Fatal Shot

Chapter 1134: “God” life protozoa

The life protozoa is a very strange creature.

The relationship between them and the host is divided into two states: "symbiosis" and "parasitic", and there is a big difference between the two.

Among them, the ethnic group level and even the attribute of the primordial life protozoa are not fixed, but related to the goal of "symbiosis."

Take the wind as an example. The original life worm that he obtained was separated from the boss-class desert fire ant.

On the level, it belongs to the advanced life protozoa that has completely reached the boss level.

However, after becoming the "evolutionary life protozoa" that coexisted with him, the rank became a "mastery level."

In fact, he still awakened the Force at the time, and integrated the primary evolutionary virus, its own attributes far more than the average player.

Otherwise, if it is a player who does not awaken the original force, even if it is a combination of boss-level life protozoa, it will only become an elite, even a level of ordinary level!

From this point of view, the life worm is obviously more fair than the boss-level pet. If the strength of the worm is not enough, even if the life worm is obtained, it is impossible to obtain a greatly increased attribute.

However, this refers to the symbiotic state.

When the number of ethnic groups of life protozoa that are symbiotic with humans or experimentally cultivated reaches a certain level, the ethnic groups can be divided and part of the parasites can be parasitic into other people's bodies.

And this part of the life protozoa because it belongs to the "parasitic" grade will not be affected, still able to maintain its own high attributes.

Even these life protozoa are still controlled by the original "symbiotic" goal.

This is why the Earl Vampire can store the life protozoa on those vampires, and after the injury, they can recover the life protozoa of the vampires and use them to treat themselves.

However, the parasitic life protozoa cannot be propagated autonomously, which means that it is equivalent to a one-time gain, and once consumed, it disappears.

Of course, this gain will be very powerful.

A boss-level life protozoa, the properties provided after parasitism, is enough for an ordinary player to reach the level of challenge or even boss.

This is also the greatest value of the life protozoa on the capital star!

On the capital star, many forces and even individual players are keen to cultivate life-like protozoa of various attributes and then sell them in a "parasitic" way.

Some life progens that have talents like "soul draw," "enhancement," and "violent" are often in short supply and can be sold at a higher value than a piece of equipment.

Because these parasitic life protozoa, if you are lucky, will have a chance to become symbiotic.

Although, after entering the symbiotic state, the attribute will decline, but there is no small chance to inherit the original talent.

And this is still in the "war" of the capital star of the life protozoa everywhere, if the background is replaced, there is no 17th administrative star of the life worm...

"If you ask for a property bonus to be exchanged for a legendary gear, there should be a lot of people asking for it!"

The wind fell dark.

Of course, this refers to the value of the life-like protozoa at the boss level.

If it is a quasi-boss or a lead-level life protozoa, it is natural to reduce the value accordingly.

And if it is the life protozoa at this time, even if it is an epic-level equipment, the wind will not choose to share it with others.

[Untitled Life Protozoa Super Boss]

Level: 50

Status: symbiosis

Number of ethnic groups: 100%

[talent attribute]

Phagocytosis conversion: After phagocytizing the remaining life protozoa, or some biological cells, the morphology of the life protozoan or cell can be recorded and transformed into the morphology, and the corresponding properties are obtained (increased or decreased based on the strength of the host cell) ).

Current record template [beasting life protozoa], [dark life protozoa], [demon life protozoa]...

[symbiotic properties (adjustable)]


Force: +3000


Power: +1000

Agility: +1200


Fire energy resistance +99%

Soil energy resistance +75%


Combination skills [Life Armor], [Devil's Spear], [Hell of the Hell], [Devil's Wing], [Life Steal]...


Yes, the super boss level, after the 24k upgrade to the super boss, the life protozoa grade has become a super boss.

And, to a certain extent, it is bigger than the 24k boost.

This is not only reflected in the super high attribute addition, but also based on its new talent engulfing conversion.

This is definitely a god-level talent that exceeds the s level if it is to be evaluated.

Devouring other life protozoa, using each other as a template, and even consuming the cells of the organism, creating a new prototype of the life protozoa... Although these templates are subject to its own cell strength in terms of additive properties.

However, just above the conversion of talent and skill, it is enough to have unlimited.

For example, turning part of the life protozoa into a template for the vampire.

It is possible to use the "soul draw" function to quickly restore the number of races by plundering the life of the remaining targets, without worrying about the consumption problems in the battle.

The use of the vampire Earl's later "devil" template, can release the high temperature flame comparable to the magma, more able to get close to 100% of the fire energy resistance, in the face of the fire system controller, no doubt can restrain the other side.

The current template based on the previous fusion of "Devil's Blood" and "Super Evolution Virus" has the power and speed of terror and the ability to recover.

Of course, the biggest benefit is to get the corresponding combination skills by consuming the life protozoa!

The wind has only developed a "life armor" skill. After swallowing the life-threat of the vampire count, the length of the skill list has directly changed to more than twenty.

Of course, these combination skills are not completely free to use.

For example, [The Flame of Hell] must be combined under the template of the "Devil Life Protozoa" of a specific template, and the "Life Stealing" needs to be in the case of the "Dark Life Protozoa" template.

However, the skills such as "Devil's Spear" and "Devil's Wing" are extensive. As long as you master the principle, you can obviously create a bunch of similar skills such as "Sacred Spear" and "Angel Wing".

Moreover, as long as the wind continues to "swallow" some other life protozoa, you can continue to acquire new combination skills!


In theory, as long as you can continue to swallow new life protozoa.

Then this kind of new life protozoa, which has not yet been named, will be able to keep going strong.

Of course, the only problem, probably on the planet, is that there are no other life bugs in the lab under the castle.

If he is now on the capital, it is estimated that only by fighting people indiscriminately, the list of talents and skills of the life-protozoa will continue to grow.

However, this issue is not big.

Not to mention that as long as you keep trying, you can create new life protozoa with the same laboratory.

And don't forget that this super life protozoa can also inherit characteristics directly from biological cells and create new templates.

And if he remembers correctly, the Earl of Vampires passed through, and there should be two "mythological creatures" under the castle!

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