout with an elite badge, with some fear in his eyes.

"Up... On the last hair, I used hundreds of people to block nine people, but they were killed by half. What's more, just like these people, do you think you can block those people?"

The light armor warrior sighed angrily.

This group of people was drawn by the dog brother and guarded the road outside the military camp.

Although the scope of the np military camp is very wide, there are only a few paths to officially enter.

In this path, there are more than one hundred people arranged, and it is in a defensive angle. In theory, it is not to say that it is less than nine people.

Even the same number of players, it is difficult to break through.

However, in fact, they simply can't stop the enemy of this squad.

Even after a brief exchange of fire, they have now lost half of the battle, and the other party is still zero.

If it is a general guild team, in the face of such a huge loss, it is likely to provoke blood.

How to find a way to let the other party pay a certain price, after all, the dead are friends and companions.

However, the people who chaos the Golden Triangle are different. A place where there is no law, naturally, it is impossible to have true guild members' feelings. Most people, the reason for joining the guild is only for the benefit.

More than one hundred people couldn’t stop it, but they were killed in the middle of the battle. The remaining dozens of people were opponents.

In his vision, many people have already seen the side retreating. Even a lot of people sneaked to the bodies of the dead people and smashed the things that broke out on the ground into their backpacks.

It seems that it is helping the companions to rush back to avoid losses.

However, he certainly knows that 80% of these equipment may appear on the exchange.

"Wait, wait until we support our own people, they can take up to ten minutes to get there!"

The light armored soldier bit his teeth and said the word "self" is particularly heavy.

"But now that people are scattered, we can't delay them for ten minutes. After we have passed this level, they can directly enter the camp."

Scout players are anxious.

"They can't enter!"

The light armor bites his teeth and summons everyone to let go, no longer in vain.


"Stop, this is a military restricted zone, not allowed to smash!"

Five minutes later, when the nine disguised agent players in the battle track walked from the forest to the first post of the military camp.

Np soldiers with machine guns guarding the road, direct drinking to stop them.

"We are adventurers, take over the task, and need to go to the camp to hand in the mission!"

Carry a large pineapple in a metal box and walk on the road.

"Task? Is there a pass?"


The wind fell on the front, and a three-dimensional password was constantly projected in the air above the personal terminal.

"Well... the pass is true. According to the regulations, you can enter the -294 area of ​​the military camp, and you can stay for no more than an hour."

The sentinel quickly confirmed an instrument and then prepared to release it.


However, at this time, a voice rang in the post.

"Mr. Mike, what's the matter...this... not so good..."

The soldier turned back and lowered his voice as if he was talking to someone.

The follow-up sound was very low, and the outside players couldn't hear it. However, in about a dozen seconds, the gate of the sentry post was opened.

A small, brown-haired hair with a mixed-race yellow race came out, followed by a team of heavily armed np soldiers.

"You are the adventurer of the mission? Is it the task No. 1025!"

This np officer with the rank of captain went to the player and the tone seemed to be more intimate.

However, his eyes are hidden behind the gloomy and impatience, sweeping through all the agents.

Because the agent team players, because they are in combat, they are almost wearing hoods or agent glasses, he can not see what reaction from the player's expression.


The wind replied.

Looking at him faintly, waiting for the "performance" of the other party!

If you haven’t been able to “see” the words of the top of the White City, then the party will be full of tension.

After all, suddenly such a thing, it is easy to make people suspect that the identity of the agent is exposed, may be messed up.

However, since you know what is going on, no one will be exposed.

"Well, this is right. Give me the things, I will bring them in." As for your rewards, I will let you come in for you."

The mixed-race feature np officer nodded, directly extending a hand to get the suitcase in the hands of the big pineapple.

"Sorry, sir, we can't give you something."

"The rule of conduct for our adventure team is to hand over things to the hands of the clerk. This thing should be handed over to Chief Rubin!"

The wind fell but the footsteps forward, the body moved between him and the big pineapple, and also caught his hand.


The mixed-race np officer's look was cold, and his eyes stared at the wind.


The wind fell face and did not change with him in the slightest change, although the agent glasses blocked the eyes, but it seems that there are two fine lights from the back of the glasses directly looking at the captain of the np.

"I am in the same department as Rubin, and it is very close. It is very convenient for me to hand it over to him."

"Now it's a sensitive period. The military camp is not able to allow you to enter it casually. Even if you have a permit, you need time to approve it!"

After a few seconds of confrontation, the yellow mixed-race officer screamed coldly against the wind.


