Fatal Shot

Chapter 1127: Wind falls VS Vampire Count

(This chapter has not changed the typo, I suggest getting up in the morning to see...)

"So, let's get started!"

The next moment, the Count of the Vampire was no longer as much as before, and rushed straight toward the wind. .

And the people have not yet arrived, the surrounding black air, but it has already been like a tornado, and it is the first to face the wind.


Because of the location where the wind falls, the back is the wall that belongs to the castle, and there is not much room for receding.

Therefore, the wind did not have the intention of retreating, but the body did not move, a strong force broke out, directly blocking the front of the rolling black gas.


However, the next moment, the face of the wind can not be changed slightly.

Because the blackness of the sky was not blocked at all, it was still rushing toward him and shrouded him.

The defensive force field, for these "black gas" constructed by the life protozoa, did not even block the ability!

"Don't you know? The life protozoa itself can provide the Force, and it is also the source of the indigenous forces. Some of their characteristics are that they can move freely in the Force field!"

Being shrouded in black air, the wind suddenly feels like being completely isolated from the outside world.

Whether it is hearing or vision, or even mental power perception, it becomes a bit confusing.

And then, the voice of the Count of the Vampire, heard in the ear and suddenly came.

These "black gas" formed by the life protozoa even isolated the sound communication with the outside world. Therefore, the vampire count in the black gas is too lazy to use the deliberately beautified name of "the original insect of God"!

“Do you feel your own confusion?”

"This is itself a means of luck belonging to the life of the protozoa, as a miniature creature that can change its condensed form at any time."

"As long as it is used properly, it can be"

"Of course, in the presence of outsiders, this kind of use will be called 'field'."

"So, you have a good experience, feeling in the 'dark realm'!"

The Count of the Vampire does not seem to be eager to attack, and the tone still sounds indistinct in the black air.


However, the wind is too lazy to wait.

The next moment, a pair of eyes suddenly turned into a golden "snake."

Then, the silver dagger in his hand stabbed at a super-fast speed toward his left front.


In the black air, there was a sigh.

Then, the black gas of the sky fluctuated sharply, and at the same time, it went backwards.

And when the black gas that shrouds the field of vision dissipates, the two above the square appear at the same time.

The wind still stood still, and the vampire lord had to withdraw a few meters away at this time, and the silver dagger was inserted in his chest position, leaving only half of the handle.

And his face showed a painful look.


"Simon adults!"

And seeing the dissipated black gas, the state of the vampire count.

A bunch of werewolf vampires, all shocked, exclaimed in the mouth, and rushed toward him to protect him.

However, the location where the two men are fighting is far away from them. The speed of these "dark creatures" without long-range attacks is even faster, and it is absolutely impossible to get too fast.


Just, facing this great opportunity.

The wind fell, but it was expected to stand in the same place, and there was no action to pursue it. Instead, it took a few steps and opened up some distance.

"Your caution is beyond my expectations!"

After seeing the wind hit, I actually retreated and did not continue to attack.

The painful look on the face of the vampire count completely dissipated, and the hand that caught the chest suddenly loosened.

The black gas emerging from the wound directly pushes the silver dagger on the chest and falls onto the bluestone floor, and the wound recovers in a few seconds.

Then, with a wave of his hand, he directly indicated to a group of people with surprises on their faces.

"Silver items can restrain restraint on some kinds of protozoa, but there is no limit to my original protozoa."

"So, I specifically released the words that I want to kill me and need to use silver weapons."

"It was originally a left-hander, but I didn't think that you didn't continue. It was really disappointing!"

Subsequently, his eyebrows wrinkled and seemed to be very unpleasant.

This sentence undoubtedly proves the blackmail of this vampire count.

Create a false weakness, let the enemy think that he has mastered his life. Then, naturally, it is possible to take advantage of this in battle.

Even a person who is stronger than him may be stunned by him.

Unfortunately, as an np, he obviously does not understand the habits of the players.

Because it has been weak for a long time relative to the boss-level creature, once it causes serious damage to the boss.

The first reaction is not to chase, but to guard against the opponent's immediate counterattack.

Of course, the wind is not based on this, but because he saw the damage value in the system log.

The damage from the blow was just over 5,000 points.

For the vampire count who has the life protozoa and the blood volume shows more than 100,000 under reconnaissance, how can this blood be seriously hurt?

"Alright, if this is the case, then really see the real chapter under your hand. Also show you by the way, the real use of the original insect of God!"

"The Spear of the Devil!"

Seeing the wind or not reacting too much, the face of the vampire count is even more unpleasant.

Between the mouth, the surrounding black gas quickly gathered toward his hands. In the twinkling of an eye, a black spear was re-formed, and the dark light was reflected in the light of the surrounding torches!

"This... artifact?!"

In the process of seeing this short spear, the pupil of the wind has some contraction.

Because the vampire count used the action of black gas to condense into a black spear, it is very much like the process of using the "noble" to condense into a device.

However, he immediately dismissed the idea.

Because, instead of feeling the faint fluctuations from this spear, it should be like the vampire's nails, which belong to the aggregation of life protozoa.


However, this is called the "Devil's Spear" by the Count of the Vampire, but it is obviously more powerful than the nails of ordinary vampires.

Because, in the agglomerated black spear, there is a very strong, with a sharp feeling of the original force fluctuations!

"Try it!"

Then, the vampire’s face was sneer with a sneer, and he raised his hand directly, and threw the “Devil’s Spear” toward the wind.

At this point, there is no secluded shield on the body of the wind.

Because, since it is singled out, the ability of 24k is naturally not applicable.

Although the secluded shield is invisible, it can be felt by people with high mental strength.

Before the Earl of the Vampire, he showed a strong mental power when he exerted a spiritual attack on the Panther.

However, although there is no secluded shield, but the wind is there are other "shield"!

At the moment when the black "Devil's Spear" with strong force fluctuations came, the wind fell on the body and a layer of dark red armor emerged.


After the demon's spear hit the life armor, it made a slight dull sound, and then flew out of the earthquake because of the arc of the armor.

Then, directly insert the wall behind the castle not far behind the wind.

Then, again, it was scattered into a black gas and flew away toward the Count of the Vampire.

However, the color of the armor of life has also become a bit bleak.

"You actually know how to use the original worms to combine with the original to form a defensive armor? It is a bit clever, but this is only the most basic use."

The voice of the Count of the Vampire came out of the sky.

Because, after the short spear was blocked, he again had two black gas behind him, forming a pair of bat-like wings behind the body.

Then, directly vacated and rushed into the heart, jumped a dozen meters high, from the air into a group of black shadows falling toward the head of the wind.

And with him falling together, there are ten black spears formed by life protozoa!


The wind did not take evasive action.

Because the vampire count with wings is faster than him.

However, the armor of his life was rapidly deformed, and the armor's "helmet" and upper body were quickly widened and thickened.

Life armor is composed of life protozoa. Naturally, it is able to adjust the defense strength of different areas at will.


A series of percussion sounds, accompanied by the rising of the black air.

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