Fatal Shot

Chapter 1076: Flicker


Alex began trying to break free.

However, although the player is an amateur agent, he has also specialized in learning skills.

What's more, she is just an ordinary person without mutation, and it is impossible for a player who faces a rare and even legendary equipment bonus to break free.

The most important thing is that in addition to the saber that is in front of the neck.

Alice also felt a pain under the ear on her side of her neck, as if it had been tied.

Then, I felt that the whole body quickly became paralyzed, leaving only consciousness and vision, hearing or awake.

“The quick-acting paralysis needle, the average person lasts about ten minutes!”

At night, I put down my own agent watch, which is the item in the box that the agent department prepared for her.

"The communication was completely cut off, including the new type of communication method of the previous microphone communicator. It has also been completely cut off, she can't have a way to signal the outside world..."

The digital cat is quickly clicking on the instrument at the side, against the wind.

"Well, no, that pulse signal has not been completely cut off. Not good, she has a device that communicates with the pulse signal!"

However, halfway through, the digital cat's face has changed.

Because, on the instrument in her hand, it shows the same way as the pulse signal.

But the change is constantly changing, and the signal that obviously carries some kind of information is uploaded from this woman!

"The ring of her left hand!"

Immediately, the digital cat hurriedly tapping the instrument locates the source of the special signal.

The wind fell after hearing this, immediately took a silver ring on the left hand of the left hand of Alice.

"Silver metal, sure enough..."

Holding the ring in your hand and seeing the inner ring of the ring familiar with the faint blue light of the silver metal, the wind's face is condensed.


"It is estimated that the heart or pulse or brainwave control will signal if there is a large emotional fluctuation!"

"However, I used the instrument to make some interference, and her signal should be sent incompletely. If it is sent to a liquid core such as t-x, it may not be able to parse the content."

The digital cat face is not very nice.

"Rely, this umbrella company is really not able to look down."

The rest of the players, although not very familiar with the signal, but the danger is just understand, the expression is also serious.


The wind fell, frowning, and again with the eyes on the night.


Nodded at night.

Quickly remove the same item from the tactical vest as a syringe.

Then, put one end of the item behind the neck of Alice's neck, and inject something into it.

"This is a tiny biological bomb that I have injected into your spine. Once I die, or start the detonator, it will explode directly and destroy your central nervous system."

After shaking things in front of Alice's eyes at night, he then pointed the agent's watch to the side of her neck and ejected a needle.

The things that the special agent department prepared in advance are all matched with the fighting methods of their own characteristics.

The night got this micro-bomb and the previous paralyzed needle, which is undoubtedly a weapon to control npc in the mission.

In a sense, it is even more revealing that she knows more about the "darkness" than the average female player.

Perhaps this is why she gave herself the code "night".

"What are you guys?"

A few seconds later, the head got rid of the paralyzed Alex because of the needle, and the first sentence was spoken.

"I don't think it makes any sense."

"Ms. Alex, because time is limited, I will try to be as simple as possible."

"We hope that you can help, let us get something from this base, mainly some information, and some research results of umbrella companies."

The wind fell directly to the local road and did not hide too much.

Because as long as they are not stupid, individuals can guess what they want to do.

Ms. Alice, one of the top executives of the umbrella company, will certainly not be classified as a stupid person. She has already guessed the player's intention.

"If, I said refused!"

However, it is true that in a company like umbrella protection, it is also possible to be a woman at the responsible level.

This kind of micro-bomb was implanted, and when life and death were controlled, Alice's face was not too discolored, but after glanced at the teeth and stared at the night, she looked cold and looked cold.

Completely, there is no meaning of cooperation.

This makes a bunch of players, frowning.

Especially because she was worried that she had already sent the signal before, at this time, all the gaining potions had been taken into the hands, and even the widows who held the weapons at the door had several people.


The wind fell, but the look nodded without any surprise, no anger, and directly changed the topic.

"Ms. Alexis Wesker, don't you think that the name of Wesker is an insult to you?"

"What do you mean, do you want to give me psychological counseling?"

Alice looked up at the wind, her expression was quite cold, but her eyes changed.

"Well, it seems that the Wesker plan should be exactly the same as the original game."

The wind fell from her reaction and judged something.

The wind is not certain, whether the "Wesker Plan" is consistent with the original, after all, the war is only borrowed a part of the "Resident Evil" setting.

However, when he saw the word "Wesker Plan" on a previously found material, he decided to test it.

Now, it should be ok to confirm that the Wesker plan in the Wars also exists.

The so-called "Wesker Plan" is a project carried out by Oswell E. Spencer, one of the founders of the umbrella company, to realize his "new human" plan and further realize "eternal life".

The plan abducted and kidnapped many children who were considered to have high-quality human DNA for cultivation and experimentation. These children were uniformly granted the name of Wesker.

Of course, the result of being protected as an experimental product by the umbrella company does not need to be said.

These children were all injected with the variant virus, and in the end, only two survived.

“The originally happy family was forcibly broken up and used as an experimental product, and it was instilled with faith and loyalty to a stranger.”

"Do you want revenge for the makers of all this?"

The wind fell against Alice.

"Your intelligence is very detailed!"

Alice’s face said coldly, but at this time, her eyes did not praise at all, but with ridicule.

This is of course, although the Wesker plan is a failure.

However, the two survivors have all climbed up to a low position within the umbrella company.

Although in theory, the creator of the umbrella company, Szebin who implemented the "Wesker Plan" is indeed their enemy.

However, for a woman who has mature thinking and is brainwashed by a protective umbrella company, it is impossible to be swayed by the wind and the wind.

Not to mention that she has now become the head of the Wesker project!

"It seems that I have estimated that I am wrong. You are very satisfied with the status quo."

“Really, compared to just raising parents, you should spend a lot of resources to train you, discover your potential, and let Szebin, the top executive of the umbrella company, be more intimate.”

"But, Ms. Alice, your illness continues to grow, I am afraid that there will be no chance to save soon!"

The wind was not irritated by her expression, but changed another angle.

Only two people survived the entire "Wesker Plan", the sunglasses male Albert Wesker and the Alexis Wesker.

However, unlike Wesker, who has not been able to live forever, but has undergone variability to gain some superhuman power.

Because of the existence of some kind of malignant disease in the body, Alex has not gained strength, and she is still an ordinary person.

Even the disease is constantly eroding her body!

"how do you know?"

Alex's face finally changed color.

This is a secret. Even in the umbrella company, only a few know, but those few people are absolutely impossible to betray the umbrella company.

"Your illness, we can help with the treatment!"

The wind did not answer, but went straight into the air, and the tone was full of affirmation.

"The whole planet is studying the medical and evolutionary viruses. No organization can go beyond the umbrella company. I am the head of the umbrella company. Do you think I will believe that you can do it?"

Alice’s eyes were a little shaken, but obviously did not believe in the wind.

"William Berken's daughter is also incurable. Can your umbrella company not be treated?"

"But, with us, her condition has now been controlled, and she has basically recovered to the same level as a normal person."

The wind fell and threw a killer.

He knew that what he said would reveal a lot of information.

However, the problem is not big.

After all, if you can't convince, then this story npc is impossible to stay!

"William Berken?"

"It turns out that you are a member of the federal government. The situation of William's daughter is different from mine. The g virus can't cure my body even if this variant is very special."

Alice really guessed a lot of information from the words of the wind.

Her expression has changed dramatically.

In addition, when she mentioned "William", it seemed to be a bit strange.

"g virus may not be able to! But, we are currently mastering not only the g virus, but also the super-evolution virus."

The wind fell again and threw a message.

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