Fatal Shot

Chapter 1089: demon?


Seeing this tip, the faces of several people have changed.

The wind quickly rushed to the edge of the window, and the super visual perception immediately saw the ceiling on the office area.

At this time, there was a lot of foggy gas that almost appeared colorless.

["Warning, detection of neurological lethal toxicity and flammable gas content is increasing, approaching the critical value!"]

"Go below!"

The wind fell almost shouting, leading directly with a group of people running down the office building.

"This mission is really not to kill people and not to stop. One ring after another, each ring can be put to death!"

The big pineapple is injected into the body to provide medicine, while the final line runs.

"They, is this better to destroy the entire office area, but also to kill us?"

Xiaoluo's water breathing has been a little gasping. As a master, this high-speed movement is too physical.

"It should have been the discovery of the beetle arms, and believe that it is necessary to use them to kill them and us all, to kill the danger..."

The digital cat agent blinks under the glasses, even if it is running, it does not forget to click on the instrument in hand.

Her guess is indeed the idea of ​​the umbrella company.

If only these players, even if the quasi-boss three-headed dog did not work, but was killed, Wesker could not take this extremely extreme means.

However, when it was detected that the office area was completely closed, there was no sign of an alarming amount of abnormal biological atmosphere.

Even if it is Wesker, it is moving.

In addition, the situation outside is far more critical than his judgment, so he finally chose to destroy this area.

After all, this is an office area, and the information and drugs in the insurance room are not unique. The loss is acceptable.

However, for the player, this is undoubtedly once again pitted.

"The passage to the outside of the entire area has been blocked, and because of the virus infection, the intelligent control method has also failed. This door cannot be opened."

The pedestrians descended at the fastest speed, but the middle of the road was blocked by an alloy door.

The digital cat said to the wind while he kept clicking on the instrument in his hand.

["Warning, warning..."]

The danger warning light on the watch is even brighter.

From the test results, the flammable gas that the umbrella company puts here is a mixture of high oxygen consumption.

As long as the gas concentration reaches a certain level, the entire office area will be exhausted after a fire, and it will be filled with highly deadly nerve gas.

The umbrella company's drugs, even the quasi-boss can be effective, players naturally can not resist.

The building is still fine. At this time, the gas has definitely exceeded the standard, and it is impossible to go out and detour.


There is no hesitation in the wind, a few steps back, and the explosive point skill is turned on.

Directly lifting the leg and kicking it on the front of the alloy door, accompanied by the fluctuation of the original force of the violent vibration, the smart alloy door that blocked the road was directly flew out by him.

"Well, when I didn't say it!"

The digital cat raised his eyebrows, and Xiaoluo water left the thickness of the door.

And into the door of the wind, the hand has taken out the "sky type iv type" from the storm armor weapon slot.

"Zizi", the white is like a column of energy like "laser"!

Then, above, it was covered with a layer of black that was more restrained.


The black pillars were smashed down by the wind to the metal floor under the feet, and they could not be easily pierced.

The idea of ​​the umbrella company is good, but even the outermost metal walls of the base can't block the damage. It's natural to say that the material's firmness cannot exceed too much floor.


"Call, good risk, almost confessed!"

After more than a minute, standing in a hidden room, the big pineapple breathed fresh air.

Although there was a wind, I managed to escape the mortal situation, but because I breathed a certain neurotoxin, the status of the pedestrian was not very good.

Fortunately, it has now successfully escaped from that area, and it should have not been discovered by people in the umbrella company.

Because, even in that urgency, the wind is still based on the base structure map obtained from the information provided by Alice before.

I chose an area that should not have a monitoring device.

However, in fact, even if there is monitoring equipment, at this time, the personnel of the umbrella company should not have the energy to send people to deal with them.

Because, at this time, the base of the umbrella company has fallen into a lot of chaos.



In several places above, the voice of the battle came out.


And in a location not far from them, a region with a danger sign, this time is even more screaming.

"According to the structure map, there should be n area, one of the three target locations, but it seems that it should have been first boarded."

