Fatal Shot

Chapter 1091: Eternal technology!

"Strange, there is no obstacle?"

A minute later, with some anxious but vigilant mentality, I entered the players in the b area, frowning one by one.

At this time, by the opportunity of a large number of infected bodies to attack the npc, they have adopted the method of “expanding the wall and copying the road” and bypassing the area where the war is outside and entering the area of ​​the b area.

This was originally a good thing, but after entering, it has not been blocked by any means, but it is a surprise for one player.

Although the core brain and defensive weapon systems are infected, from the previous situation, there should be some part of the monitoring system to work. In theory, the umbrella company will definitely notice their actions.

The other party did not stop them, this is not right!

"I still haven't noticed someone approaching. Perhaps, the defensive power here is really attracted to those infected."

"According to the map, behind this wall is the real core area of ​​zone b."

The female agent with Xiao Luoshui, after performing the reconnaissance, reached out to a physically more vulnerable position on the front wall and placed several button-shaped miniature metal bombs.

This is because she got rare ammunition from the box prepared by the special agent department. Even if it doesn't care about the movement caused by the explosion, it will be faster than the wind and the use of the ruin.


It was not a very thick wall. After a few muffled sounds, a hole was blown out. What appeared in everyone's eyes was a long straight passage.

At the end of the channel, there is an alloy door with a row of red warning signs on a screen above the alloy door.

[Human Immortality Project Research Center, top secret, non-project personnel are strictly prohibited to enter]!

"Hey, human eternal life project? So a cow!"

When I saw this line of text, everyone was not surprised by the color of the big pineapple.

"Eternal Life Project!"

The nightingale, which has remained invisible, has even exposed the position under shock.

This is natural. For npc, the word "eternal life" is definitely more powerful than any word.

Even if the psycho-trained agent does not squint at the task of carrying out this kind of life, it is impossible to be indifferent to the things at hand.

After all, agents will not want to die!

"It’s just a story in the game. It’s not in reality. It’s all back to God and hurry up!”

Looking back at the young and frivolous, I found that almost everyone had some stays, and the mouth urged.

In the eyes of these people who are ill with the widows, this is only a plot in the game, and it is not true eternal life.

"The human body is eternal..."

However, the digital cat, the wind and the Xiaoluo water, the eyes in the eyes flashed, the mind turned sharply.

When asked about the news, senior woman Alex said that this is the highest confidentiality of the entire umbrella base in Marcus, and she does not know what it is doing!

So before they didn't know what to do in this b zone.

Even though the wind and the wind use the advantages of their own passers-by, know that the ultimate goal of the "Wesker Plan" is the eternal life of the human body.

However, at the beginning of his heart, this is just a plot in the game, and it has no real meaning.

Moreover, from the news that Alexis, who was previously the head of the Wesker project, did not mention the goal of "eternal life".

So, I don't care much!

However, his cognition at this time is different from before.

He now, but already knows that some of the techniques in Wars can be applied to reality.

Replanted limbs, genetic modification, organ cloning... The technologies that these umbrella companies have mastered have been examples in the Stars civilization.

So what about this eternal life project?

"Of course, there may be eternal technology!"

Xiao Luoshui’s eyes are also difficult to cover up.

Although the technology of the Tianxing civilization is developed, the average life expectancy of citizens is over 110 years old, but the so-called eternal life is still far away.

If we say that the umbrella company has really researched the human body's eternal technology, and this technology can also apply the reality.

There is no doubt that this is definitely more valuable than all the technologies and medicines they have acquired in the e-zone before!

"Also note that this channel may have some problems!"

After the wind fell on the excitement, it immediately returned to calmness, and the eyes swept through the passage behind the hole to remind.

Although the hidden headquarters of the umbrella company is underground, the architectural style is very atmospheric. The height of the passage or the room is more than five meters.

Looking at the height of this passage, it is only two meters more than weird, but the length is more than twenty meters.

"Reconnaissance can't work. The materials for this passage are all made of a special material that can shield the investigation."

After throwing a reconnaissance at night, the reconnaissance in the hand did not react at all.

In fact, this shows more problems.


The wind fell and greeted.

By excavating the tunnel before, all the people present know the existence of 24k, and there is no need to hide.


A black wormhole emerged, and a blade beetle climbed out in the middle of the passage and then ran towards the lab door.


The passage was darker, only the light from the front laboratory, but there was no attack like a laser. The blade beetle safely ran to the front of the laboratory.

"No attacks have appeared. It seems that the defensive weapons of this channel have failed."

Looking at this situation, the widows have a quick voice.

"Big pineapple!"

The wind fell to the big pineapple.

As the only heavy armor in the ranks, the dangerous pineapple can only be "donely".

When he pulled the shield from the hole that had been blown up, he walked to the front of the laboratory and still had no movement.


The nightingale sipped and he had already entered the second.

It seems that the word "eternal life" does have some irritating effect on him. Otherwise, the gloomy character that he showed before will not be so urgent.

"Go in!"

The wind fell to the end, reaching out and releasing a scout beetle on the outside wall, then carrying the weapon to follow.

And just after everyone has stepped into the channel, after a short distance, the change has been raised.


Among the passages, the ground suddenly turned under the feet of everyone, as if the support was lost, and the ceiling on the top of the head suddenly fell.


The wind has always been vigilant. After feeling the change, the foot immediately stepped on the ground, and the body retreated by the rebound force.

Just because the floor itself is in a depression.

His feet can't really bear the force, causing the body to be in a state of serious imbalance after jumping, and there are several steps in the original entrance after jumping back.

While not waiting for him to re-energize, the rear ceiling has fallen to a height of about two meters, and then bent and folded to seal the passage.


The passages at the front of the meter are also blocked.

In a twinkling of an eye, a closed space was formed, as if a metal prisoner locked him inside.

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