Fatal Shot

Chapter 1100: Clone Marcus

"You, you all want to die, one can't live!"

After three people attacked, the instruments in the lab and the brain were destroyed in succession, Szebin’s voice continually shouted.

However, in addition to using the mental power that is weakened by the destruction of the brain, and vainly attacking three players that he is difficult to control, he seems to have no way for the player.

"Stop, this is our hard work, stop!"

However, at this time, the smart door on one side of the brain laboratory suddenly opened, and more than a dozen wearing research suits rushed in.

These people, all of them have the face of Marcus.

There are some compound technology guns in their hands, and they want to stop the destruction of the three people.


However, the bullets fired from the multi-purpose guns in their hands, when they were not close to the three people, fell to the ground like they hit the wall.

Because the bullets fired by these people belong to controlled drug bullets such as "sedatives" rather than lethal bullets.

Obviously, this laboratory is very important, like poison gas or a large-scale destructive weapon, they are not afraid to use it here.

However, the effect of tranquilizers is even better, and it needs to be played on people to play a role.

All three people mastered the masters of the original force field, and the force field was added together, even if the bullets were not necessarily accessible, let alone those drug bullets that did not have much damage at all.

"Boom, bang, bang!"

On the contrary, the actions of the three people did not stop. King Ada even sneered and raised his hand and threw a button bomb toward these people.

A group of "Marcus" was suddenly blown up, and the weapons in his hands were disarmed, the broken limbs were broken, and the ground was crying.

"No, don't!"

"Stop, these biological brains can't be destroyed!"

"You are stopping!"

However, although it was attacked by a bunch of three people.

Because of the mechanical structural transformation of a large part of their body, they did not die in this range of attacks that did not target the brain.

Instead, he fell to the ground and was still yelling anxiously. Marcus, who was braving red light among his eyes, even if he had broken his leg, even the upper half of his body, he also climbed from the ground. Come over and want to stop the three.

However, the three did not care.

A variety of long-range attacks, constantly clearing the brain of each instrument.

"Stop, don't you want eternal technology? Just stop, we can give you the information of eternal technology!"

Seeing this situation, a right leg was broken, but Marcus, who had climbed the nearest three, shouted in the mouth.


When I heard him say this, the expression of the wind fell.

However, I still shake my hand and throw out the mysterious poker of the water properties of the two squares.


After the hit, the low temperature of the diffused water property bursts, causing the liquid in several instruments in the affected area to freeze.

At this time, the entire "brain laboratory".

Except for a few scattered residual instruments, most of the brain has been destroyed, and the spiritual fluctuations in Sybbin have disappeared in the first few seconds.

"Eternal technology, you really master the technology of eternal life!"

King Ada had to throw a button bomb that was thrown out and stopped at the fingertips, staring at this Marcus Road.

"Of course, this biological brain laboratory is one of the core of the eternal life project. If you completely destroy this place, it would be useless to get the technology of this project."

One half of the face was broken by the instrument, and Marcus, who had cut a long wound when he flew, said while flowing blue blood.

"Not credible, this is definitely their plan to slow down, kill them, and then we go looking for technical information!"

In the hands of the phoenix, the black flame rose above the "doomsday madness", and according to her cold face, it looked like a face that decided to kill.

"No, kill us. You can't really get this technology even if you put all the information in the lab. Some key technologies are just in our heads."

"Damn, don't you know that the technicians are far more valuable than the words in the chip?"

Another hole in the chest, revealing the metal structure of Marcus, looked angry.

"As for delaying time, is this necessary?"

"Don't say that this place is the only level of confidentiality in the entire base. Even after the red, there is no control over it. Only through the metal cabin that you came in before, even if the reinforcements are armed, it may take a short time. To."

"Just say that you can suddenly appear here from the hall, even if it is reinforcements, you can't catch you!"

This leg was completely broken, leaving only the upper body of Marcus, looking at the labyrinth of the labyrinth.

"Do you think we will believe in you?"

"The super-all-nighter of the Szebinke federal, if he does not destroy these brains, he certainly can't die. He almost killed us before, we can't kill him if we don't kill him."

