Fatal Shot

Chapter 1086: Full fire

"Does it find us?"

"It has long been discovered that such a short distance, the perception of the boss can not be blocked."

"Big pineapple, go down and take it away!"

The phoenix's gaze, holding the legendary sword in his hand, condenses, facing the big pineapple road with the same legendary shield.

"No, wait a second!"

The wind shook his head.

The energy-type sniper rifle in the hand moved with the head of the three-headed **** dog, but did not rush to shoot.


Because, on the quasi-boss three-headed **** dog shape is about to rush into the office building, the wall on the first floor of the building collapsed.

A black steel beetle, like a hill, nearly five meters high, stood up from the ruins and directly blocked its way.


The bodies of the two tall creatures slammed together steadily, after a shock.

The black collar-level steel beetle, which looks bigger, was instead knocked back, and the six-pronged paws made six traces on the ground.


With the strong physical defense power of the leading steel beetle, it was also under this collision that the full amount of blood was 5,000 points.

There is no doubt that this head-boss three-headed **** dog is really the most powerful, it should be its physical attack!


The commander-grade steel beetle that was knocked back was not to be outdone.

A layer of earthy yellow energy shield appeared on the body, and two white columnar lasers were also caught in both eyes!


"-1000, -1000, -1000..."

The three-headed **** dogs that were hit by the laser column at close range, the damage on the head was straight, and the bare chest muscles were burned out of the two bowls of discolored pits, giving off an unpleasant black smell.


However, it seems that this Hell three-headed dog has no pain perception at all.

In the face of the continuous attack of the steel beetle, there is no intention to avoid, but violently slammed.

The left head was opened and directly spewed a large group of sulphur-flavored flames against the leading steel beetles.


The blazing fire tumbling, wrapped the body of the steel beetle.

The shield of the steel beetle is very powerful against the energy attack.

However, this kind of flame of the three-headed **** dog is not an energy flame at all, but a real flame produced by using biofuels.

Therefore, the defense of the soil energy shield did not play a big role.

Even this kind of flame is directly attached to the energy shield and burns. It seems that the energy particles are a combustion improver and become more blazing.

In the twinkling of an eye, at least the energy shield that can resist the damage of the two or three full-level masters is directly collapsed.


At the moment when the earthen energy shield disappeared, the head of the quasi-boss three-headed **** dog had already opened a large mouth, revealing four white teeth that were stained with blood like a short sword.

The shell of the 50-level steel beetle that is blocking the road is biting straight!


Clear sound, the leading-level steel beetle can resist the machine gun bullets to shoot a defense, even the Boss Hell three-headed dog in the middle of the head bite through.

Even, he was directly bitten out of a hole.


After the carapace was bitten, the Hell three-headed dog directly used the toxic head on the right side and spit a large amount of venom directly into the hole.

"-1202, -2450, -4567..."

The carapace outside the steel beetle is very strong, but the interior is soft enough to be almost unprotected.

Under the corrosion of the overbearing venom belonging to the quasi-boss, a continuous increase in the amount of damage immediately occurred, leaving only a layer of black empty shells that were corroded in just a few seconds.


"It's attacking is too overbearing!"

"Unfortunately, I entered the battle state. Otherwise, I can summon the jelly to fight the damage. It is now 60. After eating a high-grade soil energy crystal nucleus, it should be able to resist the damage of this quasi-boss!"

The phoenix took a breath, and the exquisite sword in his hand clenched a few points, and his expression was indifferent.

"Mr. Feng's pet is really the most special boss pet of "War of War"!"

"However, I did not expect that so many leading-level units could not cause substantial harm to this **** three-headed dog."

“It seems that we are unlikely to completely take these advanced drugs!”

Xiao Luoshui’s expression is both amazed and worried.

Although the beetle arms are group units, the combat power is worse than that of the same level units, but the level seems to be the command level.

Especially in the combat parts that they are good at, such as the attack power of the blade beetle and the defense ability of the steel beetle, it is not inferior to the real commanding creature.

Therefore, for the first time, I really saw the 24k release of Xiaoluo Shui, and there was some vibration in my heart.

After all, if you don’t say more, it’s almost impossible to have the ability to single-handedly fall by the more than 20 leading-level units that are playing now!

"From the test results of the three beetle arms, this quasi-boss should have no energy attack and no extensive attack skills."

"But, whether it is a flame that can be attached or a corrosive venom, it has a very special additional effect, and melee is more likely to kill us."

"We'd better solve the head in the middle of it!"

The sound of the digital cat is sent out in the channel.

Compared to the other four people, digital cats are easier.

As a "technician" who is not good at fighting, and the original force is not defensive, even if the whole body is replaced with a armor, it can't resist the counterattack of the boss.

She only needs to hide in the insurance room behind the passage, waiting for the wind to fall and solve the battle.

However, she seems to have some special attention to the battle of the wind, which is the first time to expose the strength of the beetle arm in front of everyone.

"Attack, the head in the middle of the target!"

The words of the digital cat, of course, have long been thought of.

The attack of the blade beetle and the jet beetle, facing the infertile energy recovery and the high resistance of the Hell three-headed dog, is indeed difficult to cause substantial damage.

However, the attack of another beetle arm is absolutely effective!


A beam of energy, like a cannonball, blasted from somewhere in the office building, rushing toward the head of the "dumping poison" that could be attacked remotely on the left side of Hell.

Exciting the white column of strong energy fluctuations, the head of the Hell Triangular Dog was directly slammed backwards, and one eye was directly blasted.

At the same time, the body involuntarily retreats toward the back!

"-3506, -4427, -5249!"

At the same time, a series of super-high vulnerability damage values ​​rise above the head of the three-headed **** dog.

The gather attack caused by the combination of twenty commander-level energy beetles is naturally different from the previous scattered attacks. Even in the face of a 60-level quasi-boss, the damage is very considerable.

Moreover, the energy beetle is different from the jet beetle, and the energy column it emits is likely to rotate at will.

This also means that it is not limited by the regional damage limit.

In addition, this "Beetle Energy Cannon" is directly commanded by the wind.


After being hit hard, the **** three-headed dog will be counter-attacked immediately under anger, and the toxic head on the right has just opened in the direction of the energy beetle.


The "energy gun" that was immediately turned to slammed into the mouth.

"-6494, -7056..."

Not only did a venom fail to spit out, but his fragile throat and mouth were hit by an energy column, and the damage on his head went up again.

Wait until the quasi-boss **** three-headed dog from the impact of the energy beam, the limbs slammed the body.

The blood volume has fallen by more than 50,000, and the head of the main physical attack in the middle has even turned into a state of flesh and blood.


In the process, a black hill-like steel-grade beetle has been drilled in a black hole on the ground next to it, blocking it from entering the office building!

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