"This is quiet, but it is much bigger than ours. It is no wonder that the umbrella company will not hesitate to use extreme means for us. It is estimated that the main energy is here."

The digital cat kept manipulating his instrument, and the box in his hand was changed to be carried by the wind.

"This is a good thing. I hope that the rebels will be able to attract all the npcs, then we can take the opportunity to enter the third target area."

The face of the big pineapple is slightly green, but Lynn's drug is really effective, and he awakens the resistance of the Force to become higher.

The system prompts that the infection time is expected to be at least ten hours, and it should not be lost in the mission.

"Unfortunately, your wish is estimated to be lost."

The hollow of the field of vision suddenly opened his eyes.

The energy sniper rifle in the hand is lifted and quickly aligned in the direction of the n zone.



And before I even waited for the big pineapple, the movement in the direction of the n-zone has already indicated the reason.

The n-zone that was completely blocked, this time, a sound that made the vibration felt on this side.

Subsequently, the blocked passage was made by a bomb-like weapon with a large gap.


Then, first with a pressure of a boss rushed out of a tall g model tyrant.

"Come, run!"

Then, a few very embarrassing rebel players were rushed out.

After that, it was another g-type tyrant who rushed out of the seven killings that spit blood.


The third g model was thrown directly from the inside.

To be precise, it is a g model with no brains.

This previous punch hit the 65-level c model, the table kills the quasi-boss creatures of the Quartet, but at this time even the head has been picked.

And it looks a little bit handsome and blue-gray head, this time in the fourth batch out of the gap, a body that exudes a more intense sense of pressure in the hands of "humanoids".

Yes, humanoid!

The creature carrying the g model head, although having a similar face, is more than three meters tall.

There is a pair of flesh-colored bodies behind them, which seem to have a skeleton like a blade, and the tip has claws and wings with a sly feeling.

In the same upper body as the g model, the muscle structure is almost perfect, wearing a metal armor with a texture and a black and white umbrella pattern.

In addition, in the other hand he did not mention the g model head, there is still a more eye-catching sword than the seven-killing epic sword, obviously made of certain technical materials, and even a gray alloy sword that can be used as a shield. .

[Destroyer William (70 grade mutated quasi boss), species number: ?, hp:? ? 】

Because there are no scouts in the team, the information is limited, but the most important information is enough.

Level 70, quasi-boss!

This property doesn't seem to be anything at first. After all, the Hell Trio is also a quasi-boss, but the level is slightly lower.

Although units above 70 are more powerful than those above level 70.

But like the player's 50th level, the 70th level is more accurately the dividing line, but it is not really the "70 or more"!

However, if there is a "variation" attribute in the middle of the unit, and it is more obvious in the hands of two obviously very advanced equipment, it is completely different.

Imagine a team that will use the equipped boss to play the fighting power!

"First three dogs, is it a demon creature now?"

"The top management of the umbrella company is not a mythical fan, how to create so many dark creatures."

"However, this demonic creature, how do you feel familiar!"

The big pineapple licks its mouth and whispers, fearing to draw the attention of the other party.

It is not far from the gap here. The ghost knows whether these quasi-boss creatures have some special sound perception.

However, he did say something like this.

The overall style of this quasi-boss "Destroyer" is very dark, and with a lot of blood stained after killing the g model on the body, and the head that has not closed his eyes, it is just a **** from hell. The image of the demon that climbed out.


Looking at the rebel players who fled to the front, Destroyer William's face was expressionless, and the flesh-colored wings with claws on his back shook, and the speed surged to catch up.

"How does this person seem to be William outside the Silvermoon City?"

The tone of the phoenix has some doubts in both places.

"Oh, yes, it's William. This guy looks like William. And it's also a quasi-boss of variation!"

When I heard the phoenix say this, the big pineapple is also reacting.

"But, William has not been killed by us? How come..."

At that time, William was absolutely killed. The whole body was blown by bullets, and a "advanced pet evolution fluid" broke out.

Even, because of fear of resurrection like those zombies, the agent team also specially filled the gun on his head.

How can it still be resurrected?

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