Fatal Shot

Chapter 1141: The sought after city that never sleeps

In a conference room in the underground city, one of the high-rises of the city, with a diamond badge on the chest, enters one after another, with a serious or excited look on the face. .

The time is now almost three months before the wind fell on the count of the vampire count.

In the past three months, the situation of players in "War of War" has not changed much compared to before.

As for the np side, after the umbrella company headquarters was blown up, the rebel forces that were also harmed were no longer obstructed, and a large number of simulated human-machines were put into the clean-up operation. The situation of the biohazard has been completely curbed. Compressed to a small extent!

However, as a result, the number of simulation robots in the game has now exceeded 50 million, more than the number of army soldiers in the np.

In addition, the number of players who awakened the Force has officially exceeded 2 million.

In other words, one out of an average of about a thousand players has already awakened the Force.

In this general small guild, there are several masters of the original power. The Force players can only be regarded as masters, and the new awakened players will not be sought after as star players.

However, that is before!

The news of the pk contest is now out.

I am afraid that the original players, especially the combat players of the battle class, will be more sought after by the capital for the first time.

"Lao Wu, let me introduce you to the latest overview of our city!"

Seeing that the people were almost there, the wind sitting on the main seat said to the animal husband who was sitting next to his left hand.

Sitting in his right hand position is a phoenix that participates in the virtual projection form. Since it is participating in the pk contest, there is no doubt that the phoenix, which is a beta player, is definitely a strong contender for "personal first".

“So far, the number of registered members of our guild has officially exceeded 400,000, accounting for 55% of the daily active people in the dead desert area. The guild has set up branches in Stormwind, Northern City and Capital City, and is in the desert of death. Nine oasis and towns have established bases and strongholds..."

"The guild has 677 players who are awakened. At present, it has been counted. The number of people who have received this invitation is 624!"

“In addition, the current force awakening progress is over 95%, and there are more than 500 people who have the chance to wake up the original force in the remaining month...”

While talking about it, Shepherd stretched out the virtual projection screen in the conference room and refreshed the data of a group.

Nowadays, it is a very large guild.

Above the number, it is second only to those or some of the over 700,000 large guilds and super guilds that are already full.

In the proportion of masters, more than 400,000 people have more than 600 qualified people, even higher than some super guilds.

"Although the specific model of this competition has not yet been announced, I believe that with the strength of our guild today, there are enough reasons and strength to fight for the first place!"

The conclusion of the animal husbandry is completely ruthless.

In fact, this is also the thought of the wind.

For the city that never sleeps, this is indeed a rare opportunity.

Although the city never has a very good condition, the speed of development is already very fast.

But in the case of a large amount of real money entering the game, the city that never sleeps can't match the consortiums that waved the stars.

Do not say anything else, just like the "Sanmu Foundation" that was driven out of the dead desert by the city that never sleeps. As a foreign star of the capital star, it is even later than the city that never sleeps.

However, directly relying on a large amount of money to save a large number of advanced players who awakened the Force.

Even the wind fell on their opponents on the Devil's Triangle Island, ranking first in the northern city of the "sk guild", not long ago has been the income of the Sanmu consortium.

Obviously, this time the pk game, the Sanmu consortium will never let go of the opportunity to avenge revenge against the city.

"So, we must pay close attention to the activities of the Sanmu consortium, especially the sk guild, during this month's preparation time. Of course, there are the following guilds that have conflicted with us..."

Sitting in one of the nights, send a chart of your own to the screen.

A few months passed, it was the night of the guild newcomer, and now I have sat in this conference room steadily.

This is not the wind and the power to seek private, but in several guild activities, the night does show the ability.

She is very amazing about the management of the guild, especially the logistics management of the battle.

This point will undoubtedly make the wind a little curious.

After all, she has always been a casual player.

However, everyone has their own **, and the wind will naturally not ask.

People who don't even have a dog in the city do not dare to go to the management, responsible for a sub-base, not to mention the night when they want to get the right to speak.

In fact, compared to the Miki consortium or the sk guild, the city never sleeps has certain disadvantages.

Although, this pk competition limits a guild to not more than a thousand people, it seems to balance the gap between the super guild and the ordinary guild.

But don't forget, these super-guilds and consortia have a large number of subordinate guilds, and it is very likely that they will reach thousands or even nearly 10,000 people in the pk contest!

Among the more than 600 people who are not in the night city, they have to consider removing about one-fifth of them into life professional players.

Therefore, this month, we must first fill in the gap between the five mornings.

Of course, this point, the wind is believed to be no need to worry.

"Hey, you have a newsletter!"