There is a playing card in the wind.

Eyes staring at only a few good instruments and brains around, making a sneer look.

"Even if you destroy these biological brains, you can't kill him. Because he has passed the eternal life project, it has become..."

"Number 5!"

Another Marcus, who had no ears and an arm, suddenly increased his voice and interrupted Marcus's words.

"What became it?!"

The wind fell immediately.

"In any case, you can't kill him. When these biological brains are destroyed and only one tenth is left, he has already broken the connection with him."

The half-length Marcus, called the 5th, did not say anything.


The card that was held in the wind fell off the hand.

Translucent poker with a gleaming glow, flying a few centimeters from the face of Marcus, who had no ears, hitting a residual instrument like a bullet, crushing the instrument while also inside. The brain is cut in half.


Marcus, who had no ears, pointed at the wind and his face rose red.

"What became it?"

In the wind, a card has appeared again, sandwiched between the fingers.

"No. 5, wait a minute, I have something to discuss with you."

Marcus, the right leg that had promised to give birth to eternal technology, suddenly spoke, and the red light flashed in the eyes after the mechanical transformation.

The eyes of the wind fell, because the hidden signal device made by the digital cat received the pulse signal.

However, these signals are specially encrypted, so he can't hear what Marcus is saying.

"We can tell you everything, but you need to promise us a condition."

And after a dozen seconds, when the poker in the wind was about to be shot again, Marcus, who had broken his right leg, had already opened his mouth.

"Hey, what conditions?"

Asked the wind.

He is not worried that these people are making tricks.

Because King Ada and Phoenix, this time has checked the weapon system that is not hidden in the hall.

What's more, these Marcus's lives are in their hands.

Even if they are clones, the wind does not believe that they will not be afraid of death.

"If we reveal everything completely, once Sesebin regains control of the base, he will definitely be liquidated."

"So, you have to leave us with us. And, the forces behind you need to ensure that we continue to support our research on the eternal life project and not pursue our experience in the umbrella company!"

Marcus Road with the right leg of the leg.

"Take you away?"

The faces of the three men all showed an unexpected expression.

This condition...

"Is this strange?"

"We are the people of the umbrella company, but they are only researchers, not those who are brainwashed after death, or those who have little intelligence."

“For us, it doesn’t matter who works for them. What matters is who can give us the funds to let us achieve our ideals.”

"Now, the last hidden base of umbrella companies has already been exposed, and even if you want to continue in the future, it will not be as convenient as before."

"If we really tell the entire eternal life project without reservation, Szebin will definitely kill us all. And even if we escape, then we want to continue to study, and we can only choose the rebel army or Your federal government."

"In this case, if we say that we are more interested in joining them because of the biotechnology of the rebels, you, is it estimated that they will kill us directly?"

Marcus, who had a hole in his chest, said that he was not angry.


The wind fell carefully and stared at these Marcus for a few seconds and found that most of them had a "consent" expression on their faces.

Sure enough, those who engage in scientific research are generally either low IQ or low intelligence, or neuropathy. The idea is really not to follow the usual routine.

Also, normal people, few will transform themselves into robots, and clone a bunch of themselves out!

"This condition should be no problem."

Then, after looking at the other two, they nodded to each other.

This should really be no problem. The federal government attaches great importance to this "eternal technology."

Therefore, these "Marcus", no matter what they do in the umbrella company, will definitely get a new resume if they trust in the past.

Moreover, even if you don't say this "eternal technology," the identity of the chief researcher of Marcus umbrella company is enough for the federal government to invest heavily.

After all, there is no doubt that this is definitely a master class biology career!

No, it should not be said that it is one, but it should be said to be more than a dozen.

The wind suddenly thought of a little, these "Marcus", not all of them are masters of advanced?

"However, you must first tell us the specific content and principles of this human eternal life project."

Although I was curious about the level of these Marcus, the wind first asked what I wanted to know the most.

On the other side of the dark phoenix, after hearing the wind and so asking, it also clearly focused.

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