Fatal Shot

Chapter 1168: Reappear, knife and bullet!

"Rely, look like this, it really rains!"

"Annoying! In this case, the detection ability of the reconnaissance instrument will be greatly affected."

In the refuge, the defensive team is now undercurrent.

In a straight line about 750 meters, a scout player wearing a camouflage uniform in the jungle, wearing a camouflage oil on his face, looked at the black pressed face and frowned.



Listening in the ear, the battle sound from the direction of the refuge, the scout player's face showed some disdain.

"In the arena, there are still people who do a combination of vertical and horizontal, and tm really has a market, but it is also very rare."

"Alright, let those people die there, I just need to block at this intersection, waiting for those who are attracted by the battle to harvest, but it is a hundred times easier than finding a place to find someone."

Inside the scout player's hand, holding a black body, it is a saber that has a sharp feeling, randomly trimming himself off the other hand of the glove, the nail on the slender finger.

"Well, someone is here!"

Suddenly, the scout player’s gaze moved.

The next moment, the figure jumped from the tree in Tibet.

In the air, he has used the Force to enter the "invisible" state. No one knows his position except that he left two footprints on the floor.


Half a minute later, a controller of the gamer was alert and watched and walked to the area.

He has a rotating red fire energy shield on his body.

At this stage, the energy shield of the controller can be maintained forever as long as it is not broken ahead of time.

Of course, in order to avoid consuming mp too much, in non-emergency situations, this shield is generally only excited to a low level.


Therefore, when this is full of vigilance, but did not find any abnormal control of the controller through the tree.

A black saber that exudes a strong force fluctuation suddenly appeared, with the shank facing down, like a hammer hitting the glass, breaking the non-full-fired fire energy shield.


The fire system was amazed at the face.

However, because of the alert itself, the response is very fast.


At the moment the energy shield is broken, the energy converter on the hand has already emitted red light.

A two-meter-high "resistance to the fire ring" is centered on him, spreading with the power of high temperature and everything that repels everything around him.


The soil, vegetation, branches, and even a few dozens of kilograms of stone were flung by the flames. The only trees that were not popped were covered with a layer of flames!

However, he did not play the player he expected, the one who attacked him.


Instead, a moment of "resistance to the fire ring" rushed to his five meters to dissipate, a figure fluttered from the top of his head.


A black saber with a killing force, under the illumination of the fire, directly penetrates from the top of the fire control officer and pulls it to the back.


The eye-catching five-figure bright red high damage makes the player with only a small half of the legendary equipment, the blood volume directly falls to the bottom.



It has long been expected that in the moment when the fire control officer counterattacks, it has already jumped to the tree next to it to avoid the "resistance fire ring", and then the scout player who flew down, did not give the fire control controller any player. Land opportunity.

Almost in the black saber, while the attack power was exhausted and stuck on the bone, one leg had been lifted up, with a force fluctuation, kicked in the hands of the fire control controller holding the energy converter. Let the next skill he is ready to release is interrupted directly.


After that, the backhand took out the saber and re-entered the heart from the back of the controller's player's heart.


With three consecutive hits, the rabbits fell and cleanly harvested the pk points of the fire controllers who seemed to be not well mixed.

"Sure enough, only the basic 1000 points, it seems that it is not very mixed. However, the mosquito is small and meat, and there are also several legendary equipment!"

Looking at the scoring prompt, the scout player's expression was a bit disappointing.

"Well? What the voice."

Suddenly, the scout player turned back.

Looking aside at the back of myself, my face has some doubts.


The dark clouds in the sky are more dense, and the strong winds brought by the torrential rains make the trees and vegetation in the jungle, which is not very dense, squeaky.

"Oh, it was originally blown by the wind..."

The scout player snorted in the mouth and took back his head.

Bending his body out of his hand, he seemed to want to go to the top of the legendary headgear with orange light.


However, as soon as he saw his body bent down, there was a strong force fluctuation on the saber in his hand.


Then, the force on the arm skyrocketed, holding a black saber, and with a sharp voice breaking toward the back of his body!


The black saber that opened the skill was full of a semi-circle of 180 degrees behind him, but did not hit anything.


