Fatal Shot

Chapter 1075: signal! Association?


Just after the nighting out, the digital cat suddenly changed slightly.

"what happened?"

Phoenix noticed her reaction and asked.

"I received a signal!"

The digital cat's face is a little dignified, and the finger quickly taps on the instrument in front of him, as if analyzing something.

"Signal? There is a signal here. Normally, there is no barrier to the metal wall, and since it is the headquarters of the umbrella company, the air is definitely full of various signal fluctuations!"

The last one has a hole in the last one, and the voice is inexplicable.

"It's not the signal detected by the agent glasses or the special equipment, but the signal that I have made a special device."

The digital cat reached out and took off a small gray device that was added to his mid-level agent glasses.

This thing was made by her.

After reaching the master level, the player has been able to easily transform a lot of things, and the agent glasses plus this thing does not affect the function.

However, it is not simple to use this thing.

It is used to communicate with "t-x smart core" and "t-1000"!

Whether it is the core of t-x or t-1000, because it is a pure liquid structure, the ordinary communication method can not function.

It must be passed through this small device to be able to function.

"Using t-x's special communication method, can I receive a certain pulse signal inside the umbrella company?"

"Although this signal pulse is very stable, it should not be used for communication or password transmission."

"But what does this mean?"

The digital cat's eyes flashed, and the thinking after awakening the Force was thinking at a high speed.

"There are two possibilities. One is that the umbrella company uses a certain way to get a t-1000 or t-x."

"The second is the existence of a t-x type of machinery inside the umbrella company, just like the former president of the White City, which is disguised by t-x."

"The third point is the Terminator and the umbrella company, and the two may have hidden connections!"

The wind fell in the same way as the device, so naturally the same problem was discovered, and his brain thinking speed is certainly not slower than the digital cat.

Even because of his previous personal experience, he was immediately given three inferences.

There is a natural connection between the story of "Terminator" and the story of "Resident Evil".

After all, because the expansion of the Resident Evil, the federal government decided to open the authority to simulate human-type machinery. In this way, it will undoubtedly create conditions for the "Terminator" in the future.

It seems that it is just a systematic arrangement that allows two epic plots to take on each other.

However, the "War of War" system does not directly interfere with the game plot, but uses the small plot to promote the development of the big plot.

Therefore, there is a certain hidden "inside" between the two!

"And, is this communication related to the t-1000?"

The wind fell more thought of, that is, the last time I met the snake woman super boss, the t-1000 that came back from the army to the military no one came to find it.

There are some unreasonable things about this.

However, if this t-1000 is not subject to the military's orders, but belongs to "Skynet"?

Even, is it a umbrella company?

Of course, all of this is speculation, and it does not mean absolutely correct.

Perhaps, the umbrella company has only discovered this special high-confidential communication method, so it is used internally.

"But, in this case, I am afraid that the t-1000 will not be able to play inside the base!"

The wind fell frowning.

Originally, I still want to help the t-1000 in this mission.

Today, it has to be considered in depth.

Perhaps, after the t-1000 program is modified by the digital cat, it will no longer be controlled by Skynet.

However, it may automatically respond to this communication, exposing the location of everyone.

Even, maybe not just t-1000, if the third guess is true.

The central brain of the umbrella company "red after" may be able to discover the player's actions through the t-900 or even the t-800.

Fortunately, the t-1000 was all sent to the Zerg base in the wormhole, and because of the limited number of places entering the military camp, no one came with a robot.


The wind falls with the thoughts of the digital cat's heart, and the rest of the people naturally cannot understand it.

They just know that this special communication channel just lost some interest after discovering some pulse signals and not getting useful information.

"I have checked it, no problem, I can come out."

The sound of the nightingale sounded outside.

When the group went out, it was completely clear about the current environment.

This is a single-person dormitory, but it looks more luxurious, and even some red wine and elegant art are placed in the living room.

Obviously, this dormitory is definitely not an ordinary employee.

“Elix Wesker, Head of the Biological Department of the umbrella company, head of the Wesker project...”

The information of the owner of the dormitory was quickly found by the female agent, from a photo with information.

"Elix Wesker?"

After hearing the name, the wind directly interrupted the "terminator" problem that was originally being considered, and immediately cast his eyes on it.

The photo is a woman wearing a stylish dress, a white dress, a pointed flat black leather shoe with a dull expression.

The golden hair has a long brown hair, a very fine eyebrow trimmed, and a light blue pupil. Although it looks like a white race, it also has a slightly mixed taste.

As everyone imagines, among the secret bases of umbrella companies, the employees who are engaged in scientific research and wear glasses with less edging are undoubtedly different.

"Elix Wesker... We didn't have this woman in the intelligence of the top management company we had before!"

The nightingale looked at the woman on the photo, her face was a little heavy.

Obviously, the umbrella company is really hidden.


The wind fell, but at this time it was a slight exhalation in the mouth.

His luck seems to be confirmed again. He just chose a dormitory and he met a big fish.


This surname is certainly no stranger to him.

When I first started in the town of Rogge, the plot of "Resident Evil, Symptoms" was exactly what "Wesker" used as a hidden boss to control everything behind the scenes.

Of course, that Wesker is a sunglasses man, and this one is a woman.

However, these two individuals have an important relationship in the context of the original Resident Evil.

Both of them are experimental bodies of the "Wesker" plan, and they are the only experimental bodies that survived, and they have important plays in the plot.

"Before, it was ignored!"

The wind fell in love with the conversation between the seven killers and the heavy armor who were heard by the scouting beetle.

At that time, the two actually mentioned "Elix".

It's just because the wind can only be seen through the "lips". In that case, a long paragraph of conversation can better judge the content, but it is impossible to get the name accurately.

So I didn't directly think about this role.

Nowadays, she just sneaked into her dormitory and could consider using her identity.

"People are back!"

The night has been at the door, and suddenly he turned back and lowered his voice.

After entering the underground base, the effect of the wall blocking the detection is much weaker.

At least, the detection of an epic scout is only affected by a wall. The picture is directly transmitted to the agent glasses of each person, giving the impression that it is like opening a perspective.

"Catch alive!"

It’s the target person who looks back, and the wind is more than a gesture.

The nightingale went to the door and disappeared again, re-entering the invisible state.


The sound of the identity completion was heard at the door.

Then the door was opened, and the female npc executive was unaware of the moment when the door of the room was closed again.

Behind it, a hot hand has caught her mouth; at the same time, there is a cold army knife attached to her neck!

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