Fatal Shot

Chapter 1123: Vampire Count

"Go in!"

The red queen decisively ordered the underground.

Since there is no choice, then rush into the castle, not to mention the purpose of this.


And indeed, as I saw before, the vampire bat, which was originally chasing the attacking player, rushed into the castle after a pedestrian.

Just stopped at the door, circling the left and right, and screaming, but did not continue to chase in.

"Be careful!"

However, after entering the castle, everyone is not afraid to relax.

The warrior's alloy shield, the controller's energy shield, and the gunner's environmental mimicry skills are all open, and are strictly guarded against possible attacks.

However, until the team entered the castle completely in batches, standing on a circle of torches shining on the very bright Bluestone Square, there was still no attack.

"Rely, what is this?"

A heavy-faced warrior with a beard was impatiently swearing.

"People are out!"

The Green Arrow was a scout thrown onto his legendary reconnaissance instrument, and then the eye immediately stared at the opposite side of the square, a door carved with a batwing, a pair of eyes with a purple flame that looked quite strange.


And when her voice fell, two carved bat demon stone doors were separated from left to right, revealing a dark passage behind.


Then, a series of torches burned.


That passage was quickly lit, and the first to be printed into the player's eyes was a dozen or so tall werewolves.

One by one, the neck is wearing a gray collar, and the position is close to the sides of the passage. It is like a group of guards who have some restless battles, looking at the player's eyes with fierce light.

Then, the station was slightly closer to the middle, and the seven or eight similar white aristocrats who had previously solved the problem were dressed as vampires.

And these vampires are separated from each other to reveal a passage in the middle, bending over and politely holding the chest in one hand, as a gesture of welcoming!

Of course, it is impossible to greet the players, but to greet one left and one right from the passage, two medieval low-rise corsets, a waist skirt and long black gloves, a red hair. A golden hair, all of them are very hot female vampires.

"Ghost bride · Selena (60 level leader), hp: 50000!"

The green arrow looks a little dignified to the detected data.

This situation does have some seriousness. Although the "vampire" and "werewolf" are only elites, they have far more combat power than the average elite.

After all, they have life-like protozoes on their bodies, and the attack belt carries the original force.

Elite vampires and werewolves already have this level of combat power.

What are the fighting powers of these two leading vampire brides?

The most important thing is that the two ghost-blooded brides are obviously not the main ones. After they came out, they both took the skirts and separated them to make a welcome gesture.


A whole body is covered in a black gas, and the vampire can't see the face completely.

Because of the black gas, even the reconnaissance device could not display the information of the last person who appeared.

However, just cut the unconventional black tuxedo from his body, and the black heavy boots that are directly attached to the upper part of the knee, and the vampires in front.

Everyone guessed that this should be the so-called "Vampire Count"!

"There are so many vampires and werewolves!"

"The vampire bride is already at the commanding level, so what is the vampire count? It won't be a quasi-boss!"

The players in the Red Queen team are all ugly.

In the previous battles, the fighting power of these werewolves and vampires has been clearly understood. It can be said that it is not inferior to an elite player. Their equipment is very good, and they can do one to two to three at most.

In terms of basic combat effectiveness, it is quite unreasonable for both sides to convert.

However, there are two senior vampire brides on the opposite side, which are definitely the players who can hold back their two awakening forces.

In this case, even if there are silver weapons that restrain the vampires and werewolves, they are definitely at a disadvantage.

Not to mention, there is another one who doesn't know the level, but with the ass, I know that it will definitely be a more powerful "Vampire Count"!

"The difficulty of this task is completely different from the imagination. So how can we kill the Count of the Vampire?"

"Yes, the ai units in "War of War" are very high, and it is impossible to take advantage of the tactics in the battle. It is impossible to complete this task when the strength is inferior!"

In the Red Queen team, the internal communication channel has been completely unsettled.

"No, there is no chance of winning in frontal battles. Exit first. Perhaps, you should find a way to assassinate!"

Bearded male heavy armor, his face is a little impatient.

"Can not go back!"

The Green Arrow told him to dispel this thought.


Because those vampire bats did not catch up, but they hovered outside the castle's door.

At this time, the number of blood-sucking bats gathered has been difficult to calculate. It is only from the night sky that the eyes are reflected by the torches, and the eyeballs in the dense movement can make the scalp numb.

At this time, the only way was to solve the vampire count, and then wait for the dawn bat to disperse.

"Life protozoa..."

