Fatal Shot

Chapter 1125: Devil ring

"Redness, the grudges between us, it is estimated that there are not many opportunities to solve in reality."

"However, at least in this game, you can enjoy the feeling of killing each other."

"You can rest assured that after you have solved all of them, let you defeat this mission. I will also destroy your epic equipment parts, so that they will never get together this epic energy conversion. instrument!"

The middle-aged man looked at the red queen with some "cruel" smiles on his face.

"Oh your mother!"

Obviously, this sentence makes the players of the Red Queen team a lot of people.

It took them two months and paid a lot of price to get to this last step. It is necessary to collect the complete set. If the parts are destroyed, it is equivalent to completely using the work.

You know, the current life career in the game, neither np nor the player can make epic equipment.

As for the repair, although some np can do it, it is also necessary to damage the equipment, not the damage.


Therefore, after hearing the middle-aged man's sentence, someone in the angry Red Queen team was shot again.

The black panther violently raised the sniper rifle in his hand, and in the direction of the middle-aged man was a quick shot.


This action makes the violent unparalleled pupil shrink.

He can stop the ice cone from being fake, but it is almost impossible to block the sniper bullets, especially the bullets of a legendary sniper rifle.


However, this b-level sniper bullet with anger was finally flying over the edge of the middle-aged earlobe, and the rear of the castle wall was shot with a gravel.

Because, at the moment when the leopard started, he suddenly felt that his head was bombarded with a "heavy hammer". In a moment, his eyes were black, and in the mouth, he made a sigh.

The bullets that were shot naturally lost their heads directly.


The pupil of the wind fell for the first time.

Because, just now, he felt a strong mental fluctuation.

This is the perceptual ability acquired after the three-month research and manufacture of the "environmental artifact" in the process of the additional spiritual strength.

This stock is not inferior to him. The source of the spirit of attacking the Panther is the "Vampire Count" who has not acted.

"Your grievances, go to the other side to solve."

"Which party won, these two things belong to them. Then, leave me alone!"

In the black air that enveloped an area, a word came out coldly.

Then, the black gas surged like a life, and two of the three items brought by the vampire bride were lifted and thrown to the ground.

And because of this movement, the black air shrouded in the head of the Vampire Count faded, revealing a face that looks more than forty years old, handsome but cold.

"Mr. Simon, why, this was discussed with us before..."

Hearing this sentence, the expression of the middle-aged "boss" was quite smug.

Obviously, the words of the Count of the Vampire are not at all arranged.

"it is good!"

In contrast, the Red Queen and his party have a feeling of "everything is alive."

Although I don't know, this boss-level np will make this decision, but it does not hinder immediate response.

After all, without the vampires involved in the hatred of both sides, they may not have no chance of winning.

"As for the last thing..."

However, the Earl of Vampires simply ignored the stunned face of a group of yellow teeth, but stared directly at the wind.

There is a dark red eye faintly revealing the greedy color through the black air.

This kind of look, there are some like the avid research np staring at an experimental product, and some, like a hard-working gold rusher staring at a gold mine!

"I know, you have some way to get out of here. But if you do that, I will ruin this piece of poker directly!"

A white, scary hand sticks out of the black air. Between the two slender fingers, there is a black and white playing card, which is the purpose of the wind, the one in mystery poker. A "Little King."

The vampire count, the understanding of the wind is clearly deep.

I don't know if this information was told by a group of middle-aged people, or was he collected by himself.

"It seems that you know a lot about me. Bring me here, not just to kill me!"

The wind fell gaze at the "Vampire Count", and the tone could not hear the mood.

For the threat of this vampire count, the wind is not really worried.

The material possessed by Mystery Poker is very special. Even if he uses damage to damage, it can be recovered quickly. In theory, it is easy to destroy it.

Of course, this only refers to the "destruction" of the low-level stage and the "cracking" of the advanced stage, but the wind has not been tested.

Therefore, it does not rule out that this vampire count will indeed destroy this "small king."

However, this obviously cannot really threaten him.

After all, this is just an epic equipment component.

Nowadays, he even has "artifacts", and the importance of epic equipment in a certain sense has been reduced.

