Fatal Shot

Chapter 1065: Pick a reward

"Mom, fortunately, you first contacted me."

"Otherwise, if something was intercepted by Mike's bastard, Laozi would become the laughing stock of the entire military service!"

Among the yellow-green transport military vehicles, the black man looked satisfied and looked down at the wind sitting next to him.

"The main reason is that Rubin’s chief is very energetic and can directly shock the Mike. If it is not for you to appear in time, we must have failed the mission."

The wind fell gently and complimented.

"Hey, you adventurous, really like to shoot Laozi!"

"However, I am really satisfied with this matter today, and it is not difficult for you. Give me something."

The black officer was obviously used, and he clap his hands and signaled a group of people to give him something.

"Coconut, take things over!"

The wind fell with a gaze to indicate the big pineapple.

As for why it is not called "pineapple" but "coconut", this is naturally because of the identity of the disguise.

"A little thing, no respect!"

The big pineapple took the plunge and handed the box to the black captain, while also femininely handing out a small metal box.

"Advanced tobacco?"

"Well, yes, very sensible. Just rushing to this point, who will be embarrassing you in this area in the future, and report my name to Rubin."

The box was opened, just to show a little bit of smell, and the black man’s face was full of smiles.

"Thank you, President Rubin!"

The wind made a happy look and continued to chat with him.

The rest of the people did not participate in the discussion of the wind and the black captain.

Because, at this time, they are quietly observing, and use agent glasses to record the layout of the military camp on the way, including the location of some buildings, roads and heavy weapons.



A few minutes later, the transport vehicle stopped next to a building, and a team of players followed the black man and got off and walked inside.

"Hey, old wind."

"I didn't see the nightingale along the way. Did he follow up, wouldn't he be locked out of the military camp, or was it killed in the previous battle?"

"Our communicators have been sealed. Without this guy, I don't know when I will act. If I get a pit, it will be terrible!"

While walking, the big pineapple is close to the wind, and the voice is lowered.


The wind turned over and looked at his face, a little bit weird.

"Shut up, the time for action has not arrived yet, waiting quietly, is the investigation bureau sending people of this quality to perform this task?!"

A voice rang in the ears of the big pineapple, the sound was very low, but it was angry and cold.

"I am!"

The sound came too far, and the big pineapple shouted directly.

"what happened?"

The black man who walked in the forefront turned back and looked at the big pineapple.

"Nothing, he just thought that we met the people of the White Knights on the way to this mission. We were so angry that many of our brothers felt angry and swearing."

The expression of the wind fell, and answered for the big pineapple.

"Yes, yes, those **** of the White Knights are not too much!"

The big pineapple is also supplemented with some sweat on the forehead.

"White Knights, these people, these days are indeed a bit too mad!"

Fortunately, he was covered in heavy armor. The black captain couldn't see his expression, but he also said something with dissatisfaction in his mouth.

I turned back and took a group of players through the building passages that many soldiers guarded.

"The hiding power of the nightingale is stronger than before!"

The wind fell, sweeping the vacant side of the team, and the darkness in the heart.

The wind is naturally the discovery of the nightingale, but this is actually seen by the sight of the beetle.

In the field of view of the intermediate agent glasses, there is no fluctuation in the force of the original force at the position where the night screams!

In this case, when the last night squatting hides the body and enters the secret base of the Longyan Mercenary Corps, his hiding ability has obviously improved.

I don't know, is there a new breakthrough in strength, or is the Intelligence Bureau providing more advanced equipment for his mission?

If it is the former, the wind feels that he seems to have been a little stunned.

And if it is the latter, I don’t know, if it dies, will there be a chance to burst out...

"Well, you can pick the rewards you want in this warehouse, and everyone chooses one."

After entering the building, the black captain handed the box to an np soldier and took the player to a place like a warehouse.

“Direct selection?”

This way of giving rewards is to let the agents feel that there is something new.

