Fatal Shot

Chapter 1136: Worm fight


In the midair, countless red dots are like bullets that are shot in the air, bringing up the sound of the wind. .

Looking from a distance, it is like a "meteor shower" that is flying.

On the ground, a total height of more than 50 meters is equivalent to the size of twenty-story buildings. The "Bunker Building" which emits a faint red light in the withered desert in the evening is the center and origin of this meteor shower.

"Snoring, snoring..."

The target of the "meteor shower" is the large number of insects that are moving towards it around the flame tower.

This is a kind of insect creature that is obviously not in the desert. The body is about five meters high. The whole body is covered with a dark purple smooth shell with a flame pattern. There is a black horizontal in front of the huge low head. Shovel-like structure, and a pair of headlights like red eyes.

Well, the overall look is like a heavy-duty bulldozer with a headlight on.

In addition, the target of this "meteor shower" is a sky about 200 meters from the ground, with thousands of flying worms with bat wings and dark green-brown bell-like body.


Of course, the so-called "meteor shower" is actually a bug.

Some are close to ten centimeters in length, with a slender shape like a bullet, and the whole body is like a flame-translucent ant!

Desert fire ants, the unique foundation of the withered desert is a 30-level group unit.

From the volume of the "shock" that is more conspicuous than the surrounding sand dunes, this is definitely a giant desert fire ant nest of orders of magnitude more than one million.

In theory, this giant nest usually has no creatures to harass.

Because, although the desert fire ant is only a creature of more than 30 levels from the level, the individual combat power is the bottom of the desert in the desert.

However, the millions of orders of magnitude and the extremely high resistance to the most effective fire energy of the gregarious creatures, even the most ferocious group of high-level creatures such as the desert tarantula, are shunned by them.

Most importantly, the millions of desert ant nests are almost certain to have boss-level units.

Don't say that it is a general desert creature. Even if it is a player, it needs at least a thousand ordinary players or a team of 100 original players. Only with sufficient preparation and command coordination can it be cleaned up.

This is why these desert fire ants, as a kind of creature with more than 30 levels, actually nest in this area with a level of more than 50.

However, today, this desert fire ant nest, which is absolutely numbered in the entire desert, is finally meeting the challenger.


"-41, -39, -35..."

A large number of desert fire ants, like the intensity of machine gun bullets, hit the bulldozer-like large insect carapace after being ejected in the air.

The sound is like a rain that hits the stone.

However, it was immediately bombed, and the bulldozer's carapace did not even have a print on it. The damage caused by the head was only a double-digit number that was not even fifty.

"Oh, oh..."

The follow-up means, which should have been used to continue to attack by using the mouthpiece after the ejection of the close body, could not be played.

Because the shell of the bulldozer bug with a full height of five meters is exactly the same for a creature with a volume of only ten centimeters and a mouthpiece that is only one centimeter wide.

Their jaws, which can bite the hardest dead trees in the desert, face the smooth red-black crust, just like the desert enemies in the desert, their only natural enemies, the desert pangolin. Ant worker ants feel nowhere to start.

However, desert pangolins can only bully the workers in them.

When the volume of the desert ants that are more than one meter in length and half a person's length reacts, they can only retreat.

However, this giant bulldozer bug, but even the soldiers and ants have no way for them.

Because, when a soldier ant waved the same pair of pliers on his head, he rushed to the front of the giant creature like a siege car that was pushed closer to the nest it defended.


Below the bulldozers, a smoky mist of smoky smoke emerges directly, and all the desert fire ants around are swallowed up!

"-1000, -1000, -1000..."

A large amount of damage is instantly raised, and at least thousands of desert fire ants are killed by this attack, leaving an energy crystal on the ground.


The attack on desert fire ants is not only from the ground, but more importantly in the sky.

Above the top of the head, the one is only about 80 centimeters in size, resembling a brown-green worm of a bat, and is opening a mouth and pouring a series of acid liquid downwards.

The desert fire ant, which was sprinkled on the body by the acid, immediately raised a large amount of white smoke. When the bounce ended and fell to the ground, it was already corroded and the limbs were completely broken, and the attack power was lost.

[Feilong venom type, 60 elite, Zerg low-level arms! 】

These bugs are of course the Zerg dragons, and they are the dragons that are more similar to the Zerg prototypes in the interstellar game.

Among the Zerg, any of the basic arms has many subtypes that can be hatched according to the situation, even after the incubation, to "evolve" or "mutate" twice.

Even the size of their body can be adjusted as well.

If you need it, you can even make a giant flying dragon with a volume of more than ten meters and a higher level.

Of course, this kind of dragon is obviously not suitable for this battle.

Although these ordinary desert fire ants can not threaten the "soiler worms" on the ground, they have a weak ability in terms of airspace.


In the same way, the central ant nest vibrates.

From the top of the nest, among them, a 33-level elite female ant with a volume of about half a meter rushed out, shaking a pair of translucent wings with a hint of fire, lifting up and trying to attack the sky. The group of dragons that bombed the bombs.

According to the general proportion, the number of female ants with flying ability in this nest should be nearly 10,000, which is definitely a terrible number.

"Zizi, nourish, nourish..."

"-1203, -1304, -1056, -1104..."

Of course, although the number is almost ten times that of the dragon, the level is only about half.

