Fatal Shot

Chapter 1140: Master PK contest!

"Speaking of it, the god-making plan... seems to have made a big breakthrough during this time..."

Reminiscent of the wind, this is related to his experimental project of another epic mission "Dr. Brown's Last Will".

Although the "worm nest" plan required in the original mission is not valued by the npc military, it is equivalent to completing the additional search for the Zerg base.

If the "God Creation Plan" can be completed, then this epic task can naturally be completed.

However, the extent to which the specific breakthrough has been made is still unclear.

The federal military attaches great importance to the "God-making plan", and even the degree of confidentiality is listed as "s-class". Even if it is a city that never sleeps, it cannot enter the core research area of ​​a spaceship ship protected by a large number of soldiers.

However, after all, living together with each other, the player's means can still set some intelligence.

"It is said that it seems that because of cooperation with another government project, we have found a breakthrough point..."

As for the God-making plan, the truth is that there is still some interest in the wind.

Because before, he did not know what level the so-called "God" is probably.

But today, based on the information obtained from the Count of the Vampire, combined with their own subjective judgment.

The so-called "God" should be at least a super boss grade, or it will be even higher.

His current role is already part of the level of super boss, but it has not completely entered.

It is certainly no problem with the boss single-handedly, but it does not rely on 24k assistance. If it is completely single-handed with the super boss, the odds are definitely not big.

Of course, compared with other creatures, the most powerful is the tactical ability. The players who awaken the original force are still at the level of the leader, but the top players have been able to kill the quasi-boss!

However, it is precisely because of this part of the gap, and because the role of the body function has reached the bottleneck and the level cap has not yet opened.

The wind is naturally there are some ideas for this project!


The wind fell into thinking, and the flying snake at the foot had fanned four pairs of wings to land over the battlefield.


Suddenly, from the body of fire ants all over the ground, a lot of black gas flew like a life, he hung in a culture vessel above the neck of the flying snake.

In order to obtain the resources of the Zerg base, there are many choices in this area. Although there are a large number of desert fire ants, due to their own size, the resources provided are not as good as an adult sand whale!

The reason why the wind will be eyeing them, in addition to the resources obtained for the Zerg base.

The bigger reason is because these desert fire ants can be used to cultivate life protozoa.

The cultivation of life protozoa is not as ok as the bacteria provide nutrients.

As a symbiotic organism, it can only multiply in a living organism, and the conditions for the propagation of different types of life protozoa are completely different.

Otherwise, the npc, whose real name is "Simon", will not use the name of "vampire" to use the ignorant npc body to cultivate life protozoa.

However, the wind is definitely not possible to use people to cultivate.

Fortunately, he has a Zerg base!

The wind has been trying to use the Zerg base to assimilate these desert fire ants, and see if they can create a Zerg unit that can be adapted to the long-term parasitic life of the protozoa.

Even said, think of ways to use the Zerg base insect itself to cultivate life protozoa!

This is definitely a very promising attempt, with the current tonnage and volume of the Zerg base, capable of cultivating the number of life protozoa over a laboratory left by a thousand vampire counts.

Moreover, the number of cultivation will increase simultaneously with the rapid increase in the volume of the base.

At that time, even if the future of the universe with the planet of the capital star is opened, his "Zerg brand" life protozoa will have strong competitiveness.


["You have an important notice from the Adventurers Association!"]

After the wind fell off all the life protozoa on the battlefield, his personal terminal suddenly gave off a burst of vibration, and a pair of glasses in the field of vision connected with a hint.


The wind fell a bit unexpectedly. I opened this "notice" and read it again.

Then, the look revealed some surprise.


The next thing was handed over to 24k, and a black wormhole appeared next to the wind and walked in.


"No way!"

"I rely, really!"

"Why can't I participate, it's not fair!"

Deep in the desert, the buildings on the ground are already similar to the night city of a small town.

At this time, it was really bright and bright, and there was no silence after the night.

In fact, it is far more than a night city. In these few minutes, the entire "War of War" players are full of surprises or awkward voices.

All of this is because, a few minutes ago, the federal government sent notices to some players through the Adventurers Association.

["Holiday leaves, hello!"

["We will hold the Adventurer's Competition in the virtual arena one month after **** days. The purpose of this exchange competition is to help everyone improve their combat skills, share their experiences and make common progress..."

["Because you have excellent performance after joining the association, you are invited to participate!"]

"It’s really rare, even in the "War of War", the pk contest was held!"

When you see the wind falling out of the shadow, you can walk out of the wormhole and appear in your own office.

The face of the animal husbandry wearing gold-line glasses was not surprised, but rather quite curious to face the wind.

Yes, although this announcement is full of official tone, and there is a lot of nonsense in the middle.

However, in fact, it is a sentence, in a month, the upcoming pk contest!

This is undoubtedly an accident.

After all, the pk contest and the "War of War" officially showed a consistently high-cold style, and it didn't feel very well matched.

In particular, this pk contest is not something that any player can participate in. Only those who have received the invitation are eligible to participate!

“I have already asked in the guild channel, and almost all of the people who received the invitation are those who have awakened the Force!”

Shepherd Wu picked up a can of paint from the side and printed a "Golden Bull" drink to the wind.

“Those who use drugs to awaken the Force?”

The wind fell over and the drink was finished.

It was still hot in the desert that just entered the night. He had a lot of sweat on the battlefield that was just the fire energy.

