Fatal Shot

Chapter 1077: Will count

"Super-evolutionary virus, this is impossible! Of the various stable variants of the evolutionary virus, there is simply no one that can qualify for a super rating."

“Otherwise, does the federal government need to arrange for you to sneak into here?”

This time, Alex's face is really changing a lot, and the sound has improved a lot.

However, the tone is a more determined denial.

Obviously, she does not know the existence of the super evolutionary virus.

This shows that it is not the umbrella company that directs the t-1000 to kill the snake female boss, or that her status is not enough to know the secret.

"The super evolutionary virus does exist, and its effect far exceeds your imagination."

"The reason for sneaking here is far more complicated than you think. In fact, it's not just our federal government. There are also rebel forces, and this is the same action!"

"Your base, now outside, has been surrounded by people from both sides. Just wait until we get what we need, and we will use high-energy bombs to destroy the entire base!"

"So, Ms. Alex, you can still have a chance to live with us."

The wind fell.

Of course, most of these words are fake.

However, Feng Li believes that Alice should already know what is happening on the ground, and she has no way to verify that the wind is lying.

The spread of the virus has caused more than one billion people to be infected. This crime is indeed enough for the federal government to use "super-weapons" to "clear the field"!

"How do I know that you will not kill me after using it?"

Upon hearing this, Alice's face was obviously shaken.

No one is not afraid of death. She only controls herself through these people, instead of killing herself directly, so she knows that she should have the opportunity to talk about conditions.

However, in the face of the devastating threat of high-energy bombs, she could not be indifferent.

In particular, it is not only the federal government that knows the offensive base, but also the rebel forces. The two forces have taken the shot together, and the umbrella company has no ability to confront.

"Ms. Alex, everyone is a smart person. You are not the mastermind of the umbrella company, and you are not even in the federal order."

"And, even if you really broke the law, we are not the police, nor the task of catching criminals."

"In addition, you should understand that you have no choice!"

The wind falls directly.

For the umbrella company's "big evil", of course, he can't have a way to directly sin, even if he said "protect you not guilty", the cleverness of Alice can not believe.

However, they only come to get information, goods and technology, but not to arrest people.

As long as she can go out and rely on the hidden value of her umbrella company's high-level identity, she still has to worry about finding a willingness to take over on this planet.

This interstellar is not just the two forces of the federal and rebel forces!

"Well, I can promise you!"

"But you have to be sure to treat my body and take out the tiny bombs in my body right away."

Alice was silent for a long while, and finally looked at the wind.

"Yes, I will do my best to heal you! But the micro-bomb can't be taken out directly here. I can only wait until I leave the base and get to the safe zone before I can take it off."

The wind fell for a few seconds, and seemed to be nodding after pointing at Alice.

Of course, the body can be treated, and it can't be guaranteed anyway.

However, the miniature bombs certainly cannot be taken out immediately.

Just as npc can't fully believe in players, a group of players is not a fool. How can it be so simple to really believe her.

Implanting a miniature bomb in her body is more useful than any verbal advice or temptation!

"I hope you can talk and talk, otherwise, everyone will die at the same time!"

After regaining her mobility after the night's lifting of the numbness, Alice's hand touched the back of the neck where she couldn't feel the pinhole. She looked at the night with some anger.

Then, the reloading said to the wind.

"My ring is connected to the brain's brain, 'red after'. Even if the distress signal is disturbed, it will automatically be alarmed once it has been cut off for a certain period of time or if it receives too much interference."

"You still have ten seconds..."



Everyone has a face change.

The wind fell frown and returned the ring to her.


And until the ten-second countdown almost arrived, the ring was again worn on her finger to emit blue light, and the digital cat nodded to him.

"This is really too pit, one ring and one ring."

There are some sighs about the murder of the widow.

After they kept for a while, they found that no one was rushing with the weapon, indicating that the previous signal should have been successfully interfered by the digital cat, and then it was cut off from the source.

However, I did not expect that the original truncated data was equally problematic.

If it is not the wind that convinces this woman, then exposure is inevitable.

Once that happens, the entire umbrella company base will enter a state of alert, and it is estimated that it is a luxury to get close to the target area. The various things that have been done before will no doubt make sense.

