Fatal Shot

Chapter 1101: Conscious transfer technology

"This can be, anyway, you will know soon."

“Actually, our human immortality project, to be precise, should be called the ‘Imperial Life’ project!”

"After various attempts, we have discovered that immortality in the biological sense can not be realized even with an evolutionary virus. However, if human consciousness can be digitized, then the transfer consciousness will be copied and replaced continuously* *, no doubt you can experiment with theoretical eternal life!"

I heard the wind and asked my own special question.

These Marcus alleviated a lot of hostility, and they even rushed to talk and talk.

"Imagination data? Sure enough..."

When the wind fell to hear this paragraph, the face could not help but show some disappointment.

Because, he actually remembers the "Resident Evil" game, there is indeed such a plot.

In the second half of the second half, Alex, who was killed by him, studied the eternal life and finally succeeded in regenerating his consciousness in the body of another person.

Similar to the "x-war", teach the ability to be born again because of spiritual strength!

However, this method is not really a eternal life, or even a "rebirth". To a greater extent, it is actually a "cloning" of consciousness.

For a new consciousness with a new body, the feeling is that it is "rebirth", but the original body is essentially dead or surviving.

For example, in the original plot, Alex, who was seriously ill, transferred her part of her consciousness to the body of a little girl. As a result, her body did not die. Then she faced this situation and her psychology was distorted. Abnormal, the end is quite miserable.

Therefore, I heard that Marcus actually means using this method, and it is inevitable that I feel disappointed in the wind.

He did not notice that the other side of the phoenix, after hearing this, was changed his face and his expression was dignified.

“So, in fact, Szebin is in a virtual world.”

"Also, in the projection, it seems that he is standing on the beach and is more able to call for the rain? Right!"

Ada Wang understood what he was, and he calmly said.

"Yes, so you can't kill him. His current consciousness is in the virtual world created by Red. Unless he can completely destroy the red, he can kill him!"

"But the defense after the red is more strict than here, unless the entire base is destroyed, otherwise it is impossible to destroy the red. In fact, if you don't know why there is a problem before the red, you are absolutely impossible. Easy to act in the base..."

A Marcus Road.

"Since you have the technology to digitize people's consciousness, isn't the consciousness of numbers already eternal?"

“Why, do you still have to worry about moving to the human body?”

After hearing this, the phoenix suddenly began to speak.

"There is nothing wrong with the theory, but after digitizing one's own thinking, this kind of procedural thinking can only be said to be eternal, and there is no independent thinking ability and consciousness."

"It is also necessary to cooperate with the biological super brain composed of thousands of human brains to enable digital goals to maintain autonomous thinking!"

"And, who wants to really live in a virtual world, even if it can scream in the virtual world and destroy the city, it is not as good as it is in reality!"

Marcus 5th Road.


When the wind fell to hear this, the heart suddenly produced a rather horrified thought.

Then, he took a heavy breath and turned to the brains in the hall, asking for a bad tone.

"Biological super brain! There are nearly a thousand brains here! Do you kill thousands of people to make this?"

Of course, he would not want to be fair to these "victims", but like the attitude of the phoenix before the deliberate killing, in order to make these Marcus feel oppressive, so that no mind to edit words.

"No, these things are not taken from the human body... well, not exactly."

"In fact, these biological brains were originally the brains of a mentally powerful person, which was subsequently cloned by organs."

One Marcus replied.

"Is that person an adventurer?"

The wind continued to follow up and did not give them the opportunity to discuss it.

"No, it's a mutant spiritual master of the rebel camp. When you take his brain off, your adventurers haven't appeared yet!"

Several Marcus shook their heads together.


At this time, the wind has actually come down.

He understands that he should think too much, if that terrible guess really exists.

It is impossible for him to understand the principle of getting this "eternal life project".

However, after understanding the principle, the interest of the wind for this "immortal technology" was much smaller.

After all, it is clear that this technology can be applied to reality and flaws.

Moreover, there are still very serious "humanity" problems, and it is impossible to get on the table!

