Fatal Shot

Chapter 1155: Angry world is burning

Although the entire abandoned fortress has a large number of legendary equipment with orange light, the epic purple is more conspicuous. .

Therefore, it is easy to get fire in the world. At first sight, you will lock what you are looking for.

"There is still an epic gear!"

Then his tone revealed some surprises.

Because he saw it, next to his own epic necklace, there was another epic-level equipment that was also exuding purple light.

This makes the world a fire, and there are some surprises in my heart.

Because there is no reason to master the manufacturing method, the number of epic-level equipment in Warfare has grown much less than the original legendary equipment.

Even among the players who have assembled the top players in the game, it is estimated that one percent of them have epic gear.

Most of these epic gears should also be brought in the first place, plus an average of almost ten pieces of equipment per person being refreshed in the supply point.

The epic equipment in the supply point is probably only a few thousandths!

Therefore, this one is just a place with more than a hundred pieces of equipment. There are two epic-level equipments. It is not surprising that the world is full of fire.

Therefore, even if the situation is not leisurely, he will not be able to put his eyes on this epic equipment when he takes his own necklace.

"Well, this pair of gloves..."

Suddenly, the look of the fire in the world has become somewhat ugly.

Eyes staring at another glove-like device like a warrior and a scout.

"The leaves of the wind!"

The world is full of fire and eyes, and the pupil shrinks and opens.

It is impossible to get the information of the participating players from the hound dog, and the Sanmu consortium can of course also.

Even because of the relationship between Mu Shao and the high-level dog hunting, their intelligence information is more complete, including the equipment analysis of the key players, there are very detailed attribute analysis and speculation.

And the world is surrounded by the hidden attributes of spiritual power.

The memory is also greatly increased. Although it is impossible to record the information of everyone, the information about the "number one enemy" of the wind is absolutely meticulous in his heart.


Outside the fort, there were some sounds of energy-capacity bombardment. Above the fortress, there was a dark gray cloud, which exudes an oppressive atmosphere. This is the 40th-level master of the water system. The first step.

However, the world is not worried.

Because the fortress is somewhat damaged, the structure is generally perfect.

People outside want to accurately attack people inside, but it is not that easy.

Because the masters can't awaken their spirits like him, and there is no epic equipment to increase the position of the person inside the wall.

"But... the leaves of the wind!"

"Are you just deliberate? Just wait for me to get the third epic jewellery set before I fight against me."

The face of the fire all over the world suddenly showed an angry look, and lowered the voice.

The right hand holding the epic necklace unconsciously clenched, and the palm of the pendant on the top of the handle was depressed.

After knowing that the wind is falling and there is equipment at this time, the world is already affirmed by the 90% of the fire, and the bullet that has just been wiped from the front of his eyes is the wind.

If the gun is just wiped from the front of him and then hit the ground or the wall, he certainly has no doubt that the wind is disturbed by his "Dragon Ball".

However, that shot, but almost flew over his face, and then intensively hit the throat of the assassin-type player that he did not find, hit a commandment and killed a stealth person.

This made him more active in his head, suddenly like a myriad of ants turning, flashing a variety of guesses.

Through the last battle, and the information in the hound information, he clearly knows that his "Dragon Ball Shield" player's attack can't be broken.

Even if it can be broken, the residual power can't cause him too much injury. However, the wind with "black energy" is one of the people who can definitely break the shield and kill him.

At this point, just that shot has been proved.

The world is too hot to think about it, and it is precisely because he knows that for the wind and the wind, the distance he moved toward the fortress, the time is full five or six seconds.

During this period of time, the wind is also enough to drive five or six shots.

Although he took advantage of the larger space and psychological factors inside the "Dragon Ball", he chose a lower position.

However, in the case of the shooting method of the wind, it is impossible to fail, and at least two or three shots will be hit in the case of shooting from left to right.

In this case, even if it is not hit, he will definitely be killed.

However, the wind fell only in the last time, and it was still a shot against his face...

This kind of thing that is contrary to common sense, so that the spirit of awakening mental activity is active in the world, is constantly in the head, constantly turning all kinds of possibilities.

Then, under the temperament factor, there is an idea that the average person does not think that he is a self-recognition.

"Oh, huh... very good, I will prove it right away, let me get the third piece of jewelry. It is the most wrong decision you made!"

The face of the world is getting dark.

Wearing that necklace on the top, all three pieces of jewelry all sent out golden light, which exudes a resonating general fluctuation.


Among the fortresses, there are fires in the sky that are gnashing their teeth and hanging necklaces.

Outside the fort, the wind fell slightly frowning, turning on the "stealth" force to quickly move in a direction and silently.

The reason for frowning is because he has just been attacked.

Just after the shot he had shot, a sniper bullet with a red liquid in his translucent appearance suddenly shot at his position.

Although this sniper bullet was hundreds of meters away from him, he was already perceived by his mental power.

When he was close to him, he had been greatly weakened by the Force Field, and even reversed the flight jumper. Finally, he wiped his distance of tens of centimeters and hit the tree behind him.

However, due to this b-class deflagration class of special seed bombs.

Although it did not hit, it was followed by the igniting of the tree and the litter around it, and naturally exposed his position.

Therefore, the wind has to choose the transfer position.

Of course, in theory, even if the equipment is not completely intact, the protozoa are blocked.

With his current ability, even if he is attacked by these remote players, he can still kill all these people with a shot.

However, once this is done, his chances of being identified are high.

Even if it is not exposed, this kind of combat power, other people will unite against him in the public channel.

After all, although the winds are sure to kill these people in the pk, if the other side is willing to escape, in this environment he can not stay in the next person, it is impossible to block the news.

"However, it is impossible to estimate how long the identity can be hidden. After the fire is in the equipment, the pair of dead women's gloves can also leak their identity..."

The wind fell over a meadow of tall people.

Because the mountain wind is fierce, the grass itself is rolling, and the reason for the high terrain here is that there is no need to worry about being discovered, so he moves faster and more than doubles the cheetah on Earth.

Speaking of it, the shot that fired all over the world before the wind fell is indeed a "mistake".

Because the distance between the separation is too far, in the case of incomplete equipment and no life parasites, the wind falls without accurately detecting the way that the world is in the middle of the "Dragon Ball" with the interference detection skill.

Therefore, the shot can only be shot at the maximum possible angle.

However, it is not a simple matter to use the wind and fall habits.

The factor of consideration for the wind and the gun is more than just the world.

After all, his mental awakening time is much earlier than the world, and the speed of thinking is not the same as that of the still equipped world.

Therefore, the wind has long discovered one thing.

The assassin player is definitely a player who is awakened by the spirit, or has mastered some kind of breathlessness like "the turtle" to avoid the mental power perception.

This is not surprising. After all, since there are ways to resist mental attacks, there are naturally skills to shield mental detection.

If the wind falls so far from the fortress, it is also impossible to feel the position of the assassin player with mental strength.

However, he still has eyes!

Perhaps, in the eyes of the spirit that has just awakened, and even more epic jewellery sets, the spiritual power is a thing that is far-fetched, far stronger than the eyes.

However, for a sniper, the eye is still the most important thing. On the eyesight, it is impossible for a dozen worlds to be comparable to a wind.

As the world is arguing, it is surrounded by an area of ​​energy and flame around the fortress.

This assassin player, in the movement, can not reveal a little trace.

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