Fatal Shot

Chapter 1093: The power of Ada Wang


When the speed of the "metal prison" gradually slowed down, when the last stop, the wind and Xiaoluo water both stood up with weapons.

On the ground behind the wind, there is a black "wormhole" that seems to be able to devour light.

However, when one side of the metal wall opened and some glaring light penetrated, the attack that the two defended did not come.

"This is good, all of them are recruited. I think we have to confess here! I know that I should listen to the old wind..."

First introduced into the ears of two people, is the big complaint of the big pineapple.

When the two went out, they found that other people had been thrown out before them.

"No one can think of it, someone will spend so much energy to create such a disgusting trap, and also take advantage of human greed."

Except for the nightingale who once again entered the stealth state and could not see the expression, the faces of a group of agents were not good at all.

In the middle of it, a young man stands alone and his face is the most ugly.

After all, he asked for quick action, and now all the tricks!

"What is this place?"

The wind fell on the glance and confirmed that the people who belonged to the city that never sleeps were all right, and then turned their attention to the surrounding environment.

The eye is empty, there is no wide silver-white hall, the diameter is more than one hundred meters, and the height is more than ten meters.

"From our previous channel position, the space is about 100 meters below, slightly to the left."

The digital cat looked up and looked at the top of his head.

"How do you know? After we have been trapped, it has been about ten minutes now. Is the metal box just moving a hundred meters away?"

The widows have some questions and ask questions.

Because the surrounding materials have serious interference with the reconnaissance ability, whether it is the special function of the special watch or the personal terminal, the digital cat can be reported so accurately, which is undoubtedly unbelievable.

"As long as you are shut down and feel carefully, you can find the direction in which the box moves. It is actually moving repeatedly in an area."

The digital cat replied very flatly.

Of course, if you think carefully about this sentence, it is full of meaning.

After being attacked suddenly, he was immediately forced into the dark "metal prison".

Who can, under such circumstances, calm down and carefully calculate the acceleration, direction of movement, angle of rotation through the body's feelings... and construct a space road map in the head.

"I am going, digital mm, is this brain still human?"

Big pineapple with some exaggerated feelings.

Indeed, in a sense.

The current state of the digital cat has surpassed that of ordinary humans.

It has a super-high talent, and the high-level thinking and the comprehensive improvement of the observation ability after the awakening perception of the original force are far greater than the general player's awakening of the original force.

"But, if the umbrella company does this, then what is the point... is it to confuse us and let us think that we have been taken far away?"

The night frowned.

The digital cat's mind is so outstanding that it is undoubtedly a little uncomfortable for her.

Because this means that she is really the weakest link in the team at this time.

"Rely, finally stopped!"

However, the digital cat has not waited for the answer to this question.

Suddenly, the opposite side of the wall a hundred meters away from the sudden opening of a similar "metal prison", a heavy armor warrior with a shield rolled out from it.


Seeing the marked hostile red light on the chest of the heavy armor, the agent team gaze at him and immediately lifted the weapon at him.


After the Rebel Heavy Armored Warrior climbed from the ground, he also noticed a group of agents who were 100 meters away.

His face was horrified and retracted. However, the metal prison behind him had already retracted the wall after he ran out, scaring him to only erect his shield.

"Don't attack!"

The sound of the nightingale came out, stopping the young and frivolous players who had already wanted to do it.

The group of people remembered this mission and seemed to be "cooperative" with the rebel forces.

Although, this cooperation is not so sincere, and each other is playing the abacus of each other.


Just after the sound of the nightingale fell, there was a series of shocks on the opposite side, and several metal prisoners opened in the wall.

"Where is this?"

"Rely, the people of the Federation!"

A dozen of the same rebellious players who had been drilled from it, after seeing the agents of the 100-meter-out, were shocked and hurriedly raised their weapons.

However, the two sides did not start the war.

Because, in the other team, there is a squad in the battle suit, and after a few words of serious expression, it also stopped the rebel army player's change.

Of course, although there is no war for the time being.

But the other side is armed with each other and ready to fight.

"I am going, what is the situation?"

