Fatal Shot

Chapter 1082: Helldog, Destroyer


Located in the three-dimensional picture of the half-air projection, the c model after awakening, the huge fist after the swollen expansion, with a force fluctuations toward the phoenix!


However, the action of the phoenix is ​​amazingly flexible.

The moment before the c model fist came, it jumped directly on the ground.

The feet continually stepped on a few feet on the wall behind them, and finally the red alloy boots with more strong force fluctuation than the c model, one foot on the head of the c model.


When the c model is throwing a punch, the body's center of gravity moves forward.

Being kicked by the phoenix to open the original force skills in the back of the head, directly causing the body to fall out to the ground.

The celestial sword in the hands of the phoenix is ​​a flame that burns in a layer of light, accompanied by the same figure that she also falls like a flame.



The legendary sword with the fluctuation of the Force of Forces runs directly from the top to the bottom of the c model of the c model, bringing the super fatal damage value!


"Attack, attack!"

The npc security guards yelled in the mouth, and the bullets in their hands fired bullets, but they were all blocked by a large pineapple with a black giant shield.

Even the big pineapple after the awakening of the Force seems to feel that it is not enough.

Even directly carrying the alloy shield to the attacking npc rushed over, the hand shield waved directly to an npc to the ground to crash a few meters away, the hands of the firearms off the hands, vomiting blood landing!


The timing of the attack by Xiao Luoshui was very accurate.

In the hands of the legendary energy converter, the white light flashes, and the icy water energy follows the shield, which instantly slows down the attacks and dodge actions of those npcs.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

"-10293, 12019, -10280!"

The wind of another c model has been solved, and the figure is already approaching.

The Force entered the top of the killing wolf in the hand, let the blade violently rise out of an invisible blade of the original force, and instantly rushed into those npcs, and brought a blood of the stock in a blink of an eye!

The digital cat is a finger that continuously clicks on a luminous instrument, and finally turns to look at the direction of monitoring.

The next moment, the entire monitor screen is lost!



“Where did these people come from, how could they suddenly appear in the core area of ​​the e-zone?”

"The inside of the e-1 insurance room, but the company's drug research results, can not be obtained by them."

Looking at the picture that turned into a blank, an identity brand is the deputy director of security, the hustle and bustle of the Hu Huang, who is angry and authentic.

"Start the second-level alert, let all the people in the e-zone evacuate and release the **** dogs!"

In the opposite side of the Wesker, there is a direct faint passage.

"This...but, Ms. Alex is still not dead. The **** dog will not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, and attack a sexual creature, Ms. Alex will be killed by it."

Hearing the words of Wesker, the deputy director of the security guard of the yellow race was somewhat hesitant.

Although the surveillance screen has turned into a blank, but the picture they saw before, Yalix fell to the ground, but because it was only destroyed by the micro-bomb, the nerves are obviously life-like.

As one of the heads of the four departments that are still in operation, Alice's position in the umbrella company can be imagined.

If the **** dog is released, he will be pursued afterwards, but he is not worthy of it!

"Don't you see that these people deliberately left Alice's life as a bait?"

"And, Alex, she helped these people open the n-1 area, so that our company spent a lot of money and manpower to study the confidential information of drugs, facing the possibility of leakage."

"Now, how to save our mistakes is the most important thing. You don't want to face Mr. Szebin's personal anger?"

"As for Alex, if it dies, it is to pay for her mistakes!"

The expression under Wesker's sunglasses is light.

Obviously, although there are also "Wesker" surnames, the survivors of their two Wesker plans don't have any deep feelings between each other.

"However, this does not necessarily require the use of **** dogs. We can send more c models or a team of t models to solve them."

The deputy director of the Yellow Species still dare not make a decision.

"Take all the people here to fight, then who will keep the entrance and support the battlefield above."

"The outsiders who are fighting the army are definitely their reinforcements, and they are also manipulating a boss. If these people are allowed to enter the base, we will all be finished under the attack on both sides!"

Wesker's tone became a bit impatient.

"But the adventurer named Seven Kill now controls the three-headed g model. If you don't send someone down, the n-zone will be completely occupied by them!"

In front of the two, there are two other monitoring screens.

One of them is the battlefield of the seven-killing rebel army player. The three-headed boss-level g model is killing those security npcs under the command of seven kills. The battle has become completely one-sided.