In the federal camp, when rewards are issued, they are selected on a virtual screen through a personal terminal, and then the mechanical equipment is given to the selected items.

For the first time, like this kind of thing to pick and choose rewards in a large warehouse of equipment.

Although, everyone looked at the task before, I found that the task is not very difficult.

It is not necessary to kill and kill the **, after all, it is possible to complete the task with ten pieces of advanced tobacco.

Therefore, for rewards, in fact, the interest is not very large.

After all, according to the difficulty, the reward estimate is at most the level of rare equipment.

But in this group of people, ordinary rare equipment is really hard to be excited.

"Hey, are there any attributes for these rewards?"

However, when the first few people who walked into the warehouse were ill, they went to the first shelf in the warehouse and wanted to see what level of equipment was covered in a transparent glass cover.

However, it was discovered that these equipments could not see the attributes, and even the names could not be seen.

"This glass cover can isolate the identification rays of the terminal, and there are some things that are obtained from the relics, so the terminal naturally cannot detect its information."

"However, there is definitely something good inside. Some adventurers used to get some legendary equipment from here."

"In fact, is this more interesting? Maybe you have chosen the legendary equipment today."

The black captain explained with some rough voice.

"Really... a little bit interesting!"

The big pineapple heard this and his eyes lit up and looked around.

Directly toward a shelf on the right side, a pendant has a gemstone necklace with a colorful glow rushing over it.

"I want this, this necklace of number-24!"

Like being afraid of others, the big pineapple directly determines what you want.

The three lucky attribute necklaces of the wind, the inlaid gems on them are all colorful. And this one is also colorful...

"How come! Just a common ornament, or is it 10?"

However, after the things were taken out, the big pineapple was sorely vomiting blood.

It turned out to be just a common piece of equipment, and the level was still 10th.

"Since there are legendary equipment, then naturally there may be some low-grade things, so the average level of rewards is in line with the task."

"Which equipment can be selected, you can see your eyesight."

The black captain stood on the edge and took it for granted.

"I am dizzy, you don't say it early!"

The big pineapple looked sad and reminded that he had a small necklace of 10 in his hand.

With the big pineapple in the car, the rest of the people choose the equipment carefully.

These equipments were placed in the equipment slots on the shelves of the warehouse, and only a part of them were exposed. Even the image analysis capability of the special glasses could not be used, and it was only judged by eyesight.

The wind is everyone, and the last one goes into the warehouse.

And just walked to the front of the No. 1 shelf, and looked at a warrior glove that was quite domineering.

However, a closer look reveals that his eyes are empty.

Because, a reconnaissance beetle, is not far from this position, determined to climb the location of the umbrella company base.

"I have chosen it, just this one!"

Widows are the second choice.

It was a saber that showed only one piece and looked very ordinary.

After waiting for confirmation, after taking out from the isolation shield, it turned out to be a 55-level rare equipment with excellent evaluation!

This is much more than a big pineapple.

"I want this!"

The third person is young and frivolous. He has a fancy of a headpiece of a gorgeous fire master.

However, after taking it out, it was only a level 60 exquisite equipment, which made his face look ugly.

"Old wind? You look at this glove. Hey, I am the foresight of the car. The more gorgeous and domineering things here, the more obvious the garbage. I think this alloy sword is good, or you choose this one!"

"Or this gunman's helmet is also good, it should be a rare piece of equipment!"

The eyes of the big pineapple, which has not been qualified, turned around and got together in front of the wind that stood in front of the No. 1 frame, squinting at the face as a "consultant."

He has picked things and is not qualified to pick them up again, but seeing so many things here is really a feeling of itch, and I want to play again with the opportunity of the wind.

"No, I have the absolute guarantee of picking good things!"

The wind looked up and smiled at him, looking at the "color necklace" he held in his hand, a metaphorical expression.

"Hey, old style!"