During this period of time, although Lin has not succeeded in the development of the "perfect evolutionary virus agent", it has successfully produced the "g virus force agent".

It was the September guild that spent 675 million credits and sold it to the murderous agent that awakens the false force.

In the case of the high-rise players in the city, the number of people using the drug to awaken the original force is quite large.

In fact, Mu Wu specializes in using this drug as a reward for attracting some high-potential players to join the city that never sleeps.

“Absolutely most of them have not reached the invitation, but two people have been invited.”

Shepherd Road.

"Well, to put it this way, the main condition for participating in the pk competition is to awaken the original force by virtue of its own ability... In addition, there are some special people who can be exceptional."

"It is estimated that tomorrow, when the forum is above, someone can count more specific conclusions!"

The wind fell out of the hand, and once again, a can of gold bulls was ingested into the hands, and the fingers were smashed, and the upper layer of the metal can was completely exploded.

However, the water inside was a drop, and it was like a waterfall that was flying into his mouth.

"Oh, the awakening power is good, this hand is so handsome!"

She was next to her, and she suddenly smiled.

"So, there is still a month, you'd better take the time to wake up the original force, or the guild wars no one to take the town command."

The wind fell into a basket of metal cakes and threw them into the basket of cleaning robots that passed through the door, and smiled on the face.

In the notice, a piece of information was specifically mentioned.

In the month before the start of the competition, if a new person meets the conditions, the same invitation can be obtained.

For this reason, it is conceivable that because of this news, the rest of the game, the people who did not wake up the original force in the whole game will definitely try their best to inspire, and in the next month, it will definitely emerge. A large number of new awakened Force players.

In particular, this time the pk contest is aimed at not only individuals, but also for the "guild"!

["The leaves of the wind will grow, hello... we will be...inviting your guild to participate!"]

This is the second message sent in the windfall communicator after a first notice.

This time, the entrants can participate in their own names or participate in the name of the members of the guild.

["The competition adopts the points system. After the end, the highest total number of guilds will be equivalent to the autonomy of the federal main cities, and the number of members is allowed to exceed one million."]

This is why the wind fell back to the headquarters through the wormhole and discussed with the animal husbandry.

Because this information is very important for the city that never sleeps, it is super important!

To be precise, it is very important for any large guild in the game today.

In fact, the two major forces in the "War of War" are either rebel or federal, and the central government does not have absolute dominance.

In the camp of the rebel army, it is actually in a state of separation of warlords. In the federal camp, the major cities are in a state of high autonomy.

Because the predecessor of the federal government, in fact, is similar to the rebel forces that belong to the various forces after the war. The major cities are essentially equivalent to one country, but they have jointly established a central management organization!

Of course, this central management agency has had a higher authority than the rebel camp because of its military and financial resources.

In the past, the city established by the player, although nominally attributed to the jurisdiction of the federal government, in fact, the control is in the hands of the main city, which is regarded as the main city affiliated city.

However, once you get this first place, you will get the level of "Main City".

It can be said that in this sense, the first prize is actually equivalent to allowing other players to "build the country" in other games!

"Well, the federal government!"

"We seem to have overlooked that the originator of this competitive competition is not the official game!"

For this competition, the interest in the game on the political level is not very big. This should be a problem for the pastoralists.

He just found a place worth pondering.

"No matter who initiated and hosted it, and against this reward, all the large guilds will definitely fight for it."

The animal husbandry is lifting his own gold glasses, and his expression is serious.

For the player guild, the reward for the first point in this pk contest is not only the “national qualification”, but the “no limit on the number of people” is equally important!

The guild in "War of War" has a maximum number of people, but even if it is a super guild, the number of members is not more than one million.

The 17th executive star has a full 2 ​​billion players, and this number limit is obviously a bit too embarrassing.

Especially for large consortia with large appetite and no shortage of money at all, it is obviously not enough to control only one million people.

Although, for this limitation, there are actually many manipulation methods that can “dark into the warehouse”.

For example, the bright side is really just a guild, but it secretly controls a bunch of affiliated guilds.

Another example is that, like the investment of the Sanmu consortium for the Oasis Township, it has acquired more than 50% of the shares of the major guilds to form a guild alliance.

Although this is illegal in the federal government's law, as a player, it is entirely possible to enter into a contract in reality, and npc has no way at all.

However, these methods still have drawbacks.

It is like the fact that the affiliated guild can evade the upper limit.

However, in order to deal with npc, names such as "A certain guild No. 2" are impossible to pass the audit, and even in order to avoid the attention of npc, the name has to be completely unrelated.

In this case, there will inevitably be a gap between the additional guild and the main guild.

After all, even the elites in the affiliated guilds can't be proud of the common players in the General Association.

For the material conditions in reality, there is no lack of it. Joining the guild is more about finding a spiritually satisfied star player. It obviously will greatly affect the identity of the guild.

The seemingly equal guild alliances are more prone to internal struggles like the original "Shamen".

Therefore, the only way to really solve this problem is to get the first place in this pk tournament!

"This is the first, we must win!"

Shepherd took a breath, took off the gold-colored glasses on the bridge of the nose, and shot a eager light in her gaze.

"Notify all members of lv7 or above, and meet in conference room 3 after one hour. You can't use the secret channel communication projection!"

Then, toward the office location, the little demon outside him.

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