"Manually close the n zone from the outside, then release the destroyer!"

Wesker sunglasses said coldly.

"Destroyer? The destroyer has not yet fully controlled the success... If released, it will not only cause great damage to the base, but also the danger of losing control."

The deputy director of security, npc, was shocked and more shocked than seeing the g model.

"If this continues, will the damage they cause be worse than the destroyers?"

Wesker sneered.

On the screen, the rebels have solved all the npcs.

At this time, three g models were being commanded, destroying the safes in the lab and plundering various things.

"Maybe you are right, but the release of the destroyer needs to be approved by Mr. Szebin. Now the red is restarting, we can't contact him!"

The deputy director of the Yellow Species finally compromised.

"Damn, how can someone be implanted with a virus after the red, even the spare brain brain ‘white post’ is actually infected.”

"And, the virus has smashed all the smart weapon systems, and it takes at least ten minutes before it can restore all its functions."

"A-1 is the highest level of confidentiality after the red, and these adventurers, how to avoid a large number of security personnel and monitoring, into the destruction of it!"

"This is simply impossible!"

The face of the yellow man's npc deputy supervisor was puzzled.

"Now, not when you are struggling with these things! Immediately execute my order to release the destroyer, all consequences, I will bear."

Wesker interrupted his words.

"In addition, if you carry three groups of personnel and ten c models to go to the b zone, you must ensure the safety of Dr. Marcus. There, it is likely their next goal!"

"it is good!"

Huang Jianren’s deputy director of security sighed and hurriedly turned.

Only leaving Wesker standing in the same place, the eyes under the sunglasses flashed and turned to the third surveillance picture.

It's a much larger, super-sized laboratory with a large number of brain-like structures immersed in a catheter-laden culture.

"Eternal life plan... Can you really live forever?"


"It’s really embarrassing. As a group of elites, even the leader-level units have nothing to explode."

After using the shield, the big pineapple stunned the last npc on the ground, and after Xiao Luoshui made an ice arrow to solve the problem, he looked at the empty spoil on the ground, and was disappointed.

"Although there are no spoils, on average, each ordinary npc provides 200 points of biochemical crisis scores, while the c model gives 1000 points!"

"This score, if converted into a value that is sufficient for redemption, is much more abundant than a direct spoil."

"If it is not an urgent task, I hope that they will continue to send people and give us the opportunity to brush points."

Xiaoluo's tone is quite satisfactory.

"With your net worth, will you care about this small point?"

Phoenix's brows rose, and some looked at her unexpectedly.

"I play games, I don't like to get it directly through the money. These equipments and skills are all obtained by myself through the game."

Xiao Luo water eyes and the Phoenix look at each other, smiled faintly.


When I heard this, even the wind fell a bit and I felt a little surprised.

He originally thought that Xiao Luoshui could be transferred to the special occupation and the legendary equipment should be provided by Star.

After all, relying on their own abilities, the female players who can be picked up are not the same, but now it seems that there are still some minors.

For Xiaoluo Shui, the wind fell a bit.

Because the plot scores provided by these npcs are indeed very high, several times higher than the infected units outside.

The most unexpected thing is that Alex, who just died because of excessive blood loss, provided a full score of 20000 points, even if he distributed according to his contribution, he also got more than 10,000 points.

This undoubtedly shows that killing the top of the rebel army is able to get a lot of plot points.

If you can kill the boss of the umbrella company, I am afraid that I can directly get 100,000 plot points and exchange pet chip manufacturing materials!

"Well, because the main wisdom of this base has gone wrong, I was able to invade and close this laser channel, and now I can go in!"

At this time, the digital cat has lifted its head from the instrument.

I have to say that there is such an invading expert in her, and it is absolutely convenient to do the task half.

Otherwise, only this one laser channel can create no small trouble.

"Wow, there are a lot of good things here!"

After hearing this, the big pineapple has already rushed in.

There is no longer let the wind fall to summon the beetle to test. After all, even if his current defense is a laser channel suddenly restarts, he can't beat him.

"Advanced t-h virus permanent enhancer, able to permanently increase 10,000 hp."

"Tyrannosa-2 type tranquilizer, even a quasi-boss can make it sleep for ten seconds!"

"Frenzy No. 5 Pharmacy can greatly enhance the full attribute, lasting for one minute!"

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