Just playing a game, there are so many traps, it is estimated that this is exactly the case when the agent is out of the task!

"Since Ms. Alexis told us this news, it is obvious to see our sincerity, since it is already a collaborator."

"The time is tight, please tell us about the situation of this base."

The wind fell coldly and looked at the mixed blond girl.

"This secret headquarters was built by the company at a great price."

"In the headquarters, almost all the functional departments of the entire company, but because of the multi-party tracing, in order to prevent attention and raw materials, the current military and mechanical departments are already in a state of suspension."

“The only thing that is still working is the three projects in the biological sector, which are led by me, Dr. Yu, and Marcus.”

Alice took a micro terminal from the ground and brought it back because of paralysis.

In the eyes of the player who has some concerns, the terminal is opened, and some pictures and characters are projected in the air.

“I am responsible for the use of evolutionary viruses in medical and genetic optimization. Dr. Yu is responsible for adventurer-related projects and the follow-up development of the 'Tyrant Series’ biochemical weapons.”

"As for Marcus, the project he is responsible for is a secret in the department, even I don't know."

However, the wind knows that those players who join the rebel camp should know some information.

Because, at the time, the Seven Kills and the heavy armor warriors mentioned "Marcus's project."

“What about security work? Who is responsible!”

Alex said only that there are three major departments still in operation.

But the wind is sure, there is still a department that can't strike, that is the security department.

The security personnel inside the umbrella company are definitely not comparable to the three-stream npc soldiers outside.

"Albert Wesker!"

Alice looked at the wind and replied, completely unable to see that she deliberately ignored the security department, or really did not think of it.

"Wesker? It is him!"

The wind fell slightly and frowned.

He remembers that in the original "Resident Evil", Wesker itself was dissatisfied with the umbrella company.

First, the fake death from the umbrella company, and then joined the US police, and finally killed Szebin.

According to the war situation, the US police obviously should correspond to the federal police, the military or the secret service department...

However, since this time, all three departments have nothing to do with the information inside the umbrella company.

This seems to indicate that this Wesker in the "War of War" did not rebel from the umbrella company's mind, or that the plot has not yet developed to that point?

In this case, then he is definitely a goal that needs to be focused on.

The wind fell, but know that this "Wesker" that maintains the appearance of human beings has absolutely strong strength. After all, he is one of the villains of "Resident Evil".

The acquisition of intelligence was very smooth, and Alex seemed to be really deciding to go to the federation, so it was almost a question and answer.

After obtaining a detailed structure diagram from her encrypted terminal, the wind is arranged to directly launch the 24k to start collecting the "back road".

"The means of the investigation bureau is wide enough, but in this mission, it is even hidden from the intelligence. Is it really impressive?"

However, after the necessary information has been collected.

A piece of information sent by the nightingale suddenly appeared in the communication field of the agent glasses.


The wind turned and looked at the empty space next to it, and did not explain anything.

Because the wind fell into dialogue with Alice, the nightingale apparently believed that the intelligence obtained from the wind was from the investigation bureau.

In the past, the federal government faced the problem of complete lack of intelligence, which led to a lack of help.

This extremely important intelligence did not even contribute, and it is no doubt that the FBI’s monopoly is very ugly!

For this, the wind is obviously not a good explanation.

Moreover, there is no need to explain it. Anyway, if the task is completed, there will never be anyone to pursue it.

If the task fails, then there is no need to explain at all. Because the task fails, the nightingale is estimated to be impossible to live.

"Mr. Feng, what do you think, what should we do next?"

A small white watery energy robes, Xiao Luoshui and the female agent, walked to the wind and fell, with bright eyes and some inquiries.

This move undoubtedly belongs to a statement that the two people in their department are commanded by the wind.

As for the young and frivolous and the widowed and sick, there is no way to say anything.

Because the whole process was just a wind and a dialogue with Alice, the rest of the people could not be plugged in, and even could not understand too much.

At this time, no one other than him is qualified to arrange follow-up actions.

Otherwise, is it possible to count on the invisible nightingale?

“The rebels want us to act first, and then they take the opportunity to get the target items.”

"Then, we only need to turn the other way around, let them act first!"

The wind is in a relaxed tone.

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