Fatal Shot

Chapter 1114: I really will play "it"!

After receiving the information from the bar owner, the wind fell into a hidden valley outside the town and joined the two teams of "acquaintances". .

However, when he walked out of the town, one of the players had already reached the target point in one step.

"Xin sister, after this mission, all the components of your epic energy converter can finally be assembled. At that time, is it necessary to give us a bonus?"

The face of the white crescent has a happy color, and the red queen road with a sleek equipment component is in the hand.

"This epic-level equipment is really hard to get. From the first component to the last component, we have ten people who have done nearly two months of tasks. The cost of the task is more than one million credits. Clicked."

The neutron star with a complete set of legendary equipment, waving the alloy sword, leveling the shrubs and rocks in a section, creating a rest area for the female players in the team.

"This is good. The epic equipment exposed on the forum is only a hundred pieces. It is said that many large guilds have not yet been able to collect a complete set of parts."

"Our speed is already good. We must know that this epic energy converter is a property that is completely comparable to the last madness that lost all three months ago."

"To complete this task, we will have this epic weapon, plus the level of the Rainbow Sister has been upgraded to 70, and the quasi-boss pet has been raised to level 50 or above. It is likely to be selected as one of the top ten!"

The root of a beard root looks like a wire, and looks like a savage heavy armored warrior, but with some sound like a thunder.

That's right, this team of players is the team of the Red Queen.

There are neutron stars and white crescent, ice glass, black panther, red queen and the tall female scout green arrow, and the ten-person squad including the heavy armor and the machine gunner in the class... also the acquaintances said by the wind "Friends" in the middle.

Moreover, more than half of the people in this team have legendary equipment.

Even the red queen, the neutron star, and the female scouts are all full of legendary equipment. From this point, you can show the red queen's "power"!

Because even now that the "War of War" public beta has been more than a year, the legendary equipment is still rare, and the price of a legendary equipment with a bad reputation is above 10 million credits.

Even a medium-sized guild with tens of thousands of people may not be able to have enough financial resources to equip their star players with a full set of legendary equipment.

Red Queen, a small adventure team that does not join the guild, has a full set of three full-fledged legendary players, absolutely need to invest a lot of money.

And if the legendary equipment can still be bought with money, then the epic equipment is definitely a proof of strength.

Not to mention the mysterious poker, the epic equipment obtained through real single-handedness, even if it is a dead woman or a night squad, if there is no strength, it is impossible to live until the end to get these two things.

The Red Queen was able to trigger the epic weapon mission, and let the team do two months of task collection, this wind is definitely not comparable.

"Someone is coming... eh?"

In the rest of the conversation, the tall female scout "Green Arrow", standing at the entrance to the valley, was reported in the team communication channel.

The latter half of the story reveals some doubts.

"what happened?"

The neutron star opens.

"The team that came here has only one man, one woman and two women."

The green arrow frowned and reached out and pressed two times on a watch-style outfit on his wrist.

And she wore a pair of transparent glasses, faintly showing a picture of the overlooking, you are manipulating a reconnaissance device in the sky to observe.

"Which aspect does it come from?"

The red queen asked.

"The direction of the town of np."

"Maybe the rest of the people are still in the town, only two people came here to join the joints, triggering the follow-up story."

"Since all the tasks of killing vampires are done, the mission rewards are not likely to be too big. It involves the task of epic equipment components. It is absolutely impossible for two people to do it with confidence."

Ice glazed and heard the words.

"Maybe... um!"

Nod in the green arrow.

However, the look changed immediately, and the tone in the mouth increased again.

"what happened!"

Red Queen Road.

"They have found my reconnaissance."

The expression of the green arrow became a little dignified.

"So powerful, your legendary scout is not more than 300 meters above the ground, but also has shield reconnaissance and optical camouflage function?"

The rest of the people heard this and their faces were a bit serious.

This is the first time that their team has been discovered since they acquired this weapon for sky detection.

"What is the reaction?"

The red queen was not surprised, asked again.

"Nothing, the male player just stared at it and shifted his gaze..."

The green arrow replied.

"It seems that there should be no hostility, but it is best to be prepared for it."

Ice glass frowned.

No one in the team thinks that the man and the woman who came here did not find the instrument at all, but just happened to take a look at the accident.

Because the flight reconnaissance is hidden hundreds of meters high in the sky, whoever has nothing to look up and see?