The meeting was open for ten hours, and it was not until the early hours of the desert. However, many of the guild executives today are as sleepless as the city that never sleeps. After all, this matter is too great.

After waiting for the meeting, when the wind reopened its own communicator, it immediately received a prompt.

"Old wind, you finally started the communication, will not sleep this night?"

Zhao Yun’s curious voice came out of the communicator.

"It's what you think. If you talk like this, there must be something!"

The wind fell on his own temple and smiled.

"Isn't this going to be a pk game? I am a casual player. I want to book a team. I don't know if you don't welcome the city."

Through Zhao Yun’s voice, I can imagine that he is very handsome, but he has a hippie smile.

"No problem, but how can you choose us not to sleep in the city?"

"With your fame and strength, join any super guild, even if they are enough, they will definitely make a place."

Of course, the wind will not refuse.

Zhao Yun’s personal strength is originally at the top level.

Moreover, in the mission of the Devil's Triangle Island, because of the contribution, it also obtained a quasi-boss chip promised by the Nine Stars Guild. On the comprehensive combat power, it can be regarded as a super player.

The number of players participating in the city is not enough. It is natural to have no reason to refuse to join with such strong foreign aid.

"Hey, there are too many players who are awakening the Force. The overall strength of the top guilds will not be too big. No one is sure about this pk game!"

"But, I believe in the old wind. As long as you have the participation in the city that never sleeps, you will definitely win the first place without any grasp. Since I have participated, I definitely want to win the rankings and rewards!"

In the voice of Zhao Yun, he revealed confidence.

"Right, old style. Trouble you to leave me two places, I have a friend to participate in the competition... Rest assured, his strength is absolutely top. Hey, I don't necessarily win him anyway!"


In the storm city where the sun has risen, a high-rise sky restaurant open-air platform.

Zhao Yun hung up the communicator.

First, the fork was forked in the mouth with a graceful hand, and then chewed in a big mouth regardless of the image.

"Does he agree?"

Asked about the opposite of him, a player who was about twenty-eight or nine years old and dressed as a camouflage gunner.

"Of course, I told you that my relationship with him is very good. This kind of win-win thing of course promises. But why do you want to join the team that never sleeps?"

"I remember, when you left, you didn't say, don't you want to be involved in the guild again?"

"Just want to... see the first sniper's ability in person!"

The Gunners shook their heads, and the eyes of a pair of eyes were like a black hole vortex. It was the first sniper of the Stormwind City, "Ghost Eyes"!


"You are very polite, you are very clear about your strength. Well, I will go and help you ask a pastor. Yes, really busy!"

"Boss boss, your friend? Yes, yes, I will definitely help you."

If the wind is lost, because only the friends can be connected, there is only one Zhao Yun for this matter.

At this time, the rest of the night city, many people's communicators will ring.

And the callers are almost all casual players like Zhao Yun, who want to join the team that never sleeps in the pk contest.

Among the scattered players, the number of Force players is actually quite a lot!

Because, although the players who first awakened the Force, they are sought after, not inferior to the "Top Ten" superstar players.

However, after the Force players increased, the treatment provided by the major guilds was no longer as crazy as it was at the beginning.

Moreover, the players who awakened the Force, they have the ability to single-handedly lead the blame, and even form a small team can even kill some quasi-boss, and to a large extent, get rid of their dependence on the guild.

However, this time, although the notice issued by the federal government allows the participation of a single person.

However, players are not fools, although they can enter in the name of an individual, but individuals who want to get the highest points must definitely live to the end.

Without the help of the guild, if you want to live to the last of at least a million players, even if it is the top ten, it is estimated that it is very difficult to do.

Not to mention that in order to ensure the results in the final stage of the guild, it will definitely allow some of the later people to give up the opportunity to earn points.

So concentrate on the points and compete for the top ten or even the first place.

This point is even more unique for players who are participating in the competition!

Therefore, there are definitely not many players who really participate in the name of the individual.

Perhaps, there is a question that can be confusing.

If this is the case, will the team joining the super guild be more secure? Why choose the city that never sleeps, this sub-level team?

Because, although the super guild is more competitive than the city that never sleeps.

However, in almost all super-guilds, there are certainly more than a thousand people who awaken their original forces.

Even if you join in, it is unlikely to enter the main team, and joining the affiliated team will almost certainly become cannon fodder.

Most of the scattered players who can awaken the Force are not low-spirited, of course, do not want to be cannon fodder.

Like the city that never sleeps, this kind of strength has the first impact, but there is a gap in the number of people, naturally it has become a fragrant.

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