Fatal Shot

Chapter 1111: vampire?


In the middle of the forest, a black hole suddenly appeared above the open space of a cliff. .

A few seconds later, a man and a woman were separated from the black hole, and a golden bug suspended in the air.

"Your clothes and looks are not suitable. Change the face of the local people."

The man spoke to the woman in the mouth, and his gaze was on the top of the cliff, and fell to the small town of Np, which is about two kilometers in diameter.


Greentown, a remote old town far from the two forces of the federal and rebel forces.

The so-called remoteness, the desert from the central part of the federal desert has entered the evening, while the sun in Greentown is still hanging in the middle.

Ancient, it can be seen from the hills and mountains of the town, the tower of a European-style ancient castle.

For this reason, Green Town has not been affected by the growing war or biochemical crisis of the federal and rebel forces, and it is still calm.

However, this is only superficial.


Green Bar, this is the only bar above the town.

Because there are no other towns in the town around the town, it is almost isolated from the world, so there are some regular customers in the weekday bar.

However, today's bar is welcoming two outsiders.

One is quite different from the face of the locals, wearing a slightly wider young man who seems to be a leather black wide trench coat and yellow skin.

The other is a tall, blond face with a half-volume face, similar to the locals, with a pleated collar and a white-sleeved shirt, a wide waist and long boots.


After seeing the two men walk in, the original noisy sound in the bar suddenly stood still.

Everyone stared at the two men, and the atmosphere turned into a strange silence at a time.

"Let's find Andrew!"

A man and a woman did not pay attention to the eyes of these people in the bar, but walked straight to the side of the wooden bar counter, and the young man of the yellow race turned to the back of a waiter who was pouring wine.

"I am, you are..."

However, the waiter had not spoken yet, and a person had stood up on a table next to him.

It is a typical European white, with a fat body, and the obvious wine trough shows excessive drinking.

"It’s Sarah’s mother calling us...”

The young man speaks in the middle.

"Ah, you guys... um, come in with me!"

After hearing this, the white face was shocked first, then seemed to think of something, the blue eyes flashed in the eyes, reaching out to open the bar to the wooden planks inside the house.

"George, take care of the guests, don't bother me!"

Then, facing the waiter.

"Okay, boss!"

The waiter nodded and watched the two walked into the bar's inner room with the white fat man.

"Outside people!"

"Really a foreigner!"

After the figure of the three people disappeared completely, a quiet bar was re-active, and many people suppressed the voice and the expression was strange.


"You, is the adventurer that Roland said?"

"How come there are only two people! Old Roland promised me, and the people who came must be enough to fix my problem."

Inside the bar, the fat white boss first quickly closed all the doors and windows, and then his face was not very nice.

"Yes, we are."

"As for our strength, you can rest assured that even if we come to twenty ordinary adventurers, we can deal with it. Since you hired us in the Federation, you should know that the adventurer is not entirely determined by the number of people."

The wind squinted and squinted. Many of the objects in the house were mainly made of wood and glass. The chandeliers on the top of the head were very beautiful, and they were seen as handmade products.

"The scan was completed and no monitoring device was found."

In the field of view, a line of prompts appears directly.

This is the result of the detection of invisible advanced agent glasses that can be implanted on the eyeball after the last mission.

As you can see from the surrounding buildings, this town is clearly a typical European medieval style, and it is not surprising that there is no monitoring.

The only scientific instrument is probably the obese white bar owner in front of him, the communicator on the wrist.

As a small number of businessmen in the town, he often has this because he often goes outside or even buys goods from the federal government.

However, because there is no signal tower around, there is no communication device to communicate with the outside after entering, and the short-distance communication is the most.

"Even if you are telling the truth, but two people are definitely not enough. You know, this time I want you to deal with..."

The white bar owner lowered his voice and said that he was half-hearted, and he closed his mouth nervously. He reopened the window and the goalkeeper sneaked out his head and looked around, seemingly afraid of being heard by anyone.

"The legendary vampire..."

Then, the white bar owner who came back later, his face was very dignified.

Yes, kill the vampire!

This is the content of the task that the wind has received this time.

This sounds very contradictory, "War" is a science fiction game.

Even though the "spirit of artifacts" that the Dark Phoenix said before, it seems that it is not "scientific", but the wind believes that the system should give a reasonable setting.

After all, speaking, the soul is actually one of the things studied by the branch of science.

The "vampire" in this mission, the windfall guess should be similar.

From the style and background of this Green Town, you can see that it should be systematically set up, a largely isolated town, a group of theistic np, this "vampire" should obviously be a small oasis The "dragon" of the town generally exists.

"Reassure, since we dare to pick up this task, of course, enough power. You just have to remember to prepare what I need."

Wind down the road.

The blond girl next to the wind fell silently after entering, even though she heard the "vampire" look did not change.

"This is no problem. Anyway, if you can kill him, that card is yours, and if you can't kill it, then you definitely can't come back..."

The bar owner nodded and snorted.


The wind fell from it and heard something from it.

The bar owner dared to say that if he couldn't kill the enemy, he would not come back. Obviously, he was already suggesting that the strength of the "vampire" is not simple, and it is estimated that it is not easy to deal with.

However, even if the "vampire" is a boss, the wind will also pick up this task.

Because, the card that is rewarded by the bar owner as a quest is a mysterious poker "Little King" that is more intensive than a card.

"Well, give us the specific information, we will act now!"

Since it is definitely to be done, the wind will not drag the water, directly on this np road.

"No, I have to wait!"

However, the np bar owner did not directly agree.

"This time, the people who killed him are not only you. There are also the owner of the hotel and the owner of the weapons shop. They also joined the plan. They also went to the adventurer team when they went out... In order to ensure success, wait until everyone else After that, I will give you the specific information!"

Instead, his face shook his head with some fear.

"What? There are other teams!"

The wind fell slightly and frowned.

The tall blonde girl next to him still said nothing, and his expression did not change.

"Of course, what you want to kill is not an ordinary vampire. It is a vampire count who has lived for a long time, but has always maintained the same appearance."

"And he is not alone. There are several female vampire brides with him, and some vampire servants. Even, he is said to have captive werewolves!"

"If you can't get rid of the roots all at once, then my daughter and I can't live. I know that in the town, there is more than one of his servants."

At the same time as the bar owner spoke, his face was a little white, and there was sweat on his forehead. I don’t know if it was too fat and sweaty, or because of fear.

"Vampire Count, Werewolf... Bride?"

When the wind heard this hotel owner, I felt that the content was familiar.

"Because you are worried about the revenge of the Count of the Vampires, why should you risk hiring us to kill him?"

Thinking in the head, but in the wind, it is throwing words to continue to get information.

"Not because of my daughter, I am poor honey, I was stared by the vampire, I want to be a bride, she is only fourteen years old!"

The fat white bar owner said indignantly.

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