Unlike the minds of the Red Queen's group of people, the focus of the wind falls completely on the "Vampire Count" that is swaying like a black body.

This amount of black gas is hundreds of times more than the black gas around ordinary vampires!

Most importantly, this level of black gas condensed by the life of the original worm has been seen once.

It was in the white city, and finally under the protection of hundreds of heads, it was easy to kill the mysterious black man who killed the seven.

Last time, the purpose of the mysterious man going to the White City was, in fact, accurate for himself!


The face of the wind has also become somewhat dignified.

"While "War of War" is high because of the high degree of freedom, various situations in the mission may occur, but in general tasks, there will be no situation that is completely impossible to deal with."

On the other hand, in the red queen team, the ice glass is open at this time.

"Now this situation is obviously to show that the strength of our partners should be far above what we originally thought. At least, we have the strength to deal with a quasi-boss unit!"

She was talking, her eyes squinting at the wind and t-1000 standing on the side, seeming to think of something.

"Oh... Ice sister... You mean, they are two...not right, he alone with the female robot, has enough strength to compete with the Count of the Vampire!"

Another light armored soldier in the team heard this and looked at the wind and the t-1000 with a shocked voice.

"Of course not, what do you think!"

"Although according to the forum's point of view, in theory, human combat power can reach the level of quasi-boss, but it requires a lot of conditions, at least it needs an epic equipment, even the legendary Force armor is possible."

"At this stage, the two are impossible to come by!"

Ice glaze is shaking his head directly.

Of course, there is still a possibility that it is a boss-level pet.

However, it has already entered the state of combat, and even if there is a pet, there is no way to summon this. She naturally does not consider it.

"Then, what do you mean..."

The light armor warrior feels a little confused.

"This mission is not just for our two groups!"

The glaze of the glaze has become a bit cold, and it seems to think of uncomfortable things.

"Yes! Hey, what about the grandson of the yellow tooth?"

The beard male heavy armor warrior turned in, sulking and sulking.

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive!

Just then, in a small passage on the side of the square, this time it was out of a group of people.

A group of heavily armed players protect a middle-aged person who is not equipped and is only wearing a windbreaker. It is a group of yellow teeth.

And the Red Queen and his party were a little embarrassed, and their equipment was quite different. The equipment of the yellow teeth was obviously intact, and it seemed that the battle did not happen.


In addition, the Red Queen’s group was somewhat astonished.

Among the group of yellow teeth, there are two players who are wearing more gorgeous and suspected full-scale legendary equipment.

These two players, like the vampire count, are covered with a layer of black air that makes people unable to see their appearance.

"Hey, lone wolf, you are really cheap!"

"Let's attract firepower in the front, you can't even hit the game."

Bearded male heavy armor, shouting directly.

And more people, in fact, their faces are gloomy, because they are the people of a group of old stars.

At this time, they have already felt that something is wrong.

Because, in theory, even if they attract the attention of vampires, all werewolves and vampires come to deal with them, and it is impossible for a group of yellow teeth to climb completely without fighting.

Because of the whole mountain, there are vampire bats everywhere!

In addition, the movement path of a group of yellow teeth is to go outside from the inside of the castle, and it shows that they are not attacked earlier than the ones themselves.

"Mr. Simon!"

And when you see, the two players who are blocked by the black gas, like the vampires, are facing the face of the vampire count not far away, and they bend over and squat.

Most people have already understood.

"This is... what happened? How can people in Wolfsburg..."

Only the beard heavy armor, because of anger and not carefully observed, this time has not been too clear.

"Can't you still see it? The group of people in Wolfsburg has already turned to these vampires. It is likely that their mission is different from ours at the beginning."

"Even, it is possible that this task, from the very beginning, is a layout, designed by Wolfsburg for us!"

"Individual wolf, you are as sinister as ever!"

The red queen’s face was rarely gloomy, his hands were holding the energy converter tightly, and the knuckles were white, making it difficult to calm down.

"Mr. Simon!"

The middle-aged man opposite, first like the two "masked" players, facing the vampire count with one hand and licking his face.

Then, I turned back and looked at the red queen with a cheeky face.

"No, no, the layout is a layout.

"But, red, you are too high to see you. You, but it is an unexpected addition, but not qualified for us to specifically target the layout."

"I am right? Mr. Feng Ye!"

The middle-aged man, who was protected by a bunch of players, showed a mocking expression on his face, then turned his head to look at the expressionless wind, and he looked and said.

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