Fatal Shot

Chapter 1090: Final goal

"It should be him. Afterwards, the logistics staff of the special agent department cleaned up and found that William's body was gone."

The wind is looking at the distance, because the speed has already caught up, and the "Destroyer William" who is fighting with the g model that should be thrown away by the seven kills, his face reveals a hint of enlightenment.

I understand that why there will be people in the rebel army who invade the Lin Lab and **** the follow-up mission of Xiao Xueli's necklace.

At the same time, why is it that the umbrella company that has no original strain of g virus will have such a mature "g model".

However, compared to the "g model" of the volume product, William's variant is undoubtedly powerful, and the delayed g model is directly hit back and forth, overturning the equipment and the ground and buildings.

In the end, as a quasi-boss, I chose to run away!

Obviously, the control of the seven kills should not be absolutely absolute.


And Destroyer William, obviously not ready to let them go directly to catch up.

And after a few quasi-boss, all of them went away for a while, from the gap position that was blown out, there were some new infections.

Foraging, corrosive, polluter, giant zombie...

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

A pile of commander-level zombies emerged from the gap, with red light in the eyes and anger or bloodthirsty in the mouth.

Previously, under the strong threat of facing the destroyers, the seven kills took the heart and completely released all the infected bodies in the storage room.

However, because there were not enough parasitic flower buds to control these infected bodies, these infected bodies were not completely under his control, nor did they help him attack the Destroyer William as he imagined. effect.

However, after coming out, it is completely different.

Most of these infected bodies have reached a certain level of wisdom. Naturally, they understand that they have been out of trouble, and all of them vent their attacks and destroy things in sight.

And because the central brain and defensive weapon systems are inactivated by the virus, it is impossible to quickly clean up these anger-ridden leader-level infections.

There is no doubt that this is definitely a greater threat than a few people.

It is also why the upper level of the umbrella will choose to release the mixed gas to the office area of ​​the e area, and prepare to solve the problem of the player and the beetle without loss.

Because the situation in this n-zone is out of control, it is absolutely impossible to let a group of commander-level beetles run out.

However, the result is that both sides did not do so!


After being vented for a while, these leading-infected bodies were obviously ready to go to the employees of the umbrella companies that took them for experimentation.

However, because they do not know the structure of the base, they can only run away from the perception of food.


However, at this time, a person suddenly rushed out from a certain position and threw something out.

Then, he turned to go to a different passage with the Seven Kills and Destroyer.

"Isn't that a widowed person? What does he want to do!"

The big pineapple narrowed his eyes.

Because the function of the remote communication is closed, and there is serious signal interference in the umbrella company base.

Therefore, he was unable to contact the other five people. At this time, he suddenly felt that the widows had jumped out and felt a little surprised.


Those leading-level infections that were originally scattered were first alarmed by the noise caused by the omission of something by the widows.

Later, after discovering that it was food, most of them turned to chase after him and ran over.

"It seems that you want to bring these infected bodies to the past, is it what you want to do!"

Xiao Luo water is doubtful.

"That direction is like the position of the last target!"

Phoenix is ​​looking at the map.


The wind is now slightly hollowed out, like what is being connected.

After a dozen seconds, the wind fell back and stood up with the energy sniper gun.

"Come up!"




A scream, a 60-level commander-level hunter, ignores the series of energy bullets that are being fired at the guns that they are firing, and the body moves quickly against the wall.

Finally, he jumped out of the air and dropped a security umbrella company with a weapon to the ground.


The slender purple tongue popped out like electricity, and the head of the npc was directly pierced, and the blood of a place was poured out.


A rather tall 55-level commander-class giant zombie, screaming heavily at the smart door that was dismantled from a certain position, knocking the two npc security personnel who were close to each other.

A chest rib is broken, and a neck directly twists a Baidu.


A 50-level leader-level corrosive, a bundle of beams in the red eye at the center of the forehead directly hits an npc's chest, allowing the npc's heart to explode uncontrollably.


Now this battlefield is the "zone b" of the three target areas of this mission!

It is also the region with the strongest defense force among the three target areas.

Here, the umbrella company is equipped with a powerful firepower, full of more than 100 npc and ten leading c-type models, holding the entrance to the area.

However, at this time, the formation of the defense has already collapsed.

Because, a minute ago, dozens of violent squad-like infections were introduced to this area.

When these infected bodies that already have a relatively high ai, after seeing the umbrella markings on these npcs, how the memory was captured by the umbrella company and how it was later tortured by various umbrella companies.

In an instant, all in my heart!

Suddenly, they fell into madness one by one, and rushed straight to death regardless of life and death.

None of the infected bodies that can be selected by the umbrella company are ordinary goods, and the unit of variation is about half.

Even, because of various experiments, some of the sedatives are ineffective.

The umbrella company npc, which has no brains and defensive weapons, can't be an opponent. It is directly beaten back and forth.

"Withdraw, go back!"

Soon, the npc of the team leader could not bear the huge casualties.

Commanding the team to retreat inside, wanting to pull the battle line through the terrain, but also wants to wait for the restart of the brain.

"Fast, let's follow up!"

Young and frivolous stood up and prepared to go inside.

"It's best to wait a second time. Since this place has arranged so many people to guard, there may be special settings in it."

On one side of the battlefield, the reconnaissance beetle that left the night was successfully positioned to meet the other people, but it was not too anxious to stare at the battlefield.

Before that, it was he who used the destruction of solitude to open the way, so that these leading-level infections can be driven all the way to the ground.

"Time is too late, although I don't know why, the intellectual brain of the base will fail, creating so many opportunities for us."

"But if you delay, until the brain is restored, we will definitely increase the difficulty ten times."

The young and frivolous voice is somewhat intolerant.

The opinions were refuted several times, which obviously made him feel a lot of dissatisfaction.

"It is true that this may happen. I also think that we are still going up. At most, leaving two people to meet outside and protect the safe!"

The widowed person said that his eyes swept over the safe in his hand.

After all, with young and frivolous people who are a department, he must still be biased towards his own people.

"Just do it, time is tight, follow me in!"

And without waiting for the wind to fall, what they said, a voice has already sounded in the air next to it.

The words of the nightingale, but did not get too much approval, in addition to young and frivolous and widowed, the rest of the people are still waiting to speak.

"Let's go, but don't leave things, just go in together!"

After the wind fell slightly, I finally agreed.

If you are young and frivolous, it is not completely unreasonable. If the "red after" is really restored, don't say that it is not possible to get something. Even if you run away, it is not possible.

However, this is for the average person, for the 24k who has mastered the "space solitude", it is still very easy to escape.

Therefore, Feng Ding prefers not to adopt a more insured way to leave people outside, but to let all people who do not sleep in the city follow him. 8)

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