Fatal Shot

Chapter 1128: You can sniper rifle!

In the eyes of the outside, the wind fell once again engulfed by the "dark field."

In the black air, the dark red life armor on the wind fell into a collision with ten black "devil spears".


Five of the devil's spears, because of the curvature of the surface of the armor of life, slipped like the previous one, and inserted into the ground around the wind.

The remaining five positive devil spears are after hitting the "thickened" life armor.

First inserted straight in the top!

However, the position of the spear and the armor of life was followed by a sudden "melting".

Only the black spear left, fell to the ground, and was stained with some dark red!


"The mutated life protozoa in your body is even better than I originally judged..."

Ten "devil spears" did not work, but the face of the vampire count was not angry, but instead showed an excitement and even greed.

While speaking, the bat wings behind him shake and pull some distance on it.


Then the surrounding black gas condensed again, this time it was condensed into a "devil scorpion" that is ten times thicker than the spear!


After that, the black long shackles were held in both hands, shaking the bat wings and falling toward the wind below.

In the face of this rapid attack from the sky, the wind is no longer ready to resist, but choose to move to avoid.

However, in the dodge, it was discovered that the vampire's attack, the clever use of the five black spears that were originally flying by the life armor.

It made his figure slower, and it was the delay of a few tenths of a second. The black "Devil's Dragonfly" had already touched the dark red life armor.


The next moment, after blocking ten black spears, it became a very bleak life armor, which was directly shattered by the position of the devil.

The black "Devil's Long Skull" continues to fall toward the wind's head with the speed of the wind and the strong force fluctuations.


However, this blow did not succeed.

Because, in the moment when the armor of life is broken.

The right hand of the wind and black gloves jerked out, and the black long, messy and chaotic tip was hardened.


Although the bones and fingers of the wind fell on the wind, the top of the head was hurting nearly 10,000.

However, at the same time, he had no movement at all. In the seemingly empty right hand, there suddenly appeared a spur that was covered with black sorrow, which was deeper than the black gas, and the "devil" that was directly held in his hand. Chang Hao" cut.


The devil is long, and there is no suspense to break into two pieces!


The Count of the Vampire changed his mind for the first time.

Because, the black long scorpion that was cut off by the wind and the use of solitude, did not turn into "black gas" like the black short spears.

Instead, starting from the part that was cut off by the solace, a large part of it is like the blood of the vampire who was previously injured by the silver weapon, which has lost its vitality and turned into a gray dust.

"Sure enough, you have that kind of power..."

The Count of the Vampire, who rejoined the "Devil's Sword", with some dignified authenticity.


When the wind fell and the Earl of Vampires fought.

On the other side, the battle between the Red Queen team and the yellow tooth group has entered a stage of white heat.

The situation in the war situation is roughly equal.

Because the Red Queen showed the level of combat close to the super-master players in the battle, one person dragged the two "top ten masters" of violence and the red gunfire.

The rest of the people, because of the advantages of equipment, although the number is small, it does not fall.

However, both sides have already been killed in the past half of the time. It seems that even the last party can win, and at most one or two people survive.

The space in this square is not large, and the streamers and some range of energy attacks of the pedestrians are inevitably involved in the battlefield of the wind and the Count of the Vampire.

"Puff puff……"

However, these bullets and energy attacks, when they reach the scope of the "dark field", are directly like the stone cows, and they cannot affect the two people in the battle.

In the black air, the wind is as close as the vampire count.

Of course, in this case, there are actually some unexpected expectations.

Because, he promised to single-handedly, in addition to continuing the mission story, the big reason is because there is enough confidence.

Because, in theory, his current melee ability is even above the "death woman."

After all, the dead woman does not have the dual reinforcement of "life protozoa" and "super evolutionary virus"!

Under this bonus, the Count of the Vampire can still be evenly matched with him, especially in terms of strength and speed.

This clearly shows that the attribute of the life worm of the vampire count is even higher than the mutant life worm that has reached the quasi-boss level!


As the casual battle continues, the face of the wind is beginning to become dignified.

Because the two sides fought very fiercely, and because the life protozoa has the infiltration characteristics of the original force field and his solitude, no one can have an invincible defense, but the damage value on the head rises one after another.