“Does the top executives of the umbrella company want us to come to the rebel army and then win, can they survive?”

The big pineapple was placed at the forefront of the team with the shield on the top, facing the guns on the opposite side without fear, but the face had some weird questions.

"If we really fight, we should be able to win. However, it may be a tragic victory!"

The widows have some worried expressions.

Because there are more people in this group of rebel fighters than there are, there are actually seventeen people.

Of course, if you consider the individual combat effectiveness of both sides, unless the opponents are all the top 20 players in the rebel camp, there should be no chance of winning.

"If we really fight, we should win, but we are afraid that there are windy leaves or phoenix masters in the other side!"

However, at this time, the people who rebel against one side are actually talking in a small voice.

Because everyone in the agent team has camouflaged the face, and the nightingale is hidden.

Therefore, when the rebels are only nine people in the federal camp, and the number is almost doubled, they also have the chance to win.

After all, it is naturally impossible to be selected to participate in this task. Therefore, after a slight confusion in the initial stage, they are calmed down one by one.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

However, soon, the attention of both parties was shifted.

Because, at this time, the wall in the third direction turned out to make another sound, and there were two "metal prisoners", and then six people came out from it!

Six people, all with the mark of the federal camp.

"team leader!"

"Hey, blood eagle, it's you."

"General Xiao, you are here too!"

After seeing these players, the original agent team, in addition to the five nights of the city.

The four people in the other two departments all had unexpected colors on their faces, because the people who appeared this time were actually people in their two departments.

"Hey, what the **** is this!"

The big pineapple looks like a cockroach, licking the chin part of the alloy heavy armor.

“It’s obvious that we’ve entered half of the ranks inside the base, and because of the signal isolation in the base, it’s impossible to communicate effectively.”

"So, the other two departments, for some reason, have set up a new team to enter the base."

"Then, just like us, I was caught here."

Looking at the players who have already approached the other two departments in the evening, they will tell their own analysis.


The digital cat did not speak this time, but instead glanced at the six new players.

"It should be all agent players, and there is no npc hidden."

What the wind fell into, said what she was observing.


However, the process of "transfer" is not over yet.

On the last wall, there was also a metal prison opening.


This made the two sides turn around again and wanted to see which player in the camp was inside.

However, this time, it is not a player, but an npc.

There are only a few simple guns and equipment on one body, a black collar on the neck, and a female npc who is smoking against the wall of the "metal prison"!


After seeing this woman, the agents of the four intelligence bureaus of Xiao Luoshui could not help but blurt out.

"Rely, how are the people in the federal camp!"

On the rebel side, there is some disappointment.

As a result, the number of federal parties on the scene has reached sixteen, and there is no doubt that there is almost no difference between the two sides.

And if you count the hidden nightingales, the number of people on both sides is really exactly the same.


Unlike the ordinary rebel army players, the leader of the singular character Hu changed his mind after seeing the female npc who was called the instructor by Xiao Luoshui.


The female npc walked out in the eyes of the public, but unexpectedly did not go to Xiaoluo Shui and other people who greeted her, but walked straight toward the wind.

"There is no loss for one person? It seems that the strength has improved a lot!"

Going to the wind and falling, the female npc, which was so despicable, popped up in the hands and had no tobacco smell. Instead, there was a faint scented cigarette and a clap.

"You have actually recruited, it is a little unexpected!"

The look of the wind is a bit strange.

This person who was sent alone is naturally Ada Wang.

As an ace agent of the Intelligence Bureau, she did not act with anyone, but acted alone.

However, it was actually "grabbed" here.


Ada Wang sneered and did not explain, but turned to look at the rebel players across the hall.

"Mind me, tell me about the situation here?"

"We are not very clear, but I think someone should answer it soon."

The wind shook his head.

Obviously, it's impossible for everyone to be so suitable, almost all within a minute.

Combined with the previous statement of the digital cat, it is obvious that the "metal cage" is controlled at a rate.

Whether in the rebel or federal camp, people who sneak into the base or arrive at zone b should have been sent here.

Then, the Lord should show up! 8)

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