Fatal Shot

Chapter 1143: Epic for legend!

"Wind brother, my husband told me to tell you that there is a big boss who cooperates with us to ask him to buy the epic ring that won the world."

After Long Yuan left, the demon went straight in.


["The world is full of fire, triggered a large series of epic missions half a year ago. The last day of the mission was completed a few days ago, and a ring with a shape similar to the 'eye of the gods' was obtained."

At this time, the wind fell just to the information materials left by Long Yuan. After seeing this paragraph, I thought about it.

The ring named "The Eyes of the Gods" belongs to the master class and is not very suitable for him.

After he already has the "Devil's Ring", the use is further reduced.

Moreover, this ring is a paired suit, and only if you have another one can you achieve the real effect.

Obviously, the person who really wants to buy this ring is not the "big boss". It should be the world, or the Sanmu consortium behind him.

Like the big forces like the Miki consortium, since it is involved in the pk competition, then the goal is definitely not just aiming at the "guild first."

After completing the mission in the world and obtaining another "the ring of the gods", it is obvious that the Miki consortium set the "personal first" as the goal, and eagerly wants to retrieve this one in his hand.

Feng Feng believes that the animal husbandry should also think of this possibility, so let the little demon come over and ask him.

“Let Lao Wu contact the person in charge of the Sanmu Foundation and tell them that they want an epic ring. You can exchange 200 pieces of legendary equipment.”

After a little thought, the wind fell on the demon.

On the quality of the personnel alone, the city that never sleeps is definitely not inferior to other guilds. After all, the players who participate in the game are awakened.

However, there may be some gaps in the equipment.

Because it belongs to the pk game, the equipment does not have the problem of damage, those super guilds, it is likely that the entire main team is equipped with a full set of legendary equipment.

The city that never sleeps can't do this. After all, thousands of people, with an average of ten pieces of equipment per person, need thousands of pieces of legendary equipment.

If it is normal, it may still be enough.

But now it is very difficult.

Since last night, the exchange’s legendary equipment has increased in price at an alarming rate.

In just one night, the ordinary legendary equipment that had already fallen to almost 20 million credits, the price directly rose to more than 30 million.

The key is that the legendary equipment on the market has been swept away, almost every new legendary equipment appears, as long as the price is not maliciously marked outrageous, it will be immediately bought.

How to prepare equipment, this issue is also the focus of the previous meeting.

Originally, it was considered that with the cooperation with Haoyu, some equipment was borrowed from them during the pk competition.

However, this thing is not expected to work.

Because the company is an equipment intermediary, in the case of a large increase in equipment, those equipment owners will either cancel the sale.

Either, they will be asked to sell at a high price before the pk match.

It is impossible to lend these equipment to them. After all, once the pk game is over, the price of the legendary equipment will definitely fall sharply.

In this case, using an epic ring that is not suitable for you, and replacing two hundred pieces of legendary equipment that can greatly increase the strength of the guild, this exchange is definitely earned.

As for the Miki consortium will not agree to change, the wind is really not worried.

They are numerous and it is estimated that there will be more than one team in the competition. Even if they have lost 200 pieces of legendary equipment, they will not affect the combat effectiveness of the main team participating in the competition.

At least, 80% may agree.

As for the return of this epic ring, the formation of the enemy behavior, so that the world is full of firepower.

Perhaps, before the super-evolution virus is merged and the life protozoa advances to super, the wind still needs to worry about this problem.

Now, how is he in his heart.

If we say that there is still a lot of uncertainty in the first meeting of the guild. Personal first, he has booked in advance!


"Wind Brothers!"

After the demon left, in less than a few minutes, they came again.

This time, came the bullet marks of a combat suit.

"The bullet marks my brother? What is it."

The wind fell to the opposite chair.

"No, I just stand and say..."

The bullets swayed and the body stood straight and meticulously... However, when speaking, it seemed to carry some embarrassment.


The wind fell and smiled.

"Wind brothers, I also want to apply for three pk foreign aid places!"

After a few seconds, the bullet marks still choose to open the way.

"Well, in fact, these three people should know that it is the left hand reflection of the Oasis town and our conflict, and the two gunners who have awakened the Force..."

"After the Sanmu consortium was driven out of the Oasis town, he had already left the guild with the brothers of the troops, and there was absolutely no intersection with the Sanmu consortium!"

It seems that I am worried about the misunderstanding of the wind. After the bullets are explained, I added a special sentence.

The bullet marks and the left-hand reflections belong to the same Star Marines service, and the two teams' respective teams, while serving in the service, do not like each other, always like to compete in various places and even dry.

However, the "hate" between these soldiers has become a sigh of relief to some extent after they have retired.

After the last oasis town fight, the two sides contacted.

In reality, they all meet and drink and chat a few times.

However, although the bullet marks tried to pull them into the city that never sleeps, but the left hand reflections and so on are never loose.

It is estimated that they are well-mixed in the city that never sleeps. If their own people come in, they will look worse.

So, it became a casual player.

However, in this pk contest, several of them have been qualified. If they want to be successful in the game, they will definitely need to join the team.

As a comrade-in-arms, the bullet marks are clearly known to the awakening of the original force are all elites, so I want to bring them to the city.

"This is a good thing. I told the animal husbandry and let him reserve three places!"

The wind fell and smiled.

The military retired personnel of the Tianxing civilization are not said in terms of quality.

The team of players who never sleep in the city, after the addition of bullets and other people, the combat capability has definitely improved a lot.

However, after all, the time is still short. Compared with the real special military, there is still some gap in quality.

The ability to be qualified, the instructions are awakening the Force, he certainly will not refuse, but is very welcome.

"Well, I know that your character in the wind, you will definitely agree. But, that... they lost a lot of liquidated damages from the Sanmu consortium... Now, there are some equipment..."

The bullet marks were bright on the face, but then the speech was slightly swallowed.

"Understood, as long as you can convince them, the equipment will be solved by the guild!"

The wind is falling.

Why is this a good thing, but there are some periods of Ai Ai.

In the night of the city, it was heated by the Sanmu consortium.

Although there are gaps in the number of people, there are definitely more people who want to join the team. Moreover, these people will definitely “bring their own dry food”, and the equipment and consumables will be handled by themselves.

The few people he recommended not only occupy a few places, but also need the guild to help prepare the equipment.

The city that never sleeps is not a large guild. It is only a matter of preparing equipment and consumables for hundreds of people. If you provide equipment for a few "outsiders" who have already joined the quota, there is no doubt that there is a feeling of "getting in the way."

However, it has been decided to exchange hundreds of legendary equipment from the Sanmu consortium, and naturally it will not care too much about this matter.

After all, the pk contest is carried out in the arena, even if it fails, it will not cause any damage to the equipment, but it is equivalent to borrowing.

"Reassured, wind brother."

"Once those guys come in, and if we have such a big advantage, even if we want to run, we must first sell the money and pay off the account."

See the wind and agree.

The bullet marks were relieved, and then a meaningful smile appeared to the wind.


Seeing the bullet marks, the "honest man" in the hearts of many people who never sleep in the city, even revealed this look, the wind fell and laughed.

Hey, the real "honest man", how can you be the special commander in the army?

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