Really, the situation is wrong. He is completely able to use the "wormhole" to leave.

As for the red queen who has walked to the other side of the square and is a group of people with yellow teeth, they can only see their own.

"Of course not! In fact, I didn't want to kill you."

"Although the source of the original protozoa in your body is not correct, but since you got it, it means the devil's will."

"It's just that you have a lot of potential for this mutant god, but you don't know how to use it properly. It's a waste of resources."

The count of the vampire shook his head, and the light in the dark red eyes flashed.

The protozoan of God is obviously his name for the life protozoa.

This title with a magical taste should be used exclusively for those np "indigenous" who are behind him.

Because when I heard the word, the ordinary vampires and werewolves, and even a few vampire brides, showed their piety and excitement.

"As long as you cooperate with me, I can give you the means to use these gods, so that you become truly powerful."

"You know, they just have some low-level protozoa, and they can exert the power of the powerful fighters, and the protozoa of the mutant **** in your body, the potential is far above this!"

Next, the red eye of the Count of the Vampire is a turn.

The vampires and werewolves pointing behind them, and sulking in the wind, fell into the wind.

"Hey, since there are such big benefits, why don't you just tell me directly? Instead, use such a boring means."

The expression of the wind is unrecognizable, as opposed to his four eyes.

"You are not a believer in the devil. I can't communicate with you through the power of the devil."

"Only by a little means, let you come here, come to this castle built by the devil, can make you feel the call from the devil."

The eyes of the vampire count flashed in the eyes.

Then he stretched out another hand and wore a black figure on the ring finger that looked like a monster with bat wings. The center was inlaid with a mysterious ring that looked like a gemstone with a drop of solidified blood.

At this time, the blood in the gemstones is solidifying, and it is melting rapidly, as if it is fresh and full of vitality.

At the same time, a special energy fluctuation is issued.

Correspondingly, the black gas shrouded around the Earl of Vampire began to tremble sharply and seemed to be inductive.


The wind is also a wrinkle.

Because, he felt that the life of the original worm in his body, there was an unstable phenomenon.

It is completely different from the look of the ordinary vampires before they rushed out to "swallow", facing this mysterious ring.

The life of the original worm in his body, there is a vague feeling of "taboo" or even anxious!


Of course, the wind will not believe, this is the **** of the ghost of the np.

It took such a great price to design, even if it didn't kill him, he definitely wanted to get something from him.

And this thing is probably the life protozoa that belongs to him "illegal"!

It is of course impossible for the wind to let this out, so it is natural to choose to communicate 24k through spiritual links, ready to summon the Zerg army.

"Let the pet in your trench coat stop!"

"I know that it can use some kind of wormhole approach to transport some offensive insects to this place."

"But, I think the number of those bugs is even more, and it is impossible to have more of my bats?"

However, the Earl of the Vampire, apparently known to him, apparently expected it, or what he had discovered with his previous "spiritual attack" ability.

However, the dark red eyes are full of ridicule, indicating the bat group in the sky.

"Hey, hey..."

The vampire bats in the sky and outside the castle seem to be oppressed by the crowd on the square.

Although it did not come in, it has already given full force.

At this time, the number of vampire bats in this area has been collected more than 20,000, and the number of yellow-eye giant bats that reach the elite level has exceeded one thousand!

I have to say that in this case, the Zerg arms are really not too dry.

Although the Zerg Queen has been incubating successfully, the time is too short, and the number of genuine Zerg arms that hatched is only over a thousand.

Even if the Zerg’s fighting power is stronger, it is impossible to achieve dozens of enemy.

What's more, these vampire bats belong to the "air force", and only one-third of the Zerg units with air defense capabilities, even with the addition of beetle arms, the ratio between the two sides is also a bit large.

Second, the biggest problem is that wormholes can only transport a certain number of arms at a time, and a small number of arms are obviously directly smashed by vampire bats.

This kind of tactics for the support of the perimeter is directly in the middle of the "soft rib" summoned by 24k.

Obviously, this "Vampire Count" has learned very profoundly about him, and he has designed the tactics.

However, this is exactly the case, indicating the importance of the vampire count on his "variant life protozoa"!

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