"The transfer of consciousness of the human body is not something that can be done casually."

"The mental power of the transferee must reach a very high level, but this is impossible for the average person, especially those who need to transfer because of physical defects."

"The function of this biological super brain, in addition to the reason mentioned before, is also able to link spiritually with the consciousness of transferring the target. It only needs to constantly supplement the biological brain, and the mental power of the transfer target can be made very Strong, meet the needs of the transfer of consciousness!".

The Marcus did not realize the intention before the wind, but continued to explain this "super brain."

"That is, the reason why we brought us here is because Ssebin has taken a fancy to our bodies."

Phoenix Road.

"The same is the transfer of consciousness, if you can directly transfer to a physically strong body, even the body that masters the Force is naturally better than an ordinary object.

"Especially people who have awakened the Force are generally more powerful than ordinary people, and are more likely to accept this transfer of consciousness!"

Marcus 3 is of course authentic.

"In this way, Szebin did not really lie before, and we can indeed participate in this eternal life project, but it is a receptor of his consciousness, using the body to participate."

Ada Wang’s tone is cold.

This woman, after understanding this, is obviously quite angry.

After all, my body has been memorized by others, and this is absolutely super uncomfortable.

"It's no wonder that in that metal cabin or hall, only the release of neurotoxicity can kill us all, but we choose to let us kill each other!"

The wind is falling.

Among the npcs, the awakening of the original force is very small.

Although there are c models and tyrants in the umbrella company, there are some units that awaken the original force, but it is obvious that normal people do not want to be such a variant, or even an adult type.

Therefore, most of them in this group awakened the invaders of the Force, which is undoubtedly the best choice.

However, so many people are really put together in the laboratory, and the doubt is very dangerous.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly necessary to first select the person with the strongest strength and the most suitable as a carrier through an internal struggle.

The only problem, probably that did not think of Szebin.

Among this group of people, there is such a person who has the "transfer" skill in the wind. In the battle, he directly kills his old nest and makes his plan ruin.

Otherwise, the normal task flow.

It is likely that after a group of people killed, only a few people who survived were treated as conscious receptors.

Then, using the "awake pharmacy" or other methods, Jedi seeks a glimmer of life!

“No, I think that using someone else’s body is not the best option.”

"Constrained transfer, the body that is cultivated using your own cell clones is appropriate, and the use of other people's bodies will cause rejection like organ transplantation!"

When the three men of different styles were different, a group of Marcus even became controversial.

"Don't forget that it takes a certain amount of time to develop a cloned body. This means that in the event of an emergency, it is impossible to transfer consciousness at all."

"And the transfer of consciousness and the transplantation of organs are not the same. The rejection of consciousness movement is actually a situation similar to the division of personality. As long as after a certain period of time, it can be completely eliminated and eliminated, and there is no real problem!"

"That is only theoretical speculation, there is no actual experimental data to support what you said."

"Who said, remember the results of yesterday's experiment No. 1233, which has already verified my initial..."

"However, experiment 1049..."

In the end, these Szebin turned out to put the three people aside completely, and no one would let him argue.

"The 24k wormhole should be able to return to the previous hall?"

In the fierce discussion of more than a dozen Marcus, the phoenix seems to have little interest, turning to the wind and asking.

When the wind turned his head, he understood the idea of ​​the phoenix.

Although they came out, there are still some people trapped in the hall.

Although, the people who lived in the city have been evacuated, but the night and the big pineapple have been killed in the hall.

Be aware that the previously triggered task prompts that if the hall is not destroyed, the player who is killed cannot be resurrected outside.

So, definitely have to find a way to destroy that hall.

And, don't forget, there are so many people who died in the previous melee, and there are a lot of things falling.

The value of these things is absolutely not low, even the legendary equipment has.

However, because they caused Szebin to be inferred, it is estimated that at this time, the things that have been dropped have been given by the remaining few people...

The wind fell between thoughts and the eyes had become hollow.


However, the appearance of the hall in the hall was observed by the reconnaissance beetle placed, but the expression was somewhat unexpected.

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