Fatal Shot

Chapter 1135: Mythological creatures, players?

"Super strong activity, 100 times energy conversion efficiency, thousands of times the normal cell reproduction ability when injured, strong enough to adapt to the viability of any environment..."

"They... almost perfect!"

Lin's hand holds a metal test tube with wind and blood, and the black framed technology glasses are used to scan the data stream under the scanning function. The deep red blood light is like a ruby ​​color.

She always calmly expresses her emotions from the neck to the back of her ear.

"Your cells have been completely integrated with the super variants of the evolutionary virus. From the previous test results, it has almost unlimited possibilities."

"With it as a specimen, I can definitely study the perfect evolutionary agent..."

"Thank you!"

When the test tube was put away by a silver robotic arm, Lin turned back and slammed into the wind.

At the same time, a system prompts that it has been brushed in the view of the wind.

This master genius girl np and his goodwill, has reached the highest level.

"I can use it, I am also very embarrassed about the perfect evolution virus!"

The wind patted the arm, and the wound that had just drawn blood had completely healed within a few seconds, which was in the absence of treatment with the original force.

For Lin's unusual reaction, the wind is actually understanding the cause.

This genius np girl actually has a more tragic background.

Lin's father, who was originally a researcher who studied evolutionary viruses, is still a research institution of the np military.

Her mother was an ordinary family woman. When she was a child, she accidentally encountered a car accident and stopped breathing in the hospital.

In order to save her wife, Lin’s father secretly succumbed to her death, using an evolutionary virus variant that she brought out from the institute.

This variant is mild compared to the t virus, so under his design, he successfully deceived the doctor, and the couple continued to live happily together.

Of course, in order to limit the side effects of the evolutionary virus, Lynn's father must constantly use the resources of the Institute to provide his wife with some drugs or even some special "food."

And this matter was finally discovered by the people of the institute.

After dispatching the army to surround her house, the leader of the institute forced to "take away" her mother.

Because her mother's situation is special, it is more valuable than any experimental product in the institute.

Because I understand what the Institute will do to his wife, Lin’s father is after giving Lin to her grandfather.

Then I chose to inject myself into a self-researched, vigorous evolutionary virus codenamed "w", trying to rush to the institute to rescue her mother!

As a result, I can imagine...

That year, Lynn was only nine years old.

The military and the institute conducted inquiries and investigations on her. After making no mistakes, she simply put up some lie about her parents' "business trip" and then put her back.

However, for a person with an IQ of 300, it is far from being able to be viewed by the memory and cognitive ability of ordinary children.

Lynn, I already know everything.

This is why she is tirelessly trying to study the "perfect" evolutionary virus!

Even in order to improve the efficiency of research, in the laboratory, she also used biochips and injecting drugs to limit some of her excess emotional reactions, which is why she always calms down on weekdays!

At this time, her emotional breakthrough drug restrictions, is enough to explain the fluctuations in the heart.

The wind knows that the epic continuous task “The Road to Evolution” that he has received early to help Lin to create a perfect evolutionary virus should be nearing his destination.

And this last "perfect" evolutionary virus should either be able to raise the power of people enough to confront the military, or it can make people "resurrected" without the aftereffects!


Leaving Lin's research center, when the wind fell to a corner of the road, the figure entered a black "wormhole".

The next moment, the figure has appeared in a laboratory equipped with various instruments.

At the center of the lab is a virtual screen with two virtual 3D scan projections with various data suspended.

The one on the left is tall, with dark purple horns on the top of the head. The body is covered with a hard black-red armor. The back is like a bat, but it has more tension and sharp thorns. It has a sharp drop. Hook the purple tail.


The wind's gaze fell on this projection, and the mouth whispered softly.

Yes, like a vampire and a werewolf, this "mythical creature" is the demon in the story of the Earth's Western world. Of course, in the Starry civilization, there is also this demon-like creature!

Of course, in the hearts of those np vampires, this one is the so-called "devil".

As for another "mythological creature", it is... one person!

Yes, it is a person.

It is not just from the outside, it is completely different from ordinary human beings.

Even the results obtained by the laboratory's genetic tester prove that he should be at least a part of a person.

Because, in the genetic map of this second mythological creature, there are a large number of characteristic gene fragments representing human beings.

In fact, even the "devil" whose appearance is not different from human beings is also in the human domain.

This is undoubtedly some meaning!

