Fatal Shot

Chapter 1087: Energy sniper rifle

Blade beetles, steel beetles, jet beetles and energy beetles...

In addition to the auxiliary beetles and reconnaissance beetles, and the self-destructive beetles that are not hatched at all because of the low cost performance.

This battle is definitely full of firepower.

Moreover, although the auxiliary beetle arms do not participate in the war, they also have the same tasks.


On the ground of the insurance room, several collecting beetles fell from the ground in a black hole in the sky.

"Gather all the things inside and let them swallow them away."

The wind fell through the close communication channel to the digital cat.


The tone of the digital cat is questionable.

However, the expression is obviously already recognized.

"Well, all!"

At the same time as the wind replied, the energy-type sniper rifle in the hand had already aimed at the physical attacking head in the middle of the Hell three-headed dog that was attacked by the beetle arms on the ground.

Since it has already entered Baoshan, then of course it is necessary to take it all away.

In this case, even if this mission failed in the end, relying on these drugs that can be applied to reality.

No matter which pharmaceutical company you sell to, you can definitely make up for the loss of the task, or even make it big.

As for the problem of increasing the difficulty of the mission, the boss has also appeared. The wind does not believe it. Is there really a boss to play the story of several people in this area?

In that case, it can only be said that the system deliberately does not let people take these things.

Well, although Xiao Luoshui was confident before, she had to say that her judgment was not completely correct.

In fact, the wind is really not interested in letting her "outsiders" fight in the battle, and the people who never sleep in the city monopolize the drugs and technology.

Even Xiaoluo Shui can be said to be the woman who has seen the most beautiful appearance.

However, the helplessness of the wind has never been very heart-warming for women. Cough, he is a person who prefers to play with his own gun!

However, the wind did not deliberately let the idea of ​​the death of Xiaoluo.

After all, this woman's remarks are not totally unreasonable. There is no medical industry in the city that never sleeps. The cooperation with the Shaw Group can realize the benefits of these things as quickly as possible.

Otherwise, if you are really arrogant, go to your own research and wait until you succeed.

With the current development speed of "War of War", these drugs may have fallen behind and become useless.

As for why, instead of leaving through the "wormhole", I chose to fight with this **** three-headed dog.

It is because he has considered that although these drugs can be safely transported away through the "wormhole".

But before listening to Xiao Luoshui, the wind fell worried that this way would be recognized as "cheating" by the system, and then some kind of accidental way to let those drugs be "reasonably" destroyed.

Therefore, the decision is still to face the difficulties, using the beetle arms to solve this 60-level quasi-boss.

Then, you should be able to earn some impressions in the main brain of "War of War"!


The energy sniper rifle in the wind fell slightly.

Accompanied by an almost inaudible sound of a slight shot, a sniper of bullets covered in black stuns flew out of the muzzle, straight into the square and was violently attacked by the beetle of the beetle, spitting out a large number of The sulphur flame quasi-boss **** three-headed rushed away.

And the goal, pointing to the middle of it, has been seriously injured, **** and even smashed the physical head of one eye.





The black sniper bullet hits the remaining one on the head.

In the first place, because of the impact force, this eye was blown out, and a strong wind energy was erupted on the sniper bullet.

After the bullet is injured in the whole body, it will cause more damage to the wind energy of more than 3,000 points.

Combined with the percentage bonus generated by "fatal talent", this gun even directly destroyed 10% of the hp of the Hell Trio!

Compared to gunpowder weapons, the power of this new energy sniper rifle is undoubtedly greater.

This energy sniper rifle in the hands of the wind, as a new class of 70, is not a rare weapon in the class, but the basic damage is not even worse than the eye of death.

Moreover, the bullets used in this gun can more effectively cause energy attacks and damage bonuses after hits.

This means that even if you face some high physical defense goals, it can also cause good damage.

In addition, the energy-type firearm's recoil is less than one-tenth of the gunpowder weapon, even ordinary players can achieve more accurate bursts.

And if you use pure energy bullets, you don't have recoil at all, and you can even use them as an assault rifle.

This new type of firearm gives the impression that it combines the advantages of scouts, snipers and even controllers.

In a sense, it is obviously a testimony that the game will develop multiple occupations in the future!


Within a second, the second sniper bullet flew out of the energy sniper rifle, and in the position of the barrel, it may feel a sharp fluctuation of the original force.

This energy weapon can also be increased by the Force like the "original sword" and "Raytheon bullet" that he obtained before.

As long as it consumes a certain amount of force, it can greatly enhance the comprehensive properties of the bullet's speed, damage, and effective range.

It is simply a weakening but more capable of playing the original force additional skills, comparable to half of the legendary equipment!

"-13045, -3356, -3000!"

However, in one second, the two bullets together have already destroyed one-sixth of the defensive 60-level quasi-boss.

This new type of weapon cooperates with the high nature of the wind itself, and it hurts the absolute explosion.

The only drawback is probably that compared to gunpowder weapons, the energy fluctuations generated by this energy weapon are more easily detected by the reconnaissance instrument.

Again, it's easier to be locked by the boss!


The three headed Hell dogs in the roaring quasi-boss, the two remaining lighter heads turned in the direction of the wind.

The next moment, the flames rising from the sky mixed with the venom, turning into a yellow-black hot air wave sweeping toward the wind.


At the moment when the huge air pressure reached, it caused a spider-like crack on the exterior glass of the office building.


After a second, the body covered the 24k secluded shield and fell out of the poisonous flame.

In the air, the pull wire that the agent watch popped directly pinned the "floor" of another area above the top of the head. By pulling the force, like "Spider-Man", it directly swayed behind the three-headed **** dog!


The energy sniper rifle in the hand, even in the air without losing the opportunity, once again shot a soil energy bullet with the original force attack.



This time, the impact of heavy soil energy.

The neck of the middle head of the three-headed **** dog is completely interrupted!


And a brain has been completely abolished, the blood volume has fallen to less than 70% of the three-headed **** dog quasi-boss, has not been able to turn toward the wind falling behind him.


More jet beetles have emerged from the office building.

Telescopically stretched the neck and spit the venom with the fastest frequency, so that the body of the three-headed **** dog was covered directly by a piece of green.

"Hey, hey..."

Two "energy turrets", also composed of twenty white leader-level energy beetles, appeared in the left and right positions of the office building.

The two energy beams that were fired from both directions made the two remaining heads of the three Hell dogs unable to open.

"Zizi, nourish..."

And four leading steel beetles climbed out of the black hole on the first floor, directly blocking the retreat of the three dogs.

It is also shooting eight lasers, which continue to burn against its body.

"-10000, -10000, -10000..."

The blood volume of the prison dog's quasi-boss is reduced at a rate of more than 10,000 points per second.

Under the attack of more than one hundred commander-level beetle units, even the level 60 quasi-boss can't be supported without energy shields.

As the digital cat said, all of the winds did not directly send a large number of beetles to the army.

It is because I am worried that this quasi-boss has a wide range of attack methods, summoning too many beetles to come out, and if it is all the seconds, it will be a big joke.

However, since in this case, it has not applied any devastating attacks.

Then it should be stated that there is really no such skill, then...

"All on, speed resolution!"

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