The wind still shakes his head.

This np's "performance" level is not very good, just the speed of his face change.

Even if you don't know the average player in advance, you can feel that there is a problem at this time, let alone the players who are being evaluated.

If the wind falls, let the yellow mixed-race officer's face sink completely, and the eyes are obviously angry.

"Hey, what do you mean by tm?"

"Our chief is willing to help you pass things on, is to give you face, face to face?"

The soldier with a sergeant rank next to him observed the words and shouted directly.

Go one step forward and lift the gun in your hand directly to the head of the wind.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

The rest of the np soldiers, seeing this situation, also raised the weapons in their hands, aimed at the other people in the adventurer's squad.

"Sir, what happened?"

The np soldiers in the back post were also moving heavy machine guns to a group of players when they saw that there was a conflict.

The situation has suddenly become arrogant, and it is very unfavorable for them to fall.

The heavy-duty power weapon of this sentry post is not comparable to the weapons in the hands of the players who are equipped with ordinary white knights.

Even with the equipment of the agent team, the attack is not supported.

In particular, because of the need to disguise their identity, their equipment at this time is not the most complete state, and in many places in the previous battles have been damaged.

"Mike, you tm, what do you want to do, even the goods of Laozi dare to move?"

However, at this time, a voice with anger sounded far away.

Through the open door of the military camp sentry post, you can see a yellow-green military personnel carrier driving out from the military camp at a high speed, and a black and tall black np big man who is looking tall and angry is yelling at this side.


The military personnel carrier stopped heavily behind the sentry post, and the black np officer with a team of equally armed np soldiers got off and ran.

"Rubin, how come you will..."

Seeing this black officer, the face of the yellow mixed-race officer changed.

"I will allow you to bring the team out to practice, not allowing my people to come out and practice? Mike, you tm really have a kind of thing, even the things of this kind of interception of the goods can be done!"

The rank of the black np big man who came with a team of soldiers was also the captain, and his face was angry and mocked.

Obviously, the relationship between the two is not as "harmonious" as the previous mixed-race officer said. Instead, there should be conflicts.

Even the men of both sides confronted each other and even pointed the gun at the other person.

However, it is just a slap in the face. Here is the side of the military camp. No one can really do it.

After all, the two are actually junior officers.

"Hey, a few of you, follow me in."

Seeing the face of a mixed-race officer is as ugly as eating a cockroach, but the black np big man looks great.

Directly let the soldiers of the sentry post release, with a team of agents to enter the military camp.

"Hey, hey!"

A team of dozens of energy motorcycle teams wearing two people, this time, has already appeared far at the end of the road.

However, only the agents of the team can be seen to enter the re-closed military camp!


Behind the team, the dog brother who got off the bus from the heavy-duty energy motorcycle with the arrogant shape, directly in the mouth.



The 3D picture of the communicator lights up.

A middle-aged man who is carrying coffee, wearing a casual outfit and looking back at the communicator appears in the center of the picture.

"Sorry, the things you arranged have changed. Someone robbed us of the task of entering the np military camp today..."

The dog's face was somewhat embarrassing to explain the matter.

"You mean, you have dispatched hundreds of people, and you have not been able to stop them all the way. Instead, they have killed hundreds of them?"

The middle-aged man turned his head back and revealed a plain face.

"Yes, I don't know where these people came from, the fighting power and consciousness are amazing."

The dog brother looked ugly and didn't even dare to look at the middle-aged man.

"Boss, I suspect that these people may all be masters!"

"This task was robbed by them. Do we have to re-edit the plan. After all, the actions of these people are likely to affect our arrangement?"

Compared with the dog brother, the player who looks like a military division calms down and analyzes.

“All are masters?”

The middle-aged man known as the boss is thoughtful.

"No, maybe, let them enter the military camp and be able to perform better than ours!"

After hearing the middle-aged words of the military division, he considered it for a moment and then shook his head.

"The follow-up plan is going on as usual. But remember, I don't want to make such a mistake again. Otherwise..."

The words of the "boss" did not finish, and the communicator was directly cut off, but the forehead of the dog brother on the side of the communicator was already slightly sweaty.

If the wind fell in the city of Silver Moon, I learned about a group of yellow teeth who wanted to count him.

You can know that this person in the communicator screen is the "boss" in the population of the yellow tooth.

At that time, the town of exile, the chaotic golden triangle of today, the middle-aged man whose tone was dull, but made his people feel flustered, always seemed to like this "illegal land" activity.

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