Fatal Shot

Chapter 1115: Hate, fight!

It turned out that not only the two teams were acquaintances, but even the Red Queen and the Yellow Teeth were acquainted with each other.

However, looking at the reaction of the two sides is obviously not an ordinary acquaintance, but more like a serious "hate" between each other!

This kind of serious hatred directly led to the mutual recognition of the other party’s identity, and all the weapons in their hands were lifted.


Even the glare of the energy conversion device in the ice glass hand flashed, and there was no need to say a word. Instead, the middle-aged man who was not equipped on the opposite side threw a series of energy ice cones with a broken air!

"Protect the boss!"

However, immediately a heavy armored soldier rushed out of the team, using the alloy shield in his hand to block this series of ice cone attacks.

The rest of the people immediately used the terrain of the valley to hide, and the remote profession also raised the weapons in their hands to fight back.

"Oh shit!"

The sniper standing next to the yellow tooth has raised the sniper rifle in his hand and directed the red queen's head to the smashing machine.

"Stop, stop, what are you doing?"

However, when both sides are about to fully fight.

The npc old man of the eight-character Hu was already mad at his beard and blinked, shouting loudly and directly using his body to block the middle of the two teams.


"Stop first!"

The leader of the two teams, the Red Queen and the middle-aged, all sullenly drink their hands.


However, even if the Red Queen heard the order, the Panther was still red-eyed.

The sniper rifle in his hand did not stop. A bullet shot out of the sniper player's gun of the yellow tooth and the gun directly fell off his hand. The gun body fell back on his chin and almost knocked off a few teeth.

"Stop, what are you doing?"

This made the eight-character npc old man's eyes even bigger, and severely scorned the people on the side of the red queen.

"Black Panther..."

The red queen said aloud.


The Panther took a heavy breath and his eyes were still red and fierce. He still pressed his fingers on the trigger and did not buckle again.

However, although there was no further war because of the constraints of the leaders of the two sides, the various weapons were completely bullets, the energy converter was started, and one was going to continue fighting at any time.

Among them, ice glaze and black panther, the reaction of several neutron stars, is even more blue, biting their teeth.

This is undoubtedly a bit strange. After all, in theory, although it is easy to get rid of the players in the game, the hatred in these virtual worlds is definitely not a big hatred.

In the case where the two sides work together and the npc is angry, it is still difficult to suppress. What is this hatred?

"Red, you can't even restrain your hands, it's really the red level of the red fortress."

The middle-aged man reached out and stopped the sniper who was angry with him and pulled out the pistol to counter the black panther. He calmly faced the red queen.

"They are not my men, my brothers and sisters."

The red queen replied sneer at him.

"Brothers and sisters... I didn't expect that, when I was famous for being hot, I killed my husband and the redness of my father-in-law. I would say this..."

"Well, it seems that half of the people around you are not the old ones. It is estimated that they don't even know what kind of person you are?"

The middle-aged man even laughed in a rather bold voice.

In the laughter, it is deliberately looking at the Red Queen team, a few people with a little confused expression.

Not everyone in the Red Queen team is excited. In fact, there are two newcomers like the tall female scout Green Arrow. The expression is actually confused.

This also explains why the female scouts saw the yellow teeth and the pedestrians through the scouts in the sky before the green arrows, but there was no abnormal reaction.

Because she should not know the reason for hatred between the two.

"We didn't expect to be infamous. We were evenly wanted by more than 20 survivor bases. The most cruel solitary wolf was able to qualify for the War."

"However, looking at your appearance, it is bad enough to be mixed up in "War of War", and even a decent piece of equipment can't afford it!"

The red queen did not speak, but the ice glass was a sneer counterattack.

Her face and voice are all like, the legendary energy converter in her hand generally exudes an ice-like taste.

"Oh, but your big sister has a good sister who married the ninth stupid heir, otherwise you can have this equipment now?"

"Oh, Jiu Xingcheng, really tm lost our star face, turned out to be the first large base in the battle to surrender to the Star government. If it is not because you surrendered and sold out the information of the rest of the base, how could the whole star be short? It was completely broken in more than a month."

"All the stars in your hand are all red with the blood of our stars. You are afraid that you will have a nightmare!"

"I don't even have a few hundred people left, but I don't have a penny. I still started this game with my boss. I went to this step. Red fortress, count as a fart!"

The yellow tooth spit out his own cigarette with a sip of sputum, and then screamed like a sling in the mouth.

Do not say that he said such a hard-pressed words, but he is hiding the body behind the heavy armored soldiers.

Because of the angry black panther on his face, the legendary sniper rifle in his hand has been aimed at him.

