Fatal Shot

Chapter 1083: Amazing news

"My God, these drugs, any kind of take out. It is estimated that the value that can be created is no worse than an epic-level equipment!"

The big pineapple ran to the left side of the insurance room. After watching the introduction of several drugs continuously through a projection screen above, the dark complexion had become red because of excitement.

Just because the properties of these drugs are even higher than they had expected.

These medicines are almost all c-level or higher according to the level in the game, and even a large part of them belong to the b-level medicine.

And such as "advanced permanent fortifier, tyrannosaurus pharmacy, violent pharmacy", it is directly to achieve a level of this "epic-level" level of medicine.

And because these drugs have complete manufacturing materials.

It can be said that every kind of medicine, for the big pineapple, looks like a red gold mine!

“There are more than seventy kinds, and the research and development capabilities of the umbrella company are really amazing!”

The rest of the three nights of the city, also went with him to the left.

Because, according to the mark of this insurance room, this side stores the drugs mainly used for "battle", which is useful for players.

These more than 70 kinds refer to confidential drugs. The umbrella companies have more than 1,000 kinds of drugs and technologies that have been published. They are worthy of being the top companies in the game.

Only Xiaoluo Shui made the same as the rest of the people, and even after watching a few eyes on the left side, he walked to the right side quietly.

Then I opened the same smart projection screen above and entered something on it.

Then, I saw that the refreshed interface was bright, and immediately focused on reading.

“Well? Xiao, I’m interested in these drugs that are of little use to the players!”

The sound of the digital cat suddenly sounded around her.

“Well? It’s a bit curious!”

Xiaoluo water turned back, and the look of the agent glasses changed, and then smiled.

The things behind the screen behind me have been switched by her hand, like inadvertently.

"The optimization of the n-3 gene of the Galaxy Empire... interesting, the experimental data of this thing is very similar to the part of the data that the 'Angel 5 Genetic Optimizer' is required to disclose. No, it should be said to be at least 98. %the same!"

However, the digital cat awakens the memory and observation after the Force.

Just a sweep, it has completely memorized the information on the interface she had previously viewed.

At this time, lifted his own agent glasses, and looked at Xiaoluo water calmly.

"No, Angel 5 is not the latest fist product developed by Angel Company. It is the best-performing genetic optimization agent, and one is a million-day star."

"It is said that after using one, the genes of the offspring are permanently improved, just like angels. Women are white and beautiful, and their IQ is amazing!"

"The men are handsome and tall, and they can sing every night, ten times a night..."

When Big Pineapple heard this, he looked surprised and almost popped up the words about the angel company’s advertising.

"Cough, cough... Angel creatures are really rich, and they can let the Star Game Company help to advertise, and don't know how much advertising fee."

In the face of his forced transfer, there is no interface.

“The Xiao’s group at Xiao’s home is currently the largest pharmaceutical company in the Star Alliance, and the main source of income is medicine.”

“And the Angel Bio Company, which produces ‘Gene 1’, is a competing relationship. No wonder, Xiao is interested in this genetic optimizer that is not useful in the game.”

The digital cat is looking at Xiaoluo Shui and once again said to himself.

"Well, these drugs..."

Because of the movement here, I was observing the player's pharmacy, and I have already reached the right side.

From the screen, browse through the information on drugs and technologies on this side.

Organ cloning technology, limb rejuvenation technology, gene optimization technology, biochip technology...and even the manufacturing technology of various genetic diseases such as cancer, albinism and so on...

For players in the game, except for techniques such as rehabilitated limbs that are used after a physical injury, most are useless.

However, the wind is falling, but the more it looks, the more it looks.

Although he is not a doctor professional player, he benefited from the previous month of isolation and learned a lot of medical knowledge.

Various medical terms and indications in these messages have been made available.

The more you look at it, the more you feel in your heart. The efficacy and principles of these drugs are not quite like they are written indiscriminately!

"Oh... these drugs will not be made in reality?"

The head of the big pineapple is not stupid, just because it is a bit slow relative to a bunch of smarter people.

At this time, he was slow, and his mind had already emerged from a control.

"I think Xiao always knows these things very well."

The wind fell to Xiaoluo.

Because this news is really a bit shocking.

So that although everyone is still in a very dangerous situation in theory, they can't help but want to get the answer to this question first, and not immediately pack these things and leave.

The reason why Feng Ding felt that Xiao Luoshui knew something, except for her abnormal behavior.

Also, because the former team of agents chose to group, the people who took the action of Alex was undoubtedly more dangerous than the other group.

And Xiao Luoshui is actively asking for his own joining. Combined with the present, it can be seen that she is not a temporary intention.

"It looks like I can't help but say it."

"Well, although it involves some news that is still in the confidential stage, I think the government should not hide these things for a long time, you will know sooner or later."

Xiao Luoshui and the digital cat looked at each other a few times, looking at the wind and a rather serious expression, shaking his head and smiling slightly helplessly.

Probably because he was too eager before, leading to direct clues.

"Are you wondering why, why can we, Tianxingming, advance in the modern era, and in a short period of time, from the feudal era to the current colonization?"

Then she did not directly explain the reason, but first thrown a question to the rest.


The words of Xiao Luoshui caused the thoughts of a group of people.

In the past, the degree of technological development of Tianxingming was not much higher than that of the Earth.

It was only in this hundred years that technology has advanced by leaps and bounds like a big explosion. It has indisputably broken through many scientific research problems and entered StarCraft.

"No. Is it true that the genes and cancer agents that have emerged in the past 100 years, and those quantum and interstellar technologies, were obtained in the War?"

The big pineapple opened his mouth and was shocked and stunned after being thoroughly reacted.

The rest of the people react differently.

The wind was as surprised as the heart, but the surface was not too visible.

The digital cat is thoughtful, and it seems that this news has long been speculated.

The phoenix is ​​a little bit fascinating.

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