Moreover, it is also an elite unit, but low-level gregarious creatures limit the actual combat power of these female ants to only be equivalent to ordinary 30-level creatures.

Faced with the Zerg Flying Dragon, which is also a group creature, but the actual combat power is still at the elite level, it is impossible to have much use.

Although the number is lifted up, it covers almost the entire area of ​​the nest.

However, the fragile wings of these female ants quickly suffered from the venom of the dragons and the venom, and they fell to the ground like rain.

However, because they block the absorption of a large amount of venom, they also created an attack condition for a number of leading female ants.

A female ant, which is covered in a transparent fire energy shield, quickly condenses the energy of the fire in the mouth after drilling the nest. After a few seconds of brewing, the color of the group is already somewhat The whitish, the high-fire fireball flies toward the dragons in the sky.

Moreover, the direction of aiming is exactly where the female ants are completely falling and have been vacated without a barrier.

"Boom, bang, bang..."

In the sky, several explosions of flames appeared in an instant, and then the wings of more than a dozen dragons in the sky were burned and fell from the sky.

"Puff puff……"

Although he relied on the residual wings to slow down the landing speed, he did not directly fall to the ground, but when he fell to the ground, he was immediately drowned by the desert fire ants.

There is obviously a commander among the desert fire ants, and it is the commander of Gao Ai.

Because, obviously, where the common female ant colony is empty, it is theoretically the most dense place in the sky.

Under the bombardment of high-temperature fireballs that can be shot at high speed and can be trajectory-adjusted in the air, it is impossible to escape completely in any case.


And, just the first wave.

In the twinkling of an eye, the second wave of more white fireballs, like rocket launches, has been launched.


Seeing this situation, the group of dragons in the sky could not be changed by a while, and there was a response in the blink of an eye.

Most of the dragons quickly opened each other's distance, and a small part of the dragon was rushing directly toward the fireball below.

"Boom, bang, bang!"

It turned out that the direction of the early contact was used to detonate these fireballs and provide time for the rest of the dragons to pull the distance.

This scene feels like a two-player player strategy game, quickly making moves and distracting each other.

In fact, the commander of the desert fire ant colony is obviously the boss in this super-dragon, and the commander of these dragons is not the wind, but 24k!

The two arms of the two sides continued to change, and they continued to change in the air, causing casualties between them.

Although the overall desert fire ant is almost 20 dead, it can solve a flying dragon, but the desert fire ants have at least stabilized the situation.

However, although the situation in the air can be stabilized, there are hundreds of high-quality bugs on the ground that are approaching bulldozers.

However, it is close to the distance of the desert fire ant nest less than two hundred meters, and this time, it shows the second attack.


A bulldozer bug opened the mouth under the shovel and a sulphur smell spread from it.


This made the desert fire ants that rushed toward it seem to be an opportunity, and suddenly ejected into its mouth.

"Hey, hey!"

However, when the first desert fire ant ant shot into the mouth of the bulldozer worm, it immediately regretted it.


Because, in the next moment, a red flame with a high temperature was ejected from the mouth of the bulldozer, and it was directly swallowed up by the next few companions.

And this flame, then the head structure of the shovel, shunted around, turned into a flatter flame, directly covering the range of about ten meters around the bulldozer.

"-576, -649, -465, -532..."

Suddenly, a large piece of land continued to hurt, appearing on the head of more than a thousand desert fire ants in this range.

Although the desert fire ant has a low fire energy resistance, the flame spewed from the bulldozer's mouth is a biological flame formed by some atomized flammable agents.

Even if there is resistance, it is burned to the limbs and breaks, just not to die quickly.


And this is obviously deliberately designed.

Because, the bulldozers are generally worms, and at this time there is a new mass of things under the body, but it is not the previous poisonous mist, but a black gas like life.

After rushing out, it quickly diffused, covered the entire area, lost mobility, but still struggling with desert fire ants.

After a dozen seconds, when the bulldozer's huge body passed through this area, from the bodies of these desert fire ants, a black gas emerged into the black gas moving like a life, and marched along with it.

["Hey, base level 60 (master), Zerg intermediate unit!"]

This is a Zerg unit that does not have a real prototype in the interstellar game, because it was obtained by strengthening the steel beetle through the Zerg base.

As a leader-level unit, this wind was originally intended to be named "Devil Steel Beetle", and later decided to order it as "羌螂" according to the Zerg's habits.

From the original name, you can also know that it actually fuses the genetic fragments of the mythical creature "devil."

Therefore, this Zerg unit can be used as a host of dark life protozoa for a short time!

In addition, compared with the original steel beetle, it maintains the original high-defense ability, and in advance obtains the poison gas and the "mouth-mouth" attack mode that the steel beetle that originally required the quasi-boss and boss level can be unlocked.


At the forefront of the cockroach officially stepped into the range of two hundred meters from the fire ant nest.

The ground around the nest suddenly trembled for a while, and the ground continuously broke through a pile of large holes, from which ten heads rushed out and looked similar to the female ant, with a body size of more than two meters. The surrounding fire energy is so strong that it seems to burn the same desert fire ants.

At the same time, a faint feeling of oppression, instantly spread to the entire battlefield.

The desert fire ant at the quasi-boss level, and it is a full ten!

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