Fatal Shot

Chapter 1092: Red recovery


The wind did not hesitate to wave the "Skywalker iv" in the hand, and the stroke of the special alloy material behind it was drawn.

However, although the cracking energy can indeed penetrate these steel plates, but in order to draw a hole that people can drill through, at least it is necessary to continuously pull out a first connected circle.

And before he even turned the Skywalker iv into a circle, he had to stop temporarily.

Because, at this time, the entire space is greatly tilted.

And a figure wearing a pale white energy robes has already slammed into him because of the tilt of the entire space.

"Be careful!"

The wind had to stretch out a hand, and a future person would pull it to avoid her slamming into the wall.

Even because the space is once again rotated and thrown, it is not even to pull this to the right hand to hold the other's waist.

Then use your left hand to grasp the hole that was drawn by the Skywalker iv type, and fix the two people's body by the finger blade popped up by the Storm Armor Gloves to avoid being thrown out.

For more than a dozen seconds, the entire "metal prison" that was closed was stabilized.

"Thank you!"

Xiaoluo water stood up slightly with a little bit of sorrow and fell on the wind.

As a master, she is entering the channel in the middle of the team, so it is just in front of the final wind.

When the floor began to move, her reaction was very fast, and the agent watch popped up directly to the ceiling to pull the body.

Only then, the ceiling collapsed.

And between the two ceilings, it just happened to separate the two people into one area.

"Nothing, don't move, let me see the situation around!"

The light in the enclosed space is very dark, and only the light energy of the Xiaoluo water emits a faint white light.

Too close, the wind and nose again smelled the kind of fresh perfume that is unique to Xiaoluo Shui. After looking at Xiaoluo's water, he turned his head and looked around.

The space that was sealed was not large, and the length, width and height were about two meters. From the air flow, the whole area was completely sealed by metal plates.


The wind turned and turned to look at the mouth that he had originally used to make use of Skywalker iv.

However, after observing it, the wind brows can not help but wrinkle.

"what happened?"

Noticing the wind and falling, Xiao Luoshui asked softly.

"The box is moving slowly, this direction is not the direction of the previous channel. And even if it is able to open the hole, it is impossible to get out!"

"This is the same situation."

The wind turned and walked a few steps, and the metal wall opposite, that is, should have been drawn in the direction of the "eternal life laboratory."

It can be seen that after the Skywalker iv is retracted, the back of the scratch on the metal wall is immediately blocked.

This undoubtedly shows that they have been separated from the rest!

"Sure enough, as the umbrella company judged by Mr. Feng set a trap in the passage, I did not expect that we were completely wiped out by a net."

“Sure enough, it’s because I’m so excited when I saw this lab with ‘eternal life’ and chose to take risks.”

Xiaoluo shook his head and his voice had some self-deprecating.

The wind did not pick up, after discovering that it could not go straight out.

The gaze under his agent's glasses has become somewhat hollow and what is being contacted.

This task has been expected to be difficult at the beginning. It is already absolutely lucky to be able to go to this step without any loss.

It’s almost certain that something goes wrong, or that some people or even most people are killed.

Therefore, the wind is really unexpected and will cause problems.

If it is not "red after" does not work, the casualties have been heavy.

"However, for the time being I think there should be no danger to life!"

After a dozen seconds, the wind's eyes returned to Ling, to the Xiaoluo waterway.

The wind can feel that the "metal cage" where the two are located has experienced various changes in direction, acceleration and deceleration and even angular rotation.

Now, it is obviously relatively stable, but in fact it still turns several times in the middle.

This shows that the purpose of this trap should be to take them somewhere instead of killing them.

Otherwise, in this closed space, in the release of some of the mixed gas in the previous e-zone, the player is simply a dead end.

Of course, it is also possible that because of the "red after" problem, the original attack method should not be implemented!

However, the wind is more inclined to move them purposefully.

"The wormhole is still available!"

The reason why the wind is relatively calm is because 24k told him that the opening of the wormhole was not affected.

In this case, he would like to see what the people in the umbrella company sell in the gourd.

"Mr. Feng, can you discuss one thing with you!"

Compared to the wind, Xiao Luoshui is obviously not too calm.

As the heir to the Shaw Group, she was supposed to be a slap in the face of a mission failure.

Moreover, the mentality and conservation are not comparable to ordinary players.

However, after just seeing the term "immortality of the human body", as a player who knows the inside story of "War of War", it is impossible to calm down.

The human body is eternal!

If the Shaw Group gets this technology.

Then, it is definitely not the top ten consortiums of the current Tianxing civilization, but should become the "first consortium"!

"I know that with the ability of Mr. Feng, I am sure I can live to the end of this mission and even complete the mission."

“I want to entrust Mr. Feng on behalf of the Shaw Group to help our people in the Shaw Group to get technical information about this human immortality project. As for compensation, Mr. Feng, I believe that when I last met to discuss the boss chip, Enough to show my sincerity..."

Xiao Luo's eyes are inconspicuously looking at the wind, and his expression is solemn.

"Delegation? Xiao will not be, deliberately investigated me!"

The wind fell but he did not wait for Xiao Luoshui to finish, he had already interrupted him.

Out of his previous career and his own rules of conduct, he did expose this "commissioner principle" when he entered the early days of the game and in the entertainment city.

However, it is impossible for this accustomed outsider to know or even pay attention to it.

Only from this point, it is proved that the Xiao Group has conducted a more careful investigation of him, and Xiao Luoshui has studied him.

Of course, this is not surprising at all.

As I said before, Xiao Luoshui knows that the wind will participate in this task in advance, and will study him for the purpose of researching competitors!

"Sorry, Xiao Zong, you look at me. I am now like you, I am not sure if I can live this trap!"

However, the winds and winds at this time are no longer the original winds.

Perhaps, by agreeing to other people's affairs, he will still try his best.

But this does not mean that he will accept the commission at will. After all, he is not a person who lacks money.

In particular, the content of this commission is so special.

Eternal life technology, if this thing really belongs to the technology that can be applied to reality, then the value is too great.

It is big enough to create a consortium that is not inferior to the "Shaw Group" or even more than that. If he really gets his hand, even if the Tianxing civilization has almost zero crime rate, it may be dangerous in reality. .

Even the consortiums of the Shaw Group are not likely to find their homes, and they are likely to be found by the Starry Civilized Government.

After all, according to Xiao Luoshui, there are many things in the "War of War", the Tianxing civilized government has no control, and the "Eternal Life" technology is one of them.

Therefore, even if he really got the eternal technology, the wind will never be disclosed to anyone, and it is impossible to expose it.

Instead, you need to develop yourself first, and then have enough self-protection to think about it.

"Mr. Feng, it is sensible."

"So, Mr. Feng, let's talk about the real medicines before..."

Being rejected by the wind so decisively, Xiao Luoshui can only transfer the topic.


Among the closed "metal prisons", the wind fell and Xiaoluo talked differently.

And if you extend the field of view, you can see that the metal cage that holds them is like a container, and it is not known how deep the ground is moving.

In the surrounding area, there are hundreds of "metal prisoners" that alternately move together alternately, such as a war version of "Different Dimension"!

Obviously, this complicated thing is definitely not manually controlled.

Undoubtedly explain one thing, after the red, has restored the control of the base!

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