What's more interesting is that among the projected data, there is a record marked by red highlights.

"The species-characteristic genes of the two mythical creatures found on the planet have a higher similarity to the adventurer's genes!"

Yes, the player!

In yesterday's mission, there were traces of life protozoa in both the violent unparalleled and the red gunfire.

Combined with this information, it is clear that they are actually the "adventurer" objects of the Vampire Count.

However, it is not the only research object.


The wind fell out of the right hand and pressed on the screen. When the finger touched the screen, the gemstone of the "Devil Ring" worn on it began to glow lightly.

Next, the screen jumps and a list of "Adventurer Gene Similarity" characters appears.

In order from high to low, there are at least hundreds of player avatars, and the top avatar is "wind".

Obviously, in some way, the Earl of Vampire stole something like his hair and secretly carried out genetic testing.

As a result of the test, he and the two mythological creatures have the highest degree of similarity in the characteristic genes.

Not only that, but also in the detailed information page belonging to him, it is also recorded in red text.

"The target gene has a genetic fit of 9081% with the sample 1 race group and 9102% for the race sample gene of the 2nd sample...!"

The ethnic gene, which sounds like the name of the life protozoa, is a description of the genes in the individual race, according to the notes on the instrument.

In general, this data exceeds 90% of people, indicating that they are not just species.

Even people are related, which means that in theory the genetic repulsion between each other is much lower than others.

Obviously for this reason, the Count of the Vampire will not be in a hurry to recover after discovering that the life protozoa accidentally co-existed with him.

Instead, it took a lot of time to wait for the growth of these life protozoa levels, and finally the reason for tempting him here.

"This is... more worth thinking about!"

The wind is flashing with the eyes, representing the thinking of high-speed operation.

The "mythological creatures" before the Star Wars era in the two games are genetically speaking humans and the gene sequence is more similar to "players" than np!

Later, compared to the stars, it is more similar to his "traveler"!

This series of information, with his mind at this time, is enough to form a pile of speculation.

In particular, although the bodies of the two mythical creatures are not reasonably active after death, it is impossible to detect their specific death time by conventional means.

But the Count of the Vampire speculated that the age of the two bodies should be between 3,000 and 10,000 years.

And if the wind and the memory are correct, the period from 3,000 to 10,000 years, on the earth, whether in the East or the West, belongs to the "era of ancient mythology" without written records!

and also……

When the wind fell in front of the head and talked with Jianhe Changhe at this time, Jianqi Changhe said that the so-called "internal power" of the ancients was actually the original force.


"Hey, hey!"

The wind moved a few steps and walked to the front of the experimental cabin linked to two bodies containing the "mythical creatures". The "Devil Ring" in the hand glowed again and clicked on the control interface a few times.

Then, just wait and wait.

This demon ring is indeed an epic gear and is the perfect evaluation of epic gear.

As for the basic attribute bonus, it is not much meaningful for today's windfall.

However, several of the features it has are still very useful.

In one case, it is the "key" of the lab's many instruments and the central brain. Without the ring, no one can open these experimental instruments or view the data.

Secondly, this demon ring itself is actually a very delicate micro-instrument that can parasitize the life protozoa or blood stored in the "gem" to other people.

This is also the **** count to deceive the indigenous np, turning them into a vampire or a werewolf, but the other party does not doubt that this is actually a scientific approach.

Furthermore, this ring is able to record the fluctuations of all the populations of life parasites that pass through it.

So that these life protozoa, even if they become symbiotic, will be affected to some extent by the ring.

This is also the reason for the turmoil of life in the battle before the wind falls!

These features, especially the last one, are undoubtedly very useful.

The wind will definitely take the life of the original worm to make money, with this feature, it is undoubtedly a hidden card.


After standing for two minutes, the experimental cabin in front of the body stopped working and spewed out several metal test tubes.

After reaching up and picking up these metal test tubes, the wind fell on the footsteps and stepped into the black hole that appeared behind him. When it appeared again, the surrounding environment turned dark.

In the extremely dim light, there are blankets with mucus and a large number of moving Zerg creatures.

Naturally, the Zerg base!

The wind fell a few cytosols into a zerg "architectural" that was apparently slightly ugly in front of the shape.

It is possible to use this "mythological creature" body, but not only the life protozoa.

Zerg, has always been a master of biological genes!

Using the "assimilation" function of the Zerg base, the wind is very much looking forward to what can be created.

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