Fatal Shot

Chapter 1099: Bold action!

"Do you even have this means of escape? What is this, Ninja Smog?"

In the hand, I like King Ada, who has been irritated by the brain and has been stunned. .

Looking at the completely different environment that appeared after the smoke disappeared, the expression was a little surprised.

"Where is this?"

In contrast, the dark phoenix was a little surprised, but the first time was to drop his eyes on the surrounding environment.

The light is quite dim in their current location, but the space is wider than the one in which it was.

In the field of vision, you can see a circular instrument with some incubators in it. There are a large number of things in it, soaked in some green culture liquids like human brain.

On top of these brains, there are tubes that emit a hint of green light, linked together.

"Hey, hey!"

24k climbed out of the storm armor, and the super phoenix called twice.

In a pair of slick eyes, with some curiosity.

This is of course, after all, the phoenix, or the dark phoenix, is the second person to discover the ecstasy except for the wind.

"The location of a person who is self-proclaimed as a god!"

In the wind, the answer was that there were eight mysterious pokers in different colors.

After being promoted to super boss, 24k can be obtained not only by "spiritual storm", but also by the "Zerg Dominant" that was used in the 24k spiritual world.

In the unscrupulous release of Szebin, there is no cover at all, and 24k has used this skill to find out where he is.

Then, the wind fell and made a bold decision.

Let 24k treat Szebin as a bug for "positioning", and directly transfer the four people to the theoretical position should be the position of this task "final boss"!

Of course, if you dare to act so boldly, you will naturally not be impulsive.

Because, the wind fell back to remember that according to the previous statement, in the current progress of the game, the human strength can only reach the level of quasi-boss.

Therefore, although Szebin’s mental attack is very different, the wind knows that he should not really be able to deal with it.

Otherwise, the umbrella company does not have to spend a lot of energy to control a group of people in such a closed hall.

In particular, Szebin is on the beach to control the thunder and tsunami, and there are some outrageous!

In fact, his guess is obviously correct.

This place is obviously not a beach or a resort. Instead, there are some like...

"Is the hacker?"

This hall seems to have quite a few scenes like "The Matrix."

The only difference is that the person lying in these instruments is not a complete person, but a brain that is covered with a cannula and immersed in the nutrient solution.

Hundreds of thousands of brains breathe like life, and in front of the three presents a very strange scene.

"You, actually came here. Damn, this is impossible!"

At this time, a very angry sound began to sound.

This voice, a few people are naturally familiar, because it is the sound of Szebin in the hall before.

"Let me use the madness of the last days!"

Upon hearing this voice, the dark phoenix frowned and immediately shouted at the wind.


The wind fell slightly, without hesitation, immediately opened the player's backpack with the fastest speed.

"Damn, you didn't use it when you found it. Instead, you voted for it. I don't believe it, you can run again!"

"go to hell!"

There was some confusion and more anger in Sybin's voice.

With his words, all of the brains in the three-person vision began to breathe at high speed, and the red liquid in the instrument generally raised a lot of bubbles like the boiled water.

The green color on the pipe above also began to shine brightly!


Seeing this situation, I took out the wind of "the madness of the last days" that I had won from the hands of the world.

On one side, throwing this epic weapon to the phoenix, immediately calling 24k, summoning a "wormhole" in an instant.

A digital cat that was still in a coma was thrown in.


And just after the completion of these two movements, a more concentrated attack than before, a powerful psychological attack, directly overwhelming toward him.


The secluded shield on the wind, like the sand sculpture that tries to block the waves, just collapses after a few seconds.


Subsequently, this huge incomparable spirit, like an invisible giant sword, slammed into his head.

"You give me to die!"

The voice of the sergeant’s anger sounded at the same time.

In the far-reaching hall, the mental attack against dozens of players at the same time is enough to control the player's actions.

Nowadays, this close range is an attack that is completely concentrated on one person. He has full confidence and can let this adventurer who has a strange escape method die in a moment.


There was a sigh in the wind falling from the attack.

A large amount of sweat was suddenly sprayed on the forehead, and the roots of the blood vessels on the head were all highlighted, and the blue veins violently started.

"You...do...get it...to..."

However, it did not instantly lose consciousness as Szebin expected, but instead bit his teeth and asked one.

"how come?"

Seeing the reaction of the wind, Szebin’s voice was full of disbelief.

Obviously, I was surprised that the plot did not develop according to my own script.

"Hey, hey..."

