Fatal Shot

Chapter 1122: Weird castle

This blonde is really not a person, but a "t-1000." .

After inheriting the character chip of the nightingale, the wind has acquired more than just reconnaissance technology, but also has the ability to counter-reconnaissance.

Even in his own surroundings, the situation of the original force field interference continues to be turned on.

Even Green Arrow, a player with reconnaissance talent and legendary reconnaissance, can't detect the true identity of the t-1000. This vampire is naturally not able to.

Therefore, he simply chose the most wrong goal!

As a high-level human-machine with a quasi-boss-level combat power, if it is not her attack means is relatively simple.

Moreover, if the object has the protection of the primary layer, the vampire with only 20,000 blood is likely to be dropped by the "blonde" in one face.


And although not able to drop directly.

But the vampire, who was shackled in the heart of the silver, also made a very painful cry in his mouth.

The flesh and blood of his body in contact with the silver daggers quickly appeared to wither, as if they were aging quickly.

The blood that rushed from around the wound did not turn into "black smoke" like the blood on the front of the broken arm, but fell like the smoke after burning.

On the contrary, the silver dagger held by the t-1000 in his hand, the blade of the knife into the heart of the vampire began to glow, it seems that there is a "holy" taste.

If you are a believer, you must be thinking about it at this time. This is the god's use of divine power to "purify" the vampire!

However, the actual situation.

Obviously, it should be that the silver weapon has some kind of reaction with the life protozoa in the vampire body, which makes the life protozoa appear to decline rapidly.



This point is that the wind left the left hand to the second bullet, avoiding the inevitable hit on the heart of the vampire in the dodge.

The result obtained by visual observation of the "Super Hawkeye".

The effect of the bullet hit is slightly inferior to that of the dagger, but the white spot is in the same wound position as the vampire.

Then, it was quickly weakened with a screaming sigh.

Obviously, this material reaction is accompanied by the contraction of the heart that is beating at high speed in the battle, and quickly circulates the vampire's body.


In the face of this situation, the wind will naturally not be polite.

The body quickly deceived, the seemingly empty right hand with black gloves, directly across the neck of this young vampire!


Young white vampires squinting their heads and flying directly into the air.

And then, the blood rushing from his neck quickly turned into a black smoke in the air, and immediately ran away in the direction of the castle.


However, it is so easy to run away.

The dark red "fog" that emerged from the wind and windbreaker has already formed a net, and most of these black gas are directly surrounded to "eat".

After eating this large amount of black gas, the fog that originally appeared dark red also became slightly black, and it looked a lot deeper.


The other side of the neutron star also successfully solved the vampire who fought with him.

After all, it is only an elite unit. Although it has the attribute bonus of the life worm, it is not enough to watch a player who is more aware of the original force in a full set of legendary equipment.

The leopard, also using the long-range assists of the sniper rifle, solved the last vampire.

However, the scout player, this time has been bloodless, sitting on the ground in a weak and incomparable position.

His life limit has been reduced by half, and it is impossible to recover in a short period of time. The next battle is definitely a big loss.

Moreover, although the four vampires are completely destroyed, the situation of the battle is still slightly severe.

Because, in addition to the humanoid creatures such as vampires and werewolves, the previous reconnaissance of Green Arrow also detected a large number of elite alien creatures.

And these elite units are actually a bunch of giant bats that are twice as big as ordinary vampire bats, and a pair of eyes showing a clear yellow in the dark!

And this giant bat, both in terms of blood volume and energy defense, is far above the ordinary vampire bat.


The machine gunner in the red queen team.

One accidentally was thrown to the face from the side by a yellow-eyed giant bat.


The huge batwing of the yellow-eyed giant bat, which is more than fifty centimeters, directly wraps the machine gunner's head directly like a hood, while the barb claws grow directly into his neck.

Then directly open more than a few centimeters of fangs, a **** taste of the bat mouth, bite in the arteries position on the side of the machine gunner's neck.


"-1000, -1000, -1000!"

Then, on the head of the machine gunner's head, a lot of blood loss occurred.


When the machine gunners were slightly dislocated, they used two hands to forcibly pull the giant vampire bat away.

Even the skin directly on his neck and face was peeled off by his claws and teeth. The wounds were **** and bloody.

In the case of non-fatal situations, the general rule of non-injury is obviously ineffective for this giant bat, because these yellow-eyed giant bats also have a faint force fluctuation!

Plus the werewolves, although not as vampires, have the ability to continue to **** blood and make them weak.

However, the strong defensive power given by the layer of black long hair on the body makes it difficult for players to solve them quickly even if they have legendary equipment.

In addition, the blood emitted by the wounds exposed in the battle is to let the ordinary vampire bats attack wildly, and the "ultrasound" with the player makes the players more dizzy!


"-2869, -3049, -3048..."

The wind once again allowed 24k to use a mental attack to clear the vampire bats.

