Fatal Shot

Chapter 1131: Mythological creature


I haven't waited for the wind to figure out the purpose of this lab.

In the deeper position of the laboratory, a sound of overturning of the object has been heard, and then a figure stands out from the rear of a large cabin instrument.

It is the Count of the Vampire.

On top of his neck, there is a metal injection that has a small amount of blood like a liquid!

"Call... you have chased it... ah!"

The voice of the Count of the Vampire carries a heavy gasp.

At this time, his face was covered with black air, and the original handsome face that appeared appeared to be changing drastically, revealing a painful look.

The root of the blood vessel under the skin bursts, the blood rushes out of the pores, and then, combined with the remaining black gas, forms a layer of rock on the surface of his body, which looks like this with the wind. "Devil Armor" is similar, but it is a rough black armor structure.


The wind did not speak, and his eyes were shining.

Because, he just released a reconnaissance technique to those instruments and got some hidden information.

Combined with the text displayed on the projection screen in the air, I already understand the function of this laboratory.

This function directly reveals the surprise light in his magma-like scorpion!

This high-tech laboratory is actually used to "study and nurture and transplant life protozoa".

what does this mean?

This means that if he can occupy this lab, the benefits that can be obtained are likely to be even larger than the permanent evolutionary virus enhancers and terminators.

Because the evolutionary virus enhancer is not low in value, but it is not only Lin can make.

In today's games, the "Advanced Permanent Enhancer" made by the military has been exchanged for merit, and even the rebel forces have the ability to mass produce intermediate permanent strengthening agents.

However, life protozoa are different.

This thing is a hidden item, and it is likely that there is only one source in the whole game.

With this lab in hand, even a lowest-level "normal" life protovirus can completely set a price of 100 million credits.

Who is the attribute of the life of the original worm, so on the bright side, the existence of the life of the original worm is only the "war" planet corresponding to the capital star.

Of course, since the signs of life protozoa are found on the administrative star on the 17th, it must not be ruled out. Other planets have the same hidden source of life protozoa.

However, this lab is invaluable at least until the interstellar version is turned on.

"Call... I really didn't think that it would be miscalculated!"

"Even a drop of high concentration of the blood of the demon can't kill you... but it forces me, I have to use this demon pharmacy that hasn't finished yet... cough..."

When the wind fell to the laboratory, the vampire count's wheezing was more intense.

Halfway through the words, it was a severe cough and spit out a black blood.


The blood dropped to the side of an instrument, and it immediately ignited a layer of flame with a black smoke.

"However, I want to thank you too. I didn't kill me before, but let me have the opportunity to inject medicine."

And then, a violent breath on his body rose, and a pair of blood-red eyes had now become similar to the eyes of the wind.

"If you want to kill, just come over!"

It seems that the vampire count, who does not want to destroy the lab, is constantly "magicized", after throwing a sentence, the figure is drilled into another passage opposite the laboratory.


It is certainly impossible for the wind to let him run.

In fact, just now he could indeed choose to solve the vampire count who had not improved his breath and killed the possible danger in the cradle.

However, after knowing the usefulness of these instruments through screens and reconnaissance, he certainly is not willing to ruin it.

This action of the Count of the Vampire is actually in line with his mind.


Therefore, the figure of the wind fell into a black afterimage and followed it up.

However, as he entered the passage, a black wormhole appeared on the wall of the laboratory, from which a scout beetle was drilled to hold the lab.


"Boom, bang, bang..."

Not too wide in the underground passage, the impact sounds in one piece.

Some stone gates and even alloy fences were placed in the original passage, but the vampire count after the "magicization" was directly forced to collide with it.

In the process of constant and intense impact, the violent breath on his body was also on the back of the air, and even a pair of bat wings burning with flames popped up.


After a dozen seconds, somewhere in the castle, there was a hole in the bomb, and two black shadows, with a strong breath, rushed out between the gravel in tandem.


The front shrouded the flames, opening a bat-like wing and trying to fly into the air.

However, behind the whole body black, only the burning figure in the eyes is faster. After catching up with him in midair, he grabbed his bat wings and forced him back to the ground.


Both of them fell on the ground, and there was a violent force and energy fluctuations around them.

The airflow that swept around was filled with flames, and even the stony ground showed signs of a magma-like melt because of this high temperature.

"I am a bit curious. You use the name of the demon god. Is there really a **** in the world?"

The whole body enveloped the wind in the black ornate armor, and a bat wing that was torn down in the hand became a pile of ashes to dissipate under the burning of the flame.

Then he shook his wrist, and the burning flame on the black armor disappeared with the black gas that rushed out.

"Call... of course!"

"After the Star River Empire entered the cosmic era, some special traces were found on some planets."

"Before the Star River Empire, there were some mythological creatures in this piece of starry sky. Although the level of civilization of these 'mythical creatures' is not high, from the point of view, even the second-order planetary civilization has not been fully realized."

“But they have powerful bodies that can break away from the gravity of the planet and survive in the universe, comparable to the powerful power of the ‘god.’...

For example, the "magic" general vampire count, the torn wings behind him are quickly reborn under the cohesiveness of black gas.

On the face, there is a smirk expression, and the mouth is squirting a large flame toward the wind!


Only when this was not finished, he was instantly reappeared in front of him, and he broke a flame and punched him in the face.

After the demonized vampire count, the body of the vampire flew out, and flew a black minaret that smashed the ancient castle.

“So, is the life protozoa related to these mythological creatures?”


Then the wind fell easily, almost when the body of the Vampire Count smashed the minaret, the figure has once again jumped from the ground and jumped up.

"The life protozoa, the late genre of the Milky Way, on a sacred star with a large number of mythological creatures, found a kind of microbe that can inherit the characteristics of their cells from the fossils of these mythological creatures."


Watching the wind falling directly in front of you.

A large red flame bursts around the Earl of the Vampire, enveloping the half-broken minaret, with a pungent sulphur and smoky flame that swallows up the wind that has just stood.

"It turns out!"

There is a faint color in the eyes of the wind.

The body of the demon armor shrouded in the whole body position, completely ignoring the intense heat that caused the stone on the tower to turn red quickly!

The **** star is the title of the planet where the "King of War" corresponds to the capital star of the Starry Civilization!

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