Fatal Shot

Chapter 1169: Quadra kill


About 500 meters from the refuge, a higher hill above.

A sniper player is about to shoot a super-large-caliber purple special sniper bullet that is close to twenty meters in length.

His body is completely hidden in the grass after a careful camouflage. In this dark weather due to the imminent rain, he can never see his camouflage from the front, from the back, or even from the top of his head. .

This is an excellent shooting position!


After the sniper bullets are loaded, the sniper player is aiming for the opportunity.

After a few seconds, the gaze flashed and the finger pulled the trigger instantly.


The ultra-large-diameter purple sniper bullets glided over a distance of 500 meters in a fraction of a second, passing through a pile of energy-skilled light beams into the hole of the refuge.

"Haha...my, grab it!"

Satisfied with the killing hints in the field of vision, the sniper player's palm hidden in the grass could not help but clench.

It wasted nearly half an hour here, and finally it was the first to get the first person's head, so that the sniper player's heart could not be attacked for a long time.

"Fortunately, those inside seem to have guilty, otherwise it is estimated to be a waste of time."

"However, this heavy-duty warrior in the city that never sleeps is really annoying enough. The defense is so high that even the legendary sniper rifle and the b-class special armor can't move."

The sniper player quickly slammed a sniper bullet and wondered.

"Well, the other party's supply should be insufficient. Plus, this round has killed two people. Then I can't keep it anymore."

"Now, what should be done is to grab food first and then 'civil war'."

"Old Wu, you should act!"

The sniper player's muzzle aimed at the refuge, and shouted in the mouth.

Their guild here is not just him alone, but also a light armored soldier next to him.

He is responsible for the output and grab points, and the light armor is responsible for protecting him. Of course, in this case, obviously he is also responsible for grabbing food.

"Well? Old Wu!"

Two calls were made in a row, and the sniper players felt something wrong.

"Old Wu!"

Looking back at the side, seeing the side, the light armored soldier hiding next to a tree, do not know when it has fallen to the ground.

And the position of his legendary helmet on the forehead, there is a bullet hole, the trunk behind it is splashed with a pool of hot blood!


Sniper players only feel that their back is cool.

A full set of legendary equipment, the light armored warrior player, was silently killed, but only less than ten meters away, but he was not aware of it at all.


The sniper player’s heart sounded loudly.

Without hesitation, he immediately rolled his body to the side and tried to avoid it, coming from an attack that was judged from the position of the light armored soldier.


However, this is obviously too late.

Because, the next second, a black playing card, has been rotated from the side to cut a row of grass, and finally inserted in his chest.

Then, the instantaneous explosive force shock directly shattered his heart.



Two seconds later, the wind fell to the sniper player's body, and the hand stretched out, and the "box nine" inserted in the sniper player's chest automatically flew back.

Subsequently, a sniper rifle was placed directly in the same place, aiming at the refuge area five hundred meters away.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

At this time, the battle in the refuge has already separated to some extent.

Two people were killed, and bullets and drugs were missing, and the interior was even more discordant.

The only seven remaining people have no resistance. At this time, they have only been able to choose to run in the shelter and give up the defense.

From the outside, there are eleven or two melee professional players, who are shrouded in a full set of power armor, rushing toward the opened entrance of the refuge!

Obviously, these people have reached an agreement.

At the time of the melee professional assault, there was no one who attacked the remote profession behind him.

"Oh, this kind of agreement can only be agreed upon if it is stared at by a bunch of spectators outside."

Although the wind fell, I don’t know how these players reached this agreement.

However, it can be roughly guessed. The reason for this cooperation agreement is that it is binding.

To a large extent should be the reason for relying on hundreds of thousands of viewers outside!

"The Maple Leaf Watching Group came to report."

"Aeolus, come on!"

"Wow, there is a good show!"

However, in fact, now these hundreds of thousands of viewers, who have been surging in more than a hundred times of the new audience, have been somewhat squashed.

The so-called "contract" is obviously not binding on the person who is specifically looking at these follow-up audiences.


The wind does not need to deliberately aim at anything.

In the hands of the sniper gun form of the "windrunner-v type" a slight shock.