The attack fell through, but the face of the scout player changed his face.

The body in a bent state, without hesitation, slammed out directly toward the front, and immediately ran to a dozen meters away.


Moreover, just as he was slashing his knife behind him, he had already appeared in the palm of the hand of the trophy, and there was a purple bottle-like little thing in the dark.

While the figure was moving forward, this small bottle-shaped item was left in place.


Subsequently, it exploded in the instant of the body of the fire control officer, directly forming a large area of ​​smoke with a diameter of more than ten meters.

This is obviously an instant smoke bomb!

However, unlike ordinary smoke bombs, the concentration of such smoke bombs is not high enough to completely obscure vision.

Even the things that are in the smog area are all like shadow play, and the shape is very clearly drawn!

For example, if one is hidden, even if he has a reconnaissance talent, he does not directly discover it.

It was only with the vigilance that was developed for a long time, deliberately deceived, and then discovered a trace of the phenomenon of the use of special ammunition.

"caught you!"

Scout players are braving the light in their eyes, and the saber in their hands has been replaced with a large-caliber legendary pistol!


In the twinkling of an eye, three shots were fired continuously toward the figure in the smoke area.

Three shots of black large-caliber bullets shrouded in the force of the force, and the front and back were connected to the forehead of the figure, and the heart and the throat were washed away.

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

However, the next moment, the face of the scout player is discolored again.

Because he saw the black figure in the smog area, holding a dagger-like weapon in his hand, and continuously swaying in the air, the speed of the high dynamic vision that he belongs to the scout is somewhat invisible.

"-37, -30, -42!"

However, even if he can't see the other's movements, he can see the amount of damage floating on the other's head.

The three white damage values ​​that are not available at 50 o'clock, this is obviously not the original force skill that opened the legendary pistol with the special seed bomb, the damage that should be caused by the hit!

"Oh, no!"

The scout player's face was stunned for almost a second.


Then, in the hands of the legendary pistol, unbelievable will leave the remaining five large-caliber bullets shrouded in the original force fluctuations!

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hehe..."

However, the situation just happened again.

The difference is probably this time, he opened the original eyesight skills.

I clearly saw the spark that the dagger's blade splashed in the air when it hit the neutron bomb, and the smog that flew into the smoke area. When it landed, it was smashed into a thunderbolt warhead that was still smoked in two halves.

However, looking at it is worse than not seeing it clearly.

Because, he clearly saw that the other side was still standing still in the process of slashing his bullets and moving toward him.

Moreover, the speed of the black silhouette seems to be unpleasant under the Force Vision skills, but in fact it is the super speed that he can't match at the fastest.

In addition, it appeared along with the breakthrough of the smoke area, which pierced his chest at the same speed.

A piece of material that is shrouded in a layer of black water, as if the light is attracted, is a silent dagger in the wave!


The only thing scout players can do is to try to motivate their own forces.

The right arm broke out with the power of the sleeves shattered, waving his own black knife, to intercept the black dagger that even the sound broke.


It is a pity that this 70-level legendary black saber, which is a perfect evaluation of the property, is broken like a piece of wood in the same moment that the black saber is on the same side as the other side!

Then, the scout player can only watch, the black dagger's blade, like nothing, piercing his own legendary tactical vest and combat uniforms, into his heart.

Then, it was an explosive force fluctuation that bloomed on the blade and instantly destroyed its own heart. Even if it was the healing power, it could not be repaired.



"I still, the little ones who participated in the competition..."

The scout player emerged from the throat with a few words, and the body succumbed to the dead white light that emerged from the dagger pulled out by the shadow.

"[You killed 594077 entrants, earn points: 6500 points, current ranking: 39!]"

"I am, knife and bullets!"

"Good, my husband!"

"Wife, come see the metamorphosis!"

At the same time, it is a slap in the face of a certain person who has dozens of times of the total number of spectators in this area.

"Hey, the people who besieged the supply point are so pitiful. They are more than 30 people, and they are going to be surrounded by one person!"

Of course, there are some smug hearts, but they are the voice of sigh. u

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