"The yellow wolf, there is a kind of telling me your position, Lao Tzu will definitely kill everyone in the Wolf Fort to avenge my sister!"

The words that came out of the black panther also explained why he was so rude as a calm sniper.

"Fart, we are not selling stars in redness. If it weren't for the grandchildren of the Wolfsburg and the star thieves of the Lion City, the daringly hijacking the passenger spacecraft of the Stars would cause the Stars army?"

"Ten integrated universe fleets, tm does not surrender to take what to stop. You are really hard, how to die in the stars, will appear here..."

The neutron star is the eyes of the fire, a force fluctuations appear on the body, the legendary alloy sword on the hand makes a strong humming sound, the surrounding air is shaking at high speed!



The wind fell to hear it here and fully understood.

The red queen and the yellow tooth are all the ones who first arrived at the "old star" after crossing, and should be the leader of the two survivors.

Like him, after the New Star government sent troops to clean up the stars three years ago, they were scattered and distributed to the 17th executive star.

However, there are some differences in the treatment of both parties.

These people, the Red Queen, are estimated to be “actively surrendering”, so they are not only supervised loosely, but also retain the wealth of their own forces on the stars.

A group of yellow teeth may belong to people who are "captive". Because of the bad deeds, they have been stripped of all their property and may even be under surveillance at this time. It can be said that it belongs to the kind of person who does not have a dog at the beginning of the game.

This also explains why a group of yellow teeth had done black and black things in the town of exile.

However, under such circumstances, it is possible to re-enter the situation in the "War of War", and build a bridge with the high-level rebel forces to participate in the important plot task of the last umbrella company.

In fact, it is enough to explain that a group of yellow teeth, or the middle-aged person who is headed by them, is also a "枭雄" level figure!

This is also true.

On the old days of the old stars, there are only a few hundred survivor bases. In the cruel and endless wasteland environment, you can be in charge of a survivor base. How could it be an average person?

According to the wind, at the time, many of the survivors’ bases belonged to the authentic dictators. Even many bases were concentrated on one person, and the civilization was retrogressive, even those who claimed to be “emperors”.

The "Nine Star City" that Huang Te said is the kingdom system of this dictatorship!

"Nine Star City, that is to say... Is the Jiuxing Guild actually built by the old Stars? It is no wonder that there is a relationship between the Red Queen and the top of the Nine Stars Guild."

"So purple, it is probably the red queen's sister, but it is not necessarily a sister or a cousin or a school girl..."

"The fool of the Nine Stars Guild, so to say, the lace news on the forum is still straightforward. The president of the Jiuxing Guild is actually a person with IQ problems. Therefore, Ziwei is a vice president, but he manages it. The affairs of the Nine Stars Guild."

The surface of the wind is still calm, but there have been many turns in the head.

"And this is most likely the reason that there will be division before the Nine-Star Association and hostility to the split September guild!"

"At the survivor base, those people may be reassured as subordinates, but after touching the concept of "freedom and equality", they may be able to work for a fool or even loyalty?"

The dialogue between the Red Queen and the Yellow Teeth was undoubtedly solving many doubts.

As for why there was no news of the inside of the Nine Stars Guild and the old Stars before, it is estimated that it should be related to the dual confidentiality of the individual and the government.

For the old Stars themselves, their hometown can't keep it, and it is absolutely a shame to be embarrassed to be expelled from the stars.

What's more, many people who can live to the present are those who surrender or capture, not only because of their identity, but also because they are not as civilized as the new stars.

For a variety of reasons, it is natural not to be willing to expose yourself to the old Stars in a game where there is no difference in identity.

If these two teams do not meet each other today, they should not reveal such news in front of the two "new stars" of the wind and the blonde.

In particular, in the taunts of each other, even the bad things that once "killed" were said. If this is a new star, it will naturally cause a lot of rejection or even panic.

However, when it comes to "old stars", in fact, the wind has found that the proportion of masters of the old stars is far higher than that of the new stars.

For example, the long river of swords has returned to the top ten masters, and now the red queen also has this potential, if you count him as a person who is barely considered to be the old star... the top ten masters have the opportunity to occupy three!

On the 17th Executive Star, the number of old Stars is less than one-thousandth of that of the new Star.

This ratio is too high.

The reason for this is naturally that the old Stars were in a world without law, murder, robbery, and survival in the Jedi.

In the harsh environment, the strong adaptability cultivated is much faster in the ultra-real game of "War of War" compared to the new Stars who live in a peaceful environment.

"Perhaps, this is why the Star government will send a fleet to attack the stars and bring people to these administrative stars. There is no such thing as ‘it’.”

The wind is used by one heart and the other, while listening to the two sides continue to fight, thinking is a lot of speculation and conclusions in the high-speed operation.

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