However, this method of extremely consuming ecstasy is obviously impossible to use constantly, because this mental attack requires consumption of mental strength.

Of course, for the wind and fall.

In fact, it is not a big problem to solve these bats and even the werewolves.

The 24k hidden under his trench coat is of great interest to these large numbers of vampire bats that offer a rich "nutrition".

I already want to transport the body of the blood-sucking bat in this place back to the Zerg base to incubate the new younger brother's nourishment.

Obviously, as long as the Zerg arms are summoned, everything can be solved!

However, the wind fell but suppressed the 24k jump.

It is not because I want to hide my true identity, but because of the "life protozoa" in this task.

And it is this life-like protozoa that can "suck life" power, like black smoke.

But it is in his heart that he has faintly produced some kind of thought.

Therefore, before actually encountering a fatal crisis, he decided to hide this one card first!

In addition, there is one more point.

The Red Queen and his party are not completely unresponsive.

"Call, give me ten seconds!"

The red queen looked dignified and gasped in his mouth and said a word.

After putting a master-class energy shield on the body like a two-piece flame, he directly retreated to the double protection of the heavy armored warrior and the doctor.


Then, the energy conversion device in her hand broke out with a force fluctuation, a fire with a huge force of force, and a series of red candles around the red robes of the energy robe. There is about the size of a basketball, and the whole body is red like the surface of the star. The orange color is mixed with the golden fireball.

"go with!"

The next moment, all the fireballs, like a comet with a tail, were directly launched by the Red Queen into a dense place where the vampire bats were dense.

"Boom, bang, bang..."

The range of fire attacks in an instant burst is that the fireworks generally cover the upper half of the battlefield.

Covering the flames and high temperatures of the entire field of vision, everyone on the battlefield has a feeling of suffocation.


"-5049, -4840, -5094..."

In the flame range, a large number of damage values ​​are completely dizzying.

After the awakening of the Force, the explosive power of the master of the fire system is reflected in this moment!

Moreover, the vampire bats swept by the flames, whether they are ordinary small bats or elite giant bats, even if they are only splashed by a sparking star, they immediately become like oil. A ball of fire.

The Red Queen's s-burning talent, apparently after the awakening of the Force, has been enhanced like the deadly talent of the wind.

"Hey, hey..."

The dead yellow-eyed elite bats also have some faint "black smoke" in their bodies, which flew toward the castle on the hill.

However, there are also a lot of "red fog" that has been swallowed up around the wind.



Accompanied by the last werewolf, in the ice glass, controlled by the original force of the frozen skills.

From the hand of the white crescent, using the therapeutic pistol in his hand, he shot a pot of silver "Holy Water" on his neck, and then his body trembled uncontrollably.

Then, the two legendary alloy swords of the neutron star collapsed their heads.

The third post was finally broken.

However, the Red Queen’s team also paid the price of one person’s death.

This is because the equipment of the pedestrian is really good enough, plus the players who have the full three awakening forces.

Otherwise, the casualties are definitely bigger.

Afterwards, the team sorted out a bit and immediately rushed toward the castle on the top of the mountain.

"Call, call... I feel a bit strange, why didn't I hear the sound of fighting on the other side of the yellow tooth?"

The beard male heavy armor warrior gasped, and the earth was very embarrassing.

Although he couldn't help the vampire in the metal can, the strength of the werewolves was a bit abnormal. He was pushed down on the ground and put a few feet in the battle.

This is a bit shameful. After all, these werewolves are just some elite np.

"Yes, it seems that even the energy skills are not shining?"

The face of the black panther is also a bit heavy, and the expression reveals a doubtful color.

It’s not just this that makes people wonder, when the crowd finally rushes to the front of the castle on the top of the hill.

The expected urban defense weapons, or a bunch of vampires and werewolves attacked, did not happen at all.

The gate of the castle was completely open at this time, revealing a square inside which was burning with fire, and there was no one on it, as if it were undefended.

"What is this... it seems to be a trap!"

Seeing this situation, the team of players who were originally prepared for the battle was hesitant.

"Whether it is a trap, you must get in!"

Ice glazed and gasped.

Although, in the past, this situation may have problems.

However, they must pass through the past.

Because the number of vampire bats on the top of the mountain is much larger than the foot of the mountain or the middle.

After the quasi-boss "snake" was abandoned because the speed could not keep up, the team had already been unable to eat.

Even if it is well equipped and has strong resilience, the mp of the controller is already consumed by two-thirds, and the Force also consumes a lot.

When I arrived, even if I wanted to rush down the mountain, I didn't have that ability.

Instead, entering the castle is the only way, because the environment in the castle is clearly resistant to the four sides of the vampire bat.

Even at this time, behind the gate opened by the castle in front of everyone, the square illuminated by the surrounding torches seemed to be a safe area.

All the vampire bats are afraid to come near!

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