Fatal Shot

Chapter 1144: Ice system "tyrant" life protozoa


An anchored vehicle covered with rust, a wall of grass that has grown to half a person, and a messy street with almost no visible creatures. .

This is a city that broke out of t-v virus infection six months ago, which has turned into a waste city.


Suddenly a roar of anger rang through the small half of the city.


A physique is close to four meters, and the skin color on the surface of the body is gray-blue tyrant, standing roaring beside a pool of fountains that have stopped the water.

Extend a pair of huge arms with a knife-like claw, and grab a deserted off-road vehicle in front of him.

Then, like throwing stones, with a gust of wind, slammed toward the side of the square!


However, when the off-road vehicle flew out only a distance of more than ten meters, it suddenly felt like a tear from an invisible force, and it suddenly disintegrated in the air.


And in a pile of scattered vehicle structural components, accompanied by the impact of the sound falling to the ground.

Also exposed is the opposite, a human body that is shrouded in a slender black trench coat and whose height is not even halfway.


This tyrant with pale blue skin screams toward this human being as if it must come out of his throat.

However, its expression is impetuous.

As an infected body, especially in its body, it is a faint pressure, which should obviously be a mutant creature belonging to the quasi-boss level.

This tyrant should undoubtedly be the existence of the upper layer of the food chain in the whole game, but in the face of this man wearing a trench coat, it is obviously with some anxiety.


In the full roar, the mutated tyrant moved two steps, and the two claws once again hugged another abandoned vehicle.

This time, a half-body body has crashed into the fountain pool, presenting a rectangular car-like large vehicle.

When this mutated tyrant puts his hands on the vehicle, the water in the pool can flow quickly along the body as if it violated the laws of physics. In the blink of an eye, a layer of thickness over 20 cm is covered on the car. Blue ice, like wearing a layer of armor for the vehicle.


Then, the muscles on the arm of the mutated tyrant seemed to explode in general, and in the sound of the bones, the grounded "ice bus" was grounded from the pool.


Once again, roared and threw it at the position of the man in the black trench coat.

Faced with a layer of ice, the "ice bus" that refracted the colorful light under the noon sun at this time, the person shrouded in the black trench coat did not mean to escape.


Instead, a right hand is stretched out, and the smooth arm is above, and there is a black structure like a armor in the blink of an eye.

After that, with a right hand directly, I firmly caught the "ice bus" that descended from the sky!

This is undoubtedly unbelievable, because the total weight of this added passenger car is definitely more than ten tons, combined with the powerful impact of speed.

In theory, even the European-style dome church that seems to be very strong behind this windbreaker will be directly collapsed. How could it be caught in the air by one hand?

Well, in fact, if you look closely, you can find that when this one may have mastered the water system tyrant due to a certain mutation, throw away the long abandoned bus.

In the air between him and the black man, it seems that there is a strong force field, which is constantly reducing its speed.

When the "ice bus" flew to the front of the black windbreaker, the speed had become very slow.

In addition, when the black windbreaker had no contact with the ice bus, it was like an arm covered with a layer of black matter.

There has been a very light black gas rushing out, like a net lift under the falling body.

This is the reason why the windbreaker can easily catch the body.

But even so, this is an incredible power!


And, then.

The black windbreaker was in the air to "ice the bus". Suddenly, a purple flame was burned out of the air. The thick ice layer above it melted rapidly in the flame at a speed visible to the naked eye. The white mist is pervasive!

After just a few seconds, the ice cubes were completely melted, and the entire body began to be ignited by the flames, burning up!


Then, the black windbreaker's hand shakes.

This one, which weighs more than ten tons, has begun to launch a large number of black smoke "burning passenger cars", directly in the air reverse 180 degrees.

Then, far faster than the tyrant threw out, he was thrown back to the tyrant's position!


The mutated ice tyrant, obviously, is unlikely to have the ability to catch a large passenger car by hand.

The "Flame Bus" that was thrown back was so fast that he didn't have enough time to escape. With the burning flame and black smoke, he directly fell on the tyrant's body.


Together with the front of the car, it broke the fence of the fountain pool and fell into the water.


Even if it falls into the water, the burning flame does not stop because of the height of the passenger car itself.

In particular, the purple flame that originally covered the front of the car, even if it entered the water, still burns without any loss.

Moreover, because the body turned 180 degrees, these purple flames are pervading around the mutant tyrant.


Obviously, as an ice creature, this mutant tyrant will not like this flame very much.

However, he was hit by the front of the "burning bus" that was faster than the train. Even though he had the tyrant's physique, he could not move at this time.

Therefore, the skin that was burnt to the body quickly zoomed, even if the energy of the water system was turned into water, it did not have a significant effect.


If it wasn't immediately followed, a pile of blue and white "fog" rushed out of his body and rushed into the pool.

Then, the water in the entire pool was completely driven by the water system energy, and it was condensed around him into a full-meter-diameter light blue ice layer, which finally extinguished the purple flame.

This very rare quasi-boss variant tyrant is estimated to have been burned.


However, at this time, the wind of a black windbreaker has already walked to the edge of the fountain pool.

Standing there, I closed my tyrant in the center of the pool through the window. The right hand in the windbreaker pocket was lifted up, revealing the top of the demon ring worn on the ring finger and shining with faint white light. gem"!

The next moment, the blue mist mixed in the ice layer, like a life, pulled away from it and flew toward him.

Part of it was swallowed up by the black gas that rushed out of his arm, and the other part was rushing into the gemstone above the ring.

At the same time, the thick ice layer began to melt quickly and melt!


Seeing this situation, the ice tyrant who quickly repaired the injury with the body and life of the infected body screamed.

Directly dispelled all the ice, waving two thick arms to tear off the car body around the black, want to stand up, directly attack the wind and fall.


However, the wind fell just to look at it.

The golden flames burning in the pupils flashed away.


The mutant tyrant who wanted to violently screamed, and his eyes fell into chaos in the next moment, and a scream was made in his throat.


In addition, the skin that appears to be light blue suddenly splits completely, and among the hard muscles, countless blood vessels are drilled, and the filaments that are waving are seen, and a large amount of dark red blood is poured out from it.


From these wounds and blood, a large amount of pale blue and white mist is attracted by the ring.

The temperament of the mutated boss ice tyrant is rapidly falling as the blue mist passes.


It was at this time that the wind was in the opposite direction.

It is similar to the tall round dome of the European-style building of the church, and a seemingly petite zombie figure jumps silently.


Under the sun shining overhead, you can see that this one should be the female zombie figure, holding a hand full of more than one meter long, contaminated with dried blood and fire axe, facing the wind at this time Falling in your head and slamming down!

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