Fatal Shot

Chapter 1084: Insider's intelligence

"Can't be said to be "war", it should be said that it is the main brain of "War of War"... The current "War of War" game has indeed appeared in these few years."

"So, we don't have to worry, there are hidden veterans who have been leading the way for hundreds of years."

Xiao Luo Shui opened a joke, but did not laugh.

"But there are still some people who have entered earlier than we entered! Are these people a government-scheduled beta player?"

The phoenix suddenly plugged in, his expression with some weirdness and eagerness.

Although this sentence is asking Xiao Luoshui, her expression seems to have been determined.

“Yes, there is indeed a so-called 'internal player'!”

"However, as the current mainstream speculation in the forum, the main brain of "War of War" is not completely controlled by the government, and it is more like a cooperative relationship with our civilization."

"As a result, the internal testing staff of these governments will not affect the combat effectiveness of mainstream players."

"As far as I know, only after the mainstream players have been able to catch up with them, they will have contact with us from the plot. So, you don't need to consider them. The first master on the 17th executive star is still the wind. Mr!"

Xiao Luoshui replied, eyes looking at the wind.

"Those insiders are doing what they are doing, just like us on a certain planet, can the internal test player be able to delete the number from playing?"

Phoenix is ​​staring at her.

"Sorry... I don't know this."

Xiaoluo water looked at the reaction with some fierce phoenix and shook his head.

"In fact, the confidentiality of the news about the internal test players is very high."

"Even if we are a Shaw Group, we can't easily get it. I just know a little more because of some personal reasons."

Xiao Luo's eyes flashed, and after a slight hesitation, he added a sentence.

“The main business of the Shaw Group is very similar to that of the umbrella company. Therefore, these research results of the umbrella company will definitely help you in the Xiao Group. Just like this genetic agent, it can break the monopoly of the angel company. These things, In your hands, the value that can be played may be thousands or billions."

"In this case, why don't you spend money to hire players to forcibly capture the applicable real-world skills in these games, and the degree of freedom in Wars may not be done?"

The digital cat asked.

"The main brain of "War of War" does not interfere too much with player behavior, but there are limits to these technologies that can be realized in reality."

"In this example of mission, if you use the method you mentioned to hire a large number of players to hit here. Then the result is very likely, the people who will appear in the plot will be forced to destroy the insurance room, we can't get anything."

“Only through the reasonable steps of the story can we guarantee these key technologies!”

Xiaoluo waterway.

"It turned out to be the case, and it was similar to what I guessed."

The digital cat nodded.

She actually thought of the reason long ago, just confirm it.

This is obviously the reason why large-scale consortia in large numbers have entered the game in a big way, but they dare not use their huge funds and background to acquire technology casually.

It is only possible to obtain intelligence and information as much as possible by investing in Star Alliance in the Shaw Group.

Then, let the master players who have collected themselves get through the regular plot mission.

"Xiao Zong, you are so frank. You don't worry, because knowing the huge benefits behind these things, we will choose to pick you up and let us stay away from the city to monopolize these things."

"Then, go to the angel company, I think if you can make the two bids, you can definitely get the most benefit?"

The wind fell on staring at Xiaoluo.

"I believe that Mr. Feng, the first master, is not such a person!"

The beauty of Xiaoluo's water was condensed, but then the smile was like a breeze.

“And, some of the technologies that can be applied to reality are not directly usable.”

"The environment in the game, the situation of the human body is very different from the reality. The technical adjustment still takes a lot of time. For example, the federal law requires that the new drug test requires a five- to ten-year trial period. It can only be used after approval by the federal government."

"Reversely, even if you finally succeed in manufacturing these drugs in reality, you will face the patent barriers that have been set up by our Xiao Group or some other capital stars."

“Although the limitations on patents in the Warcraft are not very strict.”

"But with our strength, we can definitely guarantee that the lawsuit will be delayed for a long time. I think, Mr. Feng, you should not like these troublesome people."

Xiao Luo water smiled on his face and looked at the wind.

"In addition, Mr. Feng, according to some insider information I know."

"For a top player like you, personal strength is more important than the extraterrestrial thing of Skystar, because it will be a more valuable investment, and you should not be diverted by some locks. ”

"And, although there are restrictions now, one day, those beta players will be in contact with us."

"We also hope that you will be able to play these beta players for our 17th Executive Star!"

Xiao Luoshui’s words seem to be a compliment to the wind, but actually show the confidence of the beauty president himself.

Even though the opposite person is a person who never sleeps in the city, but the momentum is not falling.

"I am going, Xiao Zong, you said it too easily. Where is the Starbucks? It is the thing outside you, that is, you who have never lacked the Star Coin, can you regard the money as a dung."

The wind did not speak, but the big pineapple was looked like a serious "crit".

"If you say Xiao Zong, if we get all these things back, how much will your Shaw Group offer?"

However, then I couldn't help but be curious.

"I'm afraid I can't get it all back."

"One of these things belongs to our special agent task. The quest items requested by the npc government cannot be received in the backpack and can only be held in their hands."

"In this case, not only do we add very large variables, but we have to think about how we can keep them in our hands even if we get it."

“Secondly, the more things that are harvested in the mission, the more difficult it is to cope.”

"According to the value of hundreds of high-grade drugs in this insurance room, we really took them all away, so the possibility of going out from this mission is very low..."

"So, my opinion is that everyone can give up some of the less important game drugs on the left side, and help us Shaw Group to get some of the real drugs we need on the right side!"

"Please rest assured, we will give you enough rewards!"

Xiao Luoshui finally said his true intentions.

And the person she looks at is the wind, obviously, the real decision-making power for this matter is in the hands of the wind.

"Start the battle right away, wait until you can solve this thing and talk about it!"

The wind fell but did not answer directly. Instead, the line of sight turned to a position outside the passage, and at the same time, he reached out and took out the sniper sniper from the backpack.


At about the same time, there was a loud noise on the walls of the outside office area, and a large hole appeared in the vibration of the entire area.


After a sigh of scent from the throat.

With a height of more than three meters, it has three stinking waters and squatting heads. There is no hair on the whole body. It is a giant hound composed of red and black muscles.

Along with a sense of oppression belonging to the boss creature, the hole through the wall appears in the eyes of everyone.

[Hell dog (60 level, quasi-boss), hp: 500,000! 】8)

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