"It’s not right to brag this way. When these things are placed on the shelf, they can’t be directly identified, and they can’t be identified by the terminal. Can you guarantee to pick out good things?”

The big pineapple obviously feels like the wind blows. After all, this is specially designed by the system.

If you can definitely pick a good thing, then you have been doing the task here and you are not sending it. After all, the difficulty of this task is actually not high.

"Well, promise. Or, let's make a bet?!"

The wind fell on the big pineapple, and a chest was well-fed, like a smile.

"Oh... old wind, you don't really have a way?"

The big pineapple took a breath.

When I heard the wind, I had to bet, and my face was tangled, because he seemed to have not lost if he met the wind and bet.

"If you have nothing to bet, you will bet on this necklace in your hand. If I lose, lose a rare piece of equipment to you, you lose, give me the necklace."

The wind fell, of course, to understand the heart of the big pineapple, laughing.

"You are real!"

After the big pineapple heard this, the black face was happy.

A piece of junk jewelry is exchanged for rare equipment. If you gamble, you will definitely earn more.

Even knowing that the wind is not playing unpredictable gambling, the big pineapple can't help but decide to agree.

After all, he still doesn't quite believe that the wind can really pick out the absolute "good things" in this pile of equipment with no attributes.

However, soon he was stunned.

"President Rubin, on the way we came today, I met a violent **, and after killing it, I found a piece of top tobacco in its nest."

"I suddenly remembered that I didn't smoke, and you are a connoisseur. Can you help me with one or two!"

The wind turned and walked to the front of the black man in front of the door, and took out a small box from his arms.

"Top tobacco!"

The face of the black officer changed, and there was a clear desire in the eyes of the box.

"I don't know, President Rubin, can you give us a little hint, after all, so many things, we are less than an hour, it is difficult to choose carefully."

After the black military officer took the box, the wind quickly lowered the voice.

"I am going, there is this trick!"

The big pineapple that came over, a silly expression.

Not only the big pineapple, but the rest of the players are also a bit stunned at this time.

The voice of the dialogue between the wind and the big pineapple is not small. The players who are choosing equipment are actually paying attention here.

The sound of the wind falling to the captain of Rubin is small, but the act of bribing something from his arms is to make them look in their eyes.

Later, I found myself, such a serious selection is really a clumsy way.

Because the high-grade tobacco that was obtained after the killing of the violent squad was enough for the task, the top-grade tobacco was separated along with the blast.

Originally, for this group of players, it is not very important.

Because the price of a top-grade tobacco, that is, the level of hundreds of thousands of credit points, is not as good as a rare piece of equipment.

Therefore, in the end, it was assigned to the wind with the highest contribution.

The "bribery" thing is actually more common in the game, but the "Star Culture" is actually not popular.

Therefore, as a person of the Tianxing civilization, I have never thought about it for the first time, but for an earth person, it is really easy to get used to.

However, the wind is not saying "give me a hint", but use "we".

Now, in fact, half of the people have not selected equipment.

In particular, Xiao Luoshui and female agent players have not yet selected the rewards they want. It is not only natural that the wind is so beneficial.

As a leader, it is best to make everyone profitable.

As for the big pineapple and young and frivolous, this can only be said that their heart is too urgent.

However, the big pineapple may not be a loss, although the nature of his necklace is very common, even garbage.

However, the styling is deceptive, and when it is impossible for others to see the attributes, it will definitely be regarded as "lucky" equipment.

If you really want to sell it, the price is not expected to be inferior to the rare saber that the widow is sick.

Of course, this thing should become his now.


After the suggestion of the black captain, the wind fell directly to the shelf in the middle, a sign marked as the front of the b-102 reward.

"A box of bombs?"

After seeing things, it was a little unexpected to look back at the wind from the hollow eyes.

The thing in the glass cover of the shelf turned out to be a box of semi-open bullet boxes with two special golden bullets on the side.

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