Fatal Shot

Chapter 1113: Castle, bat


The sun that has become red has crossed the towering spire and illuminates the small insects that are flying in the air.

But the size of the thumb, the all-transparent insects that are almost non-reflective in the sun, are silent, pointing to the old European castle above the mountain.

In a blink of an eye, it has already flown above the black tower at the edge of the castle.


At this time, from the tower that looked dark because of the setting sun, suddenly a creature flapping its wings rushed straight toward the transparent worm!

The overall appearance is black with a slightly dark red body, and the curved one is made up of a tough film composed of a "membrane wing". The prominently erected big ear and pig-like face, this sudden rushing creature is a wingspan of more than thirty. Cm "bat"!


Although the transparent bug immediately turned back to escape, but the speed is far less than the bat that rushed out of the tower.

After not far away for more than a dozen meters, he was directly swallowed by the dark red-black bat, opened with a blushing mouth with white fangs.


In the town of Green, above the bar attic, the brows of the wind fell.

This is the first time that the reconnaissance beetle was discovered and killed when it was not near the target.

"Is it ultrasonic?"

The reconnaissance beetle has the ability to optically stealth and absorb the signals detected by the reconnaissance, but does not have the ability to absorb sound waves.

However, because the environment is different from reality in the game, the sound wave decays very fast, and many monsters can hear high frequency sound waves.

Therefore, the player's reconnaissance device did not use this detection method, but today the reconnaissance beetle was discovered by an ordinary bat.

"It seems that there is a need to find a creature that can absorb sound waves, and then try to integrate into the reconnaissance beetle."

The wind is in the heart.

The Zerg base can not only incubate and cultivate the Zerg units, but the most powerful is its "assimilation" function, which can fuse the genes of other creatures with the current basic units of the Zerg.

A new zerg unit that produces the characteristics of the creature.

After incubating a "Queen", this feature is ready to use.

Moreover, the current windfall has successfully passed the "black flower bud" previously obtained in the White City, and obtained a unit called "infectious insects".

The ability to "infect the insects" is to control the units infected with the evolutionary virus within a certain period of time.

That's right, it's the ability of the seven-killing boss pet, and just this new kind of infected insect makes 24k equivalent to the skill of another boss.

The power of this ability is naturally not to be said.

It must be said that this "infectious insect" is the command of the wind.

Because in the gene pool of this Zerg base in the "War of War", there is no such thing as "infectious insects"!

However, with the "assimilation" function, the wind can undoubtedly completely create the various arms in the original "Starcraft" game, and even the variant arms and hero units.

The only problem, probably this process, is to contain him too much time and effort.

The main reason is that since 24k is not a real brain worm, the zerg database that it "inherited" from the original brainworm is not complete, especially regarding this "assimilation" process.

It should be noted that, although in theory, the Zerg base can "assimilate" the genes of different units into the zerg base base.

However, it does not mean that the Zerg units that inherit the ability of the original species can be directly produced, and the complexity of genetic engineering is far beyond the general discipline.

Feel free to piece together genes, not to mention whether you can make a living thing.

Even if it is a living thing, it is very likely that there will be no units that have no practical significance at all!

In fact, this is also the reason why I chose to study my pet evolution fluid. I don’t have enough relevant knowledge, and I really can’t create a combat unit that meets his mind.

Taking "infected insects" as an example, although it is already very good, it is far from being better than the prototype unit that can infect various creatures in StarCraft.

"If you can be in the umbrella company, you can catch a few npcs in it, or leave Marcus with a few help research."

There is some regret in the heart.

However, the umbrella company has been destroyed by nuclear bombs, and those Marcus because of the existence of Ada Wang, the npc government already knows the quantity, plus those guys are only interested in studying the "eternal life project."

There is no way to stay in the wind!

As for the study of life professional players participating in the Zerg base, it is impossible for the wind to have this mentality.

At least, in the real development of the Zerg base, the wind is definitely not let other players touch this core business!

"It seems that exploring the castle is not feasible. However, is there a bat to keep the house, is it really a vampire..."

The wind is falling.

Although, the bar owner did not directly tell him where to suck.

However, not to mention that the wind can hear the npc of the bar, it is said that the castle on the mountain is so conspicuous that it conforms to the conspicuous structure of the vampire "count", how the wind may not notice.

However, although the reconnaissance beetle heading for the castle was killed, the reconnaissance beetle that hovered around the entrance to the town found the target that the wind was looking for.

The two teams are left and right. At this time, they are both less than one kilometer away from Green Town.

"Interesting, this is what I want to play..."

After scouting the beetle's field of vision and roughly seeing the two teams of players, the wind fell first and the brow was picking up.

Because these two teams of players are all his "acquaintances."

To be precise, one team is a "friend" and the other team is an "enemy"!

He went to such a remote place to do his tasks and was able to meet acquaintances. The key is still two teams. This obviously has no doubts because it is "care".

However, when this situation was discovered, the wind fell without anger, but soon recovered.

In the past three months, the wind has actually been figured out.

For this system that "manipulates" its own game behind the scenes, there is no "swearing to rebel", what "I missed by my life", and one day I must have the idea of ​​"drying the system"!

Because, to be honest, in fact, all the "War of War" players are under its monitoring and manipulation, and is it just him alone?

On the contrary, he has benefited to some extent because of the "eyes" of the "it", and why it is necessary to put the "war" directly into the hostile position.

The most important thing is that the wind is definitely a little bit.

It is about the Starry civilization, as well as the Earth element in the "War of War", and maybe even about the problem of "crossing" by itself. "It" is absolutely able to answer, and maybe even only it can answer!

That being the case, now what he needs to do is naturally continue to play.

By the day it is happy to meet with you, the answer to everything should be uncovered.


However, since this time, there are two groups of "acquaintances" to participate, then the wind is not ready to see people with a real look!

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