Fatal Shot

Chapter 1154: A shot of "mistakes"!


Although the wind did not attack the first time.

The rest of the remote players, apparently reached a tacit understanding, launched a fierce siege in the fire of the world.

A lot of energy skills rushed toward the "large flame dragon ball", and because of the lessons learned, most of them are no longer large skills but generally small and large numbers of skills.

I have to say that the master player is a master player, and I want to focus on it in a short time.

Although mental power can take control of energy skills, but the player's energy is limited, able to control a large skill counterattack manufacturing skills.

It doesn't mean that you can control a bunch of small skills.

Being able to use one heart and two does not mean that you can use it for dozens of times.

As it turns out, their judgment is indeed correct.

In the case of so many energy attacks coming from all directions, it is true that there is no way to "reverse" all the world.

It is only possible to use the "spiritual" cut-off method to deflect the flight path of these skills by a certain angle after taking control.

Or, no longer control, let some high-aggressive skills that require maneuverability, and directly disperse energy particles in the air.

However, the number of these small energy skills is actually a lot, plus most of the speed is very fast, so at least 30% of the skills, but also fell to the "flaming Dragon Ball".

"Puff puff……"

However, the defensive power of this flame dragon ball is better than the general energy shield.

Under the attack of these small skills, although the surface color fluctuated when hit, the blink of an eye returned to normal.

“Hey, if it weren’t for the initial points limit, I couldn’t initially unlock the third epic jewel. These attacks are not likely to get close to me.”

"However, even now how close is it? This shield that combines the Force and the Spirit can be automatically restored, and it is impossible to be broken by these little skills that are not too powerful!"

Among the flame dragons, the look of the fire in the world is sneer, and the pace accelerates toward the fortress.

Of course, this sentence, he did not shout out in the public channel.

The reason why he entered the fortress so eagerly.

It is because of the equipment that is brushed into this equipment supply point, which is the necklace part among the three epic jewelry.

And this thing, left outside, whether it is seen by the attributes or the level and type of the item itself, will cause a lot of trouble.

Of course, there are no really invincible skills in the game.

Even after all three epic jewellery collections are in place, you can directly ignore all conventional energy skills.

However, physical attacks can still work.

Not to mention, there are only two pieces now.

"Da da da……"

In the career of long-range attacks, it is not just the masters, but also the gunmen.

At this time, a burst of gunfire, also shot toward the world.


The "large flame dragon ball" that is already close to the fort, but more than a dozen meters away, was shot by a legendary submachine gun.

Suddenly, there was a more intense volatility.

However, bullets with physical meanings do not fly or fall like normal energy shields when they touch the flame layer.

On the contrary, as if it was caught in the magma, the speed is greatly slowed down, and the redness and even the top of the warhead melts red.

Although it penetrated the Dragon Ball, it was also a few inches away from the world in the distance, and it fell weakly on the ground.

The flame energy shield, like the real one, was shot a lot of bullet holes, but in the next moment a lot of fire energy was replenished to repair the integrity.

Obviously, although physical attacks are more significant than energy attacks.

But unless it is a machine gunner or a sniper.

Otherwise, it is still impossible to break this flame shield and hurt the inside of the world.


The color of the hair is black, as if the sniper bullets that absorb the light, from the distant cliffs, flying far beyond the speed of the general sniper rifle, mixed with a large number of different colors of energy attacks, quietly, But effortlessly penetrated the general protective layer of magma.

However, because of the dual interference between mental strength and the original force.

No one knows that the world in the "Dragon Ball" is quite hot, and the position is not standing in the middle, but deliberately shrinking on the back side.

Therefore, the wind and the bullet, which was wiped in front of the face of the fire in the world, was once again drilled from the magma of the magma.



After that, it was a strange sound of a bullet hit.

The bullets of the wind will turn back like the energy skills of the world?


This bullet, the hit is another person.

In the original empty, a large number of flames to the entrance of the burning fortress, a figure that braved the death of white light.

Holding a pair of gray daggers in the hand, it was the assassin-type scout player who had previously sneaked and killed the first entered light armored warrior.

However, this player has already died.

Because, the wind fell this stunned bullet.

It was "coincidentally" hitting the top of his throat, and the powerful impact directly broke his neck and spine.

More than 20,000 points of fatal damage took away the amount of residual blood that he was burned by the flames and that was not much.


The world that has accelerated into the fort is fire, and the face hidden under the energy shield is sneer.

However, in the eyes, it is the color of taboos.

First, because this scout player holding two legendary daggers was able to survive the skill of the entire fortress for so long.

Even, he had touched his side silently, and he did not notice it, which made him feel a little annoyed.

The stealth effect of the Force is only hidden under the visual and detection instruments.

In theory, in his sea of ​​fire, unless you can fly from the sky or drill from the ground, it is absolutely impossible to show no trace at all!

However, it is one thing to have traces. It is another matter to be able to find out.

After awakening his mental strength, he can easily detect energy attacks, and his ability to perceive has increased several times.

However, in this case, it is touched by people. If you are attacked by the tens of millions of viewers, even if you can confidently back the person, you will definitely lose face.

The second aspect of taboos naturally comes from the sniper.

Seeing the trajectory left by the destruction of the fire energy in the Dragon Ball, he certainly knew that he had been attacked by the sniper.

If it is not without vision, and he is particularly careful not to be in a careful position, this bullet is definitely hitting the head.

In particular, the damage of this sniper is incredibly amazing.

The 20,000-point fatal injury does not seem to be very high in his eyes, and it is still played on an assassin player who does not have complete defense equipment at all.

But only he knows that this aspect of his own combines the defense of the Force's energy shield.

In the case of wearing the shield twice, playing on the assassin player still has such a high damage.

There is no doubt that if a shot is hit on him and a fatal injury is made.

Even if you don't die, you will definitely be seriously injured!

Then, in the case of a triggered skill interrupt, it is engulfed by a bunch of remote player attacks.

Of course, the greater possibility is that the sniper will immediately take off a bullet to close his head.


The world was cold and sighed, and then quickly walked to the position on the map.

Because of the exact life threat, plus some reasons, his dislike of the sniper is even heavier.

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