Although it can be recovered quickly by the force or the life protozoa, but in the case of constant blood loss, the wind falls inevitably due to the decline in the proportion of life protozoa in the blood volume, and the attributes of the character are also declining. .

However, the other side of the vampire count, the fighting power has always maintained the initial peak.

Because, although he was injured in the same way, the black gas entangled around him was in battle, and he continued to enter his body, and then directly supplemented his lost life protozoa.

This is undoubtedly a means of using life protozoa.

As a symbiosis, the number of ethnic groups in the human body is limited, and it cannot leave the human body for a long time.

But the Earl of Vampires let some of the life-protozoa stay outside the body, and then maintain their activity in a way similar to "circulation."

This undoubtedly makes the function of the life protozoa stronger, although the upper limit of the body's bonus is unchanged, but the total number has more than doubled.

Therefore, as time goes on, some of the attributes of the wind fall are not comparable to the Count of the Vampire.


Even if you turn on the "burst point" skill, you can't take advantage of strength and speed.

Because, in fact, the original force skills themselves are only a kind of force application skills.

Therefore, after mastering the skill of using the Force, the attack of the Count of the Vampire is also accompanied by the effect of the "burst".

Therefore, this skill does not allow him to fight with the Count of the Vampire while he is in a disadvantage.

However, the original force skills are not enough!

However, there is still a skill in the wind, but it is absolutely enough to reverse the situation.

Making weapons, this is not just the patent of the Count of the Vampire.


The wind fell again and collided with the "Devil Shield" that was condensed by the life worm in the hands of the vampire count.

Subsequently, because of the gap in the property, it was directly knocked out and exited more than ten meters away, and fell to the edge of the square.


After steadily squatting, his face looked a bit whitish, but his eyes were sharply condensed.

The next moment, a sniper rifle that resembles the black of the soul, is formed in the air.

The angle of the muzzle is directly aligned with the direction of the Count of the Vampire!

"not good!"

Look at the black sniper rifle that is quickly formed.

What seemed to be felt, the vampire's red pupil's pupil first appeared to shrink significantly.

The next moment, the surrounding black gas tumbling sharply, completely covering his body, while the bat wings behind him fanned and quickly evaded toward the side.

In addition, the "blood gemstone" above the ring on the finger that is engraved with the demon is rapidly brightening, emitting a strong wave, shrouded the wind toward the body.

While this fluctuation is looming over the wind, the wind has already held the black sniper rifle in the air.

Then, with a feeling that it should be a giant shock, but actually it is quietly silent, shooting a completely black stun sniper bullet!


The black secluded bullets silently rushed into the black air.


The next moment, a scream came from the black air.

Then, the black gas of the sky shrank in the same direction as before, revealing the count of the vampire who looked painful.

"The Earl of the Lord!"


"Hey, Fokker!"

The vampires and werewolves watching the war made some shouts of confusion and suspicion.

Because, showing the painful look, not only the Count of the Vampire, but also a vampire and a werewolf who stood in the back of the Count of the Vampire.

At the chest of the Count of the Vampire, at this time, a black bullet hole that was transparent before and after appeared.

Moreover, the bullet hole is covered with a layer of black things deeper than his life.

And this layer of black things is spreading toward the surrounding at an ultra-fast speed, like corrosion.

It was only a bullet wound of about a centimeter. Finally, because these black things spread to more than ten centimeters, the chest of the vampire count appeared a black hole like a bombardment!

Not only the Earl of the Vampire, but also the two vampires and werewolves who were also penetrated, the wounds on them were spreading rapidly.

Even if there is a sky perspective plus the ability to see through.

It can be seen that the black sniper bullet caused the spread of about ten millimeters of bullet holes, running through a werewolf and a vampire, and finally into the hard stone walls of the ancient castle. .

If the lens extends further behind, you can see that this fascinating bullet smashed through the entire castle, and finally it was swept away from the perimeter of the castle wall and passed away for hundreds of meters before dissipating.

The entire ballistic trajectory is incredibly straight, and even the air is “cracked” away, completely free from the influence of gravity or wind and other environments.

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