Fatal Shot

Chapter 1112: Artifact·You can sniper rifle!

(Cough, cough... The chapter is sent first, the typo has not changed, it is recommended to get up tomorrow morning...)

"Oh, what about your daughter?"

The wind stared at the fat bar owner, wearing a locked translucent yellow frame and data tips in the field of wearing the agent glasses. .

"Facial expression analysis..."

This is an additional feature of the premium agent glasses, which can directly analyze facial expressions and even behavioral actions, and detect whether the target is lying.

"She is in the vampire..."

The white bar owner replied with a calm face.


The brow of the wind fell, and the tone was doubtful.

"Damn vampire, he sent her bride a week ago and took my daughter to his castle, saying that it is to teach the wedding etiquette."

"If it is not for this reason, how can I come back? I have already run away with my daughter!"

The bar owner was angry and angry.

"However, the vampire will send someone back tonight, and will come back to the door tomorrow morning. After my daughter returns, you can kill the vampire!"

Then he fell to the wind.

"At night? Not to say that vampires can be more powerful in the night than in the daytime."

There is some seriousness in the wind.

The heart is clear, and the timing is so tight, that is to say, there will not be too many branch plots.

Then, the task is obviously not too complicated, the main difficulty should be in the battle.

For him, this is actually a good thing. After all, the kind of task like the town of Rogge is still a waste of time.

And the battle, even if the other party is a boss-level unit, with the real Zerg in the base, there is no way to kill.

"Time is too tight to wait for tomorrow."

"However, you can rest assured that the old Luda has prepared a lot of silver weapons for you. If you can wear the heart of the vampire, you can kill them."

Bar white boss said.


There is another comment in the heart of the wind.

There are even equipment to provide, this treatment is a task of the Kant.


About two minutes later, the white boss of the bar left after the confession, and the "Blonde Beauty" next to the wind was taken to the loft above the bar. As for the identity bar owner, the boss came to the wedding. Relatives in the field.

"The agent glasses didn't find much problem from his expression. However, the people in this small town themselves revealed an abnormality..."

Looking at the white boss of the bar, he walked downstairs and showed the light of thought in the eyes of the wind.

Of course he would not have noticed the reaction of those in the bar when the two came in.

Moreover, this location is separated from the downstairs bar by a floor, with the windy hearing, and the whispers of those downstairs he has long noticed.

Even the bar owner who went downstairs at this time, talking to a regular customer, was also heard by him.

"Andrew? These two foreigners, are you looking for, big blood for the Earl, and prepared blood food?"

"No, they are my relatives, the children of my sister Sarah!"

"Hey, Andrew, you can't lie to me. They don't look like Sarah. I still remember her looks. Like you, how can I give birth to such a beautiful daughter."

"Well, you found it, you don't want to say anything, I want to surprise the Earl!"


The wind in the attic did not change much when I heard the conversation.

Things are nothing more than two possibilities.

First, as the bar owner said, he invited them to get rid of the vampire, and this is just to perfuse the customer.

The second is that, as the customer said, the bar owner actually tricks them into here, actually sending "food" to the vampire!

These two possibilities, in the end, are all about falling into battle with vampires.

Therefore, the wind did not say anything to rush out, question the np bar boss what, but check the equipment on his body.


The wind fell and stretched out and removed two guns from the backpack.

These are two complex pistols that are similar in shape to the Warhammer 30k and full of sci-fi style. The color automatically becomes similar to the surrounding color when it is held by the wind. It obviously has the function of optical camouflage.

And their function is far more than that.


The two hands of the wind fell on the left and right of the two pistols, and instantly the two guns were automatically sucked together in the air, quickly combined into one, and finally became a weapon like a "submachine gun."


After the wind fell and pressed a button, it became a sci-fi sniper rifle with a length of about one meter!

[? (The name has not been thought of yet) -v type (original force trigger)

Grade: Legend

Maximum output: 2500 (b+)

Force increase: 220%

Structural form: pistol, submachine gun, sniper rifle

Whether you have an energy mode: yes

Requires level: 70

Comprehensive evaluation: perfect

This one can be a variety of deformation of the firearms, it is from the agent equipment library, spent a level of authority and 10,000 points of exchange.

From the above, it can be seen that, like the Skywalker-iv type, it belongs to the original force weapon of the former Star River Empire.