About a minute later, the two entered the valley.

A man and a woman, both of whom have different skin colors, wear a large trench coat.

After seeing a little red queen who was "strickenly waiting", the male player who discovered their detectors only glanced at the green arrow hidden on the side of the canyon.

When I arrived, I didn’t say a word. I walked directly to the underside of a relatively empty tree in the valley and stood up, obviously without the meaning of talking to them.

"It's still smart, some look."

The heavy-bearded warrior with a beard is evaluated in the team channel.

"Steel tiger, whispering. The other side has a reconnaissance talent, may be a scout, no one can hear us!"

The neutron star frowned, reminding this new team to join the team soon, although the strength is strong, but the mouth is always a teammate who likes to cause trouble.

"Reassured, old clock, this mission is a cooperative mode, not a competitive mission, I will not take the initiative to pick things up."

"However, I hope that after the completion of the mission, there will be any changes in the other two teams. At that time, black eating is my favorite!"

A heavy armored warrior with a beard, with a thrilling tone that does not match his low tone.

"I can't detect their attributes, and there seems to be a special energy field around him. My talent has failed."

The sound of the Green Arrow sounded again in the Red Queen's internal team channel.

She has a reconnaissance talent and can directly obtain a part of the target's attributes without using reconnaissance, and this talent becomes more powerful after awakening the Force.

However, if you want to detect each other, you feel that you are blocked by a layer of things.

"Don't detect it, maybe he can feel it, then it will cause some trouble... Another group of people, should it be coming soon?"

The red queen heard the words and said in the mouth.

"They are full of people like us, but they are all men. In addition, there is a white np, it seems that the np connector person said before the mission!"

The green arrow replied.

The people in the Red Queen's team talked inside, but most of them looked at the wind and the wind from time to time.

This is normal, maybe the wind falls on the face of the ordinary after the disguise, and the people who use the windbreaker to block the equipment are not interested.

However, the next "blonde beauty" will undoubtedly attract a lot of attention.

Among the players of the 17th Executive Star, the yellow races occupy the vast majority, the number of Caucasians is scarce, and the blonde with the perfect body is even less.

However, no matter how they look, the blonde looks as if she is completely unaware, and her face is expressionless.

"If I am like this, what will happen to you..."

The hands are ringed on the chest, and the back is against the top of a tree. The hat of the windbreaker is used to cover the wind of the upper half of the head. The same face is thoughtless.

The wind does not use its true face, but it is also a temptation.

From today's event, as well as the things that have happened before, the wind is actually a vague feeling.

The "it" seems to like it, pulling some "acquaintances" together, and then sitting behind it like a melon to watch the development of the plot.

If this is the case, he wants to try it today if he reveals his identity and does not recognize the acquaintance or even the enemy, then what about it?


In the silence of the two sides, which are mutually uninterrupted by default, another team of "acquaintances" observed by the scout beetle before the wind fell, and finally reached the valley.

This is an eleven-man team, except for a small, thin, eight-character, old man, and the rest are ten fully armed players.

The equipment on these people is also good, and it can be seen that at least the complete set of rare equipment, should also be mixed with legendary equipment.

The combat effectiveness is estimated to be less than that of the Red Queen. Even if there is a gap, it will not be too big.

However, what is interesting is that a middle-aged person who is protected in the middle is wearing a black trench coat like the wind, and it seems that he is not wearing equipment.

The rest of the people are all protected around him, and there are some awe in the face.

However, the eyes of the wind did not fall completely to this middle-aged person who was obviously the leader.

Instead, I looked at the smoke standing in the mouth at the edge of the team. During the throughput, I showed a scout player with a striking yellow tooth.

Yes, the "enemy" said by the wind is a group of yellow teeth.

In particular, not only the yellow teeth and the former exile town have ambushed his other two players, but also the president of the White Knights called "Dog Brother" and the player of the military division.

A group of yellow teeth entered the valley.

Immediately, the eyes swept through the audience, and the "blonde girl" standing on the side of the wind and falling facelessly paused, and then swept through the wind that they could not recognize after being disguised.

Later, after looking at the red queen and his party.

"You are... red!"

"The wolf... is you!"

At the next moment, the core figures in both sides turned out to be a change of face, and their faces were unveiled with hatred.


The eyebrows of the wind fell.

"It" seems to play more than I imagined!

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