Among the helmets that fell in the wind, 24k called twice.

If there is a special perspective, you can see the invisible mental power.

It can be found that the huge mental power that entered the wind and the head, and then through his "spiritual link" with 24k into the 24k head, and then into thousands of trickles, before entering the open After walking the digital cat, there was no "wormhole" that was closed.

Subsequently, this combined attack is so powerful that any non-boss-level single target becomes an idiot mental attack, just like the muddy sea disappears.

Can the wormhole pass through the spirit?

of course not!

In fact, these mental powers have not disappeared.

Instead, it was transmitted to the "Zerg base" on the other side of the wormhole through the "Kenon Network" mastered by 24k, and then distributed to thousands of Zerg and beetle units.

Ssebin’s use of a bunch of brains to gather a large amount of mental power for one person is of course unbearable.

However, if it is a large number of zerg arms that have a large number of brains here, it is naturally impossible to exert much effect.

Speaking of it, the wind will adopt this method, or benefit from the similar situation before he encountered this.

The super boss "snake girl" more than a month ago used this "spirit attack" to control the players, let them rush out of hiding, to help her attack the t-900!

Then, he exerted a "spiritual attack" on his 24k, killing all the beetles that were present at the time.

Even the beetles in the base of the other side of the wormhole were affected by some damage.

It is for this reason that the wind has come up with such a way to deal with the spiritual attack of Szebin.


Of course, although it is possible to transfer this mentality, it is impossible for the wind to be unaffected.

At least, when Ssebin concentrated all his power on him, he couldn't even do it with his actions for a time. He could only bite his teeth and make a sound.

However, the wind is not alone at this time!


When Ssebin attacked the wind, the figure of the phoenix had already moved.

In the hands of the epic weapon "Doom of the Doom" above the original force violently fluctuated, directly rushed out of a huge sword with a black flaming flame over a hundred meters.

Then, directly toward the front of a large number of brain culture dishes, across the sword from left to right to the right.

"Hey, hey..."

The sound of the rupture of the instrument and the pipe rang with the movement of the black flame giant sword.

Moreover, the place that was swept by this giant flame sword left some black flames attached to the liquid and the brain, and the brains that were placed in the culture vessels were all baked. The color changes.

And this move, of course, is unlikely to have no effect.

"Ah, ah! Damn!"

Ssebin’s roaring in an angry voice came out continuously.


The wind fell clearly felt that the mental power that was pressing against him suddenly weakened.

Obviously, these brains, and Szebin can play a comparable role in the spirit of super boss.

"I'm going to kill you!"

The violent Szebin took back some of the mental power of the original attacking wind and pressed it toward the Phoenix.

It must be said that although this Szebin gained an incredible amount of spiritual strength with the help of external forces, he did not have much experience in strength.

Even some basic combat consciousness is not there.

After seeing the wind and opening the "wormhole" to send the digital cat away, all the mental attacks will be concentrated on the wind.

Thus, the Phoenix and Ida Kings were given the opportunity to attack.

Leading the Phoenix to destroy nearly half of the "brains" by virtue of the addictive skills of the epic madness equipment, which made him lose power.

Nowadays, he has greatly reduced his mental strength and has attacked his mental strength separately.

Undoubtedly, it is a low-level mistake!


When Ssebin took his mental power out to the phoenix, the black flame on the "Darkness of the Doomsday" in the hands of the phoenix had already returned to her body as early as expected. A set of "dark secluded armor" similar to the Phoenix armor.

As a result, the spiritual attack of this part of Ssebin, although the impact of this layer of sturdy armor surface is generally as shocked by the sea of ​​the storm.

It was a moment that could not be broken.

And let him roar again, the other side of the wind fell on the feeling of the suppression of his own body.

Immediately with the King of Ida who had the effect of "awake pharmacy", he attacked the remaining brains.


With the wave of the wind falling, he threw four cards of red peach color that were rotating at high speed in the air and became translucent all the way.

"Boom, bang, bang, bang..."

The glare and flames attached to the fire card explosion directly caused the instruments and brains that were affected to smoke one by one.


The king of Ada threw out a dozen button-sized energy bombs that directly blew up a group of white energy balls.

The attached shock wave is also flying with broken instrument fragments, destroying more brains.

At this time, the three people do not consider whether there is anything important in this brain laboratory.

Since there are so many brains in the field, as Szebin said before, the number is too much to use, leaving only a few studies is enough.

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