After the last agent mission, the wind finally got a level a right and a level b right because the task was completed.

Originally, he was prepared to use this a-level authority to redeem the "second professional chip."

However, in the subsequent discovery of the night 枭 this intelligence bureau ace of the character skills chip, there are even specializations including soldiers, masters, gunmen, and even doctors and mechs.

This means that he actually does not need to waste money to buy more professional chips!

Therefore, the wind chose to convert these rights and the two b-level permissions previously saved into weapons and equipment, such as the body has been replaced with a full set of senior agent glasses, senior agent backpacks and high-end watches, and this look It seems to be a bit heavy, but in fact the legendary original force firearms.

In addition, because the killing of the dead woman, the wind has an additional level of authority, but he decided to keep it, and then use it when needed.

In addition to the harvest of the agent's mission, King Ada finally bombarded the umbrella company's headquarters with a nuclear bomb, causing a huge "victory", and he also indirectly obtained a large number of plot points due to the participation in the placement of the nuclear bomb.

This also allowed him to earn enough 100,000 points after the last mission to redeem the skill chip for pet evolution.

However, unlike what was previously obtained, it is.

This tip of the pet evolution fluid chip, the wind fell to choose to use himself.

It’s true that during these three months, he did not do the same tasks as before, but he was studying the life profession required by this chip.

Thanks to the super-thinking ability after evolution, and the relevant knowledge obtained from Lin in the previous month, his study is far faster than the average player, and in just three months, all these life professions have reached An expert level.

Of course, there are so many hours to practice life careers.

Mainly because he is already full, and needs to upgrade the blame as before. In addition, the 24k ai has evolved to the extent that it is completely inferior to humans. It can completely command the Zerg units themselves and clean up the monsters to provide upgraded capabilities for the Zerg base!

There is a pet with a high enough height, which is really very comfortable in this respect.

Of course, in the past three months, the wind has not completely failed to improve its strength.


After a detailed inspection of the technical guns, the wind fell them back into two pistols and placed them on the table.

The next moment, from his body, there is a lot of black scent that is like smoke.

Then, in the air of his body, it condensed into a similar eye of death, the color is deep as a black sniper rifle that draws the soul!

A sniper sniper rifle, or an "artifact prototype", this is the result of his three-month improvement in strength.

After obtaining the "artifact" creation method from the Dark Phoenix, the wind began to try on its own, and what kind of artifact this pose, is obviously not to be considered.

However, this process is not very smooth.

Because, if you want to condense the solace into a sniper rifle, you need to be really controlled by the player's consciousness, and this process requires super concentration, and once the mind is slightly chaotic or distracted, it will fail.

Even the "artifact sniper rifle" that is successfully condensed is still very unstable. It is necessary to concentrate most of the energy to maintain it, otherwise it will collapse.

In the words of the Dark Phoenix, even the best of the internal test players, under the professional training provided by the system, it takes almost half a year to be able to use this "Spiritual Artifact" for combat.

And the wind has fallen for three months, it has basically been successful, and this is some record-breaking!

However, the wind actually knows why it is so fast.

This was attributed to the fact that he had encountered a roaring machine gun simulator in the test area. In that battle, he realized a chance to break through the limits!

Since then, he has been trying all the time, wanting to completely let his guns go one step further.

However, the kind of "precision" and "accuracy" have reached a perfect and perfect shot, and it is impossible to play it casually. Almost every shot, it is necessary to concentrate all the energy, it is definitely a double test of the body and the spirit.

And this is exactly the same as the point of the phoenix that condenses the "artifact sniper rifle".

It is precisely because of this that the wind can only condense this stun gun in three months.

As for the fact that this artifact is unstable and there is a sudden problem in the battle, in the process, the wind has also found a way.

That is, homemade skills!

[All Gods (self-made skills)]

"Using the solace to condense a sniper rifle, and shoot a stun bullet with all your strength, you need to consume at least 200 secluded energy (cooling: 600 seconds)!"

Before the wind fell, I felt that my own skills were not of substantial use, but this time it changed my point of view.

At least, before he fully masters the "artifact", this skill can definitely play a vital role at a critical time.

Because the power of this "secret sniper sniper rifle" is far beyond the imagination of the average player.

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