The next moment, more than four hundred meters away, a light armored warrior who was rushing toward the refuge, suddenly the rear of the alloy helmet was like a hammer that was generally deformed and broken.

The strong impact even makes the light armored body unbalanced, and can't help but fall to the ground.



The light armor who had not waited for the dizziness in the impact climbed from the ground.

The tactical helmet, which has almost zero defense, has a half-fist-sized bullet hole, and then a whole lot of blood is poured out like watermelon juice.

And, a color with the same blood red fatal damage value.

The two bullets are close to 40,000 points of damage, even if this player has more than half of the legendary equipment, it also directly emits the death white light.



And before the player reacted, the other one in the charge of the light armor, the helmet was equally "impacted".

"Hey, hey..."

Under the impact of bullets and their own inertia, the body in the high-speed charge tumbling over a dozen or so laps on the gravel-filled ground.



On the last lap, the scene of the headshot of the watermelon juice accompanied by the death of white light was once again presented to everyone.

"what happened!"

"It's a sniper!"

"Who is attacking, isn't it a cooperation?"

"Is there any scattered people or other four guild players?"

In the battlefield area, the public channel instantly became a vegetable market.

The communication blockade is aimed at the big pineapple and other people in the refuge. The location of these remote players outside, the communication interference is not serious.

Because of the distribution relationship of the system, in addition to the four guilds trapped, the rest of the people are actually counted in several guilds who know each other, so they can form cooperation!

As for other guilds and some casual players, when they arrive here, they will be targeted.

Therefore, in the case of two light armored soldiers suddenly attacked by snipers, they will produce this reaction.

Of course, it is only those players who are not attacked by the guilds who are not attacked.

"I am, who is it, get out!"

The players of the two guilds who were killed by teammates were furious at this time.

The scouts in the team, desperately throwing reconnaissance into the scouts in their hands, tried to find the location of the snipers who killed the teammates through ballistic analysis skills.

However, there is nothing at all!

The legendary reconnaissance device could not find the location of the attacker.


Instead, another light armored soldier was silently killed and broke the equipment and items of the place.


Above the mountain, the face of the wind is calm and waveless.

The "Windrunner-v" in the hand points to the fourth selected target, and again slightly shocked.



The warrior player who was originally in the charge was not aware of it.

Deliberately changing his own trajectory, but under the eyesight and judgment of the wind, it did not have any effect at all. The helmet was as "silent" as the four people in front.

And his position was close to a cliff, and the body fell down badly.


In the air, the head of this light armored soldier once again "exploded" under the eyes of the public.

The a-level "Ghost-2" bullet was silent during the flight, and it was impossible to restore the track position by the general reconnaissance instrument during the shooting.

"Hey, why can't you find someone, is it that someone is interfering with my detection. Are they swearing?"

"Call your people to stop first, let us solve the sniper sneak attack!"

Four people died in a row, but even the enemy's position could not be judged. Many people were suspicious.

In particular, the four guilds of the warrior players who have been killed by the impact refuge are trying to stop those warrior players who are still rushing toward the inside.

However, those light armored fighters who have already rushed into the refuge, how can they stop listening to them?

What's more, the area is blocked by communications, and they can't hear the chaotic words in the public channel.



So, the next moment, a sniper bullet hit the leg of the fastest shinning warrior player.

This time, it was not the wind and the gun, but a sniper of the guild that had only one warrior in his own guild, but was blown to the head of the blast.

“Hey, Dahe Group, what are you doing?”

"Mom, you count us, really think we can't see it, want to kick us out?"

"Fuck, you tm hit us and say ours, believe it or not, I immediately yelled at you, don't think I don't know where you are!"

"Hey, come on, come... oh!"

No response, because the sniper player who just attacked.

The next moment has been exploding his head with a sniper bullet that can't tell the direction.

"Ah, Pharaoh, bastard!"

"Oh, we can't get it, don't even think about it."


A group of smoky energy fire clouds formed directly above the sprinting warrior players in front of the refuge, and seemed to be full of oppression under the clouds in the sky.

"Da da da……"

More organic gunners, shooting at the position of those warrior players.

As a result, the situation on the battlefield suddenly became chaotic.

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