Fatal Shot

Chapter 1130: BOSS, the wind falls!

(Well, I still haven’t changed the wrong word... I am sleeping in bed and slowly changing, you better see it tomorrow morning!)

"this is……"

Even on the other side of the square, the Red Queen and the Green Arrow, which have only two people left, and the yellow tooth with four people left.

Under the strong oppressive feeling created by the system, I couldn't help but sweep my eyes in the fierce battle. When I saw the scent of the atmosphere, the expression was full of shock.

At this time, the "black gas" left by the original vampire count seems to have been "taken over" by the wind-falling life-like protozoa.

It is gathering towards him, and soon, just around the wind, a new set of "life armor" has been formed.

This is a set of styling similar to the Storm Wars, but it is filled with a full-body "black gas" full body armor, completely wrapped in the wind, only the position of the eyes.

At this time, the wind is closed, and the body is motionless!

"Da da da……"

After the shock, he showed some fear. He just replaced the red gun flame of the previous chain, and used the legendary light machine gun in his hand to shoot a bunch of bullets toward the wind.


A series of bullets hit the "Devil's armor" on the body of the wind, but it did not fly like a metal armor, but like a bullet-proof vest, the bullets were all embedded in it.

"-5, -2, -3, -4..."

On the head of the wind, there is a single digit value that does not make much sense at all.


The eyes of the red gun flames picked up, and the subconscious machine gun in his hand hurriedly stopped.


However, the wind that originally closed the eyes was suddenly opened.

The exposed pupil is no longer a "golden snake" infected by the super-evolution virus, but becomes a normal human pupil shape, but presents a dark red color similar to magma.

The red and black light structure makes the wind look like this, and is more like a "dark creature" than the vampire count on the other side.

Then, the wind turned and turned to look at the red-colored gun flame that had some discoloration on the face. It resembled the dark red eyes of the magma. The next moment the pupil was as bright as burning.


The next moment, the hundreds of rounds of warheads embedded in the "Devil's Armor" on the wind, are completely detached.

Then he flew out and hit the chest area of ​​the red gunfire along the trajectory with a small gap.

"-1029, -1013, -1039..."

It is obviously a reverse flight, and the warhead does not appear to be tapered like a general one, and should be subjected to greater resistance.

However, these bullets caused a higher damage value than the bullets fired by the legendary sniper rifle. The red guns were even a full set of legendary equipment and awakened.

A machine gunner can't withstand a theoretical damage of more than 100,000 points.

In fact, when there are only 20,000 points of damage, the white light of death has already risen!


The wind did not go to the management, because this attack made the group of yellow teeth that had originally determined the victory, immediately suppressed by the Red Queen.

It was a pair of red eyes that turned to the vampire count.

"You... how is this possible!"

The look of the vampire count, but it has completely disappeared before the sneer, but revealed a clear fear!

"Block him!"

While seeing the wind coming over, the Count of the Vampire decisively made a choice, commanding those players behind him.


Later, I was not prepared to fight the wind and fall, shaking the wings directly toward the sky outside the castle!

At this time in the night sky in that direction, you can see that there is a hot air balloon moving towards this side. Obviously, the vampires who went out before found that they were not able to come back and reinforce.


However, his flight speed is even faster.

It is certainly impossible to turn the speed of the eye.

The wind still stood still, but a pair of red eyes seemed to be burning, but it was directly staring at the vampire count in the air.


Then, an unprecedented strong force fluctuation, directly from him as a source, like a sword, rushed toward the Count of the Vampire.


The next moment, the screams in the mouth of the vampire in the air.

The wings of the body consisting of life protozoa, like being hit hard, directly annihilated, and those who have not yet flew far, are vomiting blood in the mouth and falling into the interior of the castle.

The elite yellow-eyed giant bats between the wind and the Count of the Vampire are bursting one by one under the fluctuation of the Force.

Then, a black gas was drilled in the scattered blood, which was added to the "Devil's Armor" far away from the wind, making the color darker and deeper.

Not only the Count of the Vampire, when the wind fell a pair of burning eyes, looked up and looked further.


The hot air balloon, which is also at a distance of about 300 meters, is linked to the sphere and the lower basket. There are ropes with thick arms and all of them are broken instantly. The vampires and servants inside are all screaming and screaming. The basket fell together!

Ordinary vampires, like the werewolves, simply do not have enough biological protozoa to support the ability to converge wings.

Falling from the height of a few hundred meters, even if it is a "dark creature," there is absolutely no possibility of survival.

"kill him!"

"Hey, hey!"

However, the werewolves and vampires in the square have already snarled and rushed toward him.

The werewolf has all become a tall form of werewolf, with a violent green light in his eyes, and a red-faced vampire with a gaze similar to the wind, waving his pointed long nails!

The wind still did not move, just turned his eyes to the small soldiers who swarmed.


At the same time, dozens of silver bullets, like ordinary invisible forces, are generally suspended in front of him.

Then, into dozens of silver, rushing toward the vampires and werewolves.

"Puff puff……"

Each werewolf's chest position was hit by at least one silver bullet.


And then, it’s a scream of screams.

Because these bullets entered the body at a speed not inferior to the speed at which the firearms were fired, but they did not go out all the way, but left them all in their bodies.

For these vampires, these silver bullets remain in the body, and the damage is obviously ten times more powerful than the puncture.

Even though these bullets were only launched through the Force Field, they did not receive too much bonus, and it was enough to disintegrate their combat power in an instant.

Then, by killing blood continuously, it was killed.

"Go to death!"

Unruly, the three vampire brides of different hair colores have taken the opportunity to unfold the bat wings that the life worms condense into, and open the red lips like the flames, revealing the white fangs, screaming toward the wind.

However, just as they rushed to the wind, the wind fell about ten meters.

Solved the wind of the miscellaneous soldiers, a pair of dark red eyes looked at them.


The next moment, three hot medieval vampires, all in shape, were directly in the air.

Although the life protozoa can act in the force field, even the vampire count cannot be completely composed of the biological protozoa.

Therefore, it was not the original force that was ineffective for the Count of the Vampire, but it was not strong enough.


Not just settled.

Then, the sight of the wind fell again.

In the distance, the red queen and the yellow tooth have entered the final stage, and the silver weapons that have been smashed on the ground are all flying!

"Puff puff……"

Then, the three vampire brides who were fixed in the air were all pierced, and then they flew with them and nailed to one of the walls of the castle.

As a 60-level commander-level unit, it is able to use the Force because of the life of the original worm, and also has a large combat power bonus provided at night.

However, in the face of the wind falling at this time, it is impossible to achieve even close, not a level at all.

As for the next step, the wind did not pay any attention to them, but directly to the three vampire brides, from the passage to the inside of the castle.

Because the t-1000 had already been on the ground, the silver dagger that had been thrown to the ground by the Count of the Vampires, and white light shining toward the chest, the blood-sucking bride who screamed with black air ran away.

As a quasi-boss level unit, for the three seriously injured command-level units, absolutely hand-to-hand!


The wind fell through the vampire castle.

Although there is no map, there is no hesitation in the footsteps, as if it can directly see the structure of the entire building.

Soon, I walked to the deepest part of the castle.

One has been opened, and there are traces of people walking in the field of high-level agent glasses, leading to the front of the "secret road" underground.


The wind did not stop, and went straight into the secret path.

After passing a section of nearly 100 meters diagonally downward, the end of the passage is a demon-carved door made of a single boulder with a thickness of more than one meter.

Such a door can definitely make ordinary players difficult, but the wind falls directly to a hand that covers the "devil armor."

When the hand is fully grasped, he moves his hand directly behind him.

"Oh la la..."

This Shimen, which weighs absolutely more than ten tons, was pulled away by the wind and directly with one hand.


Behind the huge stone door, I saw a glare of light.

As you can see, it is a huge room with various instruments and lighting facilities and a virtual screen.

In this gloomy old castle, there